Friday, December 6, 2013

December 6, 2013 Friday

Abs and Arms, but many disruptions, only got through half and feel like I will do the same again tomorrow.  She uses weights and a chair to work out the arms and back, triceps for those flabby underarms.  She says don't wave goodbye with those, tighten them up.  Then down to the floor for abs, crunches, sit ups and obliques.  Just getting up and down, chair to floor is a workout.

Psalm 103 - This is my favorite, I want it read at my funeral, it says it all for me.  God provides all we need, protects us, loves us and forgives us all our sins.

2001 - On this day, at this time of year, always the same, shopping, decorating and writing Christmas cards.  I used to send out over 100 cards, I have since narrowed it down to much less.  The cost of mailing is the key issue here, but when you think of it, even .46 cents is cheap to let someone know you are thinking of them.  Maybe I will pick up some extra cards.

Parenting - My friends have had much to do with the raising of their grandchildren.  The parents have had a difficult time getting started and keeping it going, so grandma and grandpa have had a full house, on and off.  Taking in the family is one thing, but you know they always have pets, and it is never a goldfish.  God bless grandma's and grandpa's.

Unalaska -  Here is some more interesting data about our location.
Unalaska (Aleut: Iluulux̂[3]) is a city in the Aleutians West Census Area of the Unorganized Borough of the U.S. state of Alaska. Unalaska is located on Unalaska Island and neighboring Amaknak Island in the Aleutian Islands off mainland Alaska.
The population was 4,376 at the 2010 census, which is 79% of the entire Aleutians West Census Area. Almost all of the community's port facilities are on Amaknak Island, better known as Dutch Harbor or just "Dutch". It is the largest fisheries port in the U.S. by volume caught. It includes Dutch Harbor Naval Operating Base and Fort Mears, U.S. Army, a U.S. National Historic Landmark.
Dutch Harbor lies within the city limits of Unalaska and is connected to Unalaska by a bridge. Amaknak Island is home to almost 59 percent of the city's population, although it has less than 3 percent of its land area.
The Aleut or Unangan have lived on Unalaska Island for thousands of years.[4] The Russian fur trade reached Unalaska when Stepan Glotov and his crew arrived on August 1, 1759. The Unangan people, who were the first to inhabit the island of Unalaska, named it "Ounalashka" meaning ‘Near the Peninsula’. The regional native corporation has adopted this moniker, and is known as the Ounalashka Corporation.[5]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Grandma Alexandra!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December 4, 2013 Wednesday Time to decorate

Kathy Smith was my trainer today on Total Body Workout.  I only lasted 20 minutes today, but I think I worked up enough energy to put my tree up, maybe.

Matthew Chapter 13 - A triple parable day!  The hidden treasure, the pearl and the net.  The treasure and the pearl promise that if you realize the worth of your faith, you will surely go to heaven, which is the best treasure.  The net is about fishing and what happens to the bad fish.  I love these stories.  Looking for a good read?

1999 - On this day, Nicole and I decided to decorate the evergreen tree in the front yard.  It was 60 degrees, a nice day, so we faced the 30' tree, undaunted.  We tied a nerf football to the first string of lights and tossed it over the tree, good toss the lights landed on the top.  Then we circled and attached string after string till we go to the bottom, an hour or so later.  Our neighbor, Roxanne agreed to letting us plug in to her house, which was the closest plug.  We got the extension cord and then realized we had the wrong end of the lights.  You ask?  Yes, we took them down and did it again the right way, but not since then. 

Parenting - My friend's son had a little boy last week, his name is Emmett.  The new grandma, Pam and I had been decorating our friend Norma's tree (she had foot surgery) when she suggested she would call and we would go see the new baby. They let us in.  Not all new parents will, but we are a pretty harmless group, so they said ok.  There is definitely something therapeutic about cuddling a new baby.

Unalaska - Here is some more info about our current location:
Dutch Harbor is also known to War veterans and history buffs as the only land in North America, besides Pearl Harbor, that was bombed by Japanese zeros during World War II. Evidence of the Armed Forces' bunkers, Quonset huts, and barracks are still visible today, dotting the green hills of Unalaska and Amaknak Islands. Tour the many remnants and remembrances of military presence throughout the island as well as at the WWII Historical Center. The sites and the Historic Center are part of the WWII National Historic Area opened by the National Park Service in 2002.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 3, 2013 Tuesday

Pilates with the ring.  Again exercising on your  back, a plus.  It does work everything out though with less stress to the back.  There is so much info out there about exercising, surely you can find something that appeals to you.  I read that when you take a walk a short burst of fast walking, just a few seconds will benefit you immensely.  First you got to take that walk.

1 John  Chapter 2 - tells us that the greatest indicator that God loves us is that he calls us children of God.  Parents love their children, claim them and care for them, as God does for you.

1984 - On this day, my husband Mark and I went down to Mott Center and had an amniocentesis test done.  I was 38 and their was family history to worry about.  The news was excellent, the baby (Nicole) was fine and that we were having a daughter.  Mark immediately decided her name should be Smedley.  The test was easier for me then Mark, I thought he was going to pass out.

Parenting - Everyone wants a healthy baby, and most are, but there are the ones that have to bear and extra cross in life.  God does not do that, now is the time to consider evolution, after creation.  I had a brother, David, that was born with a stem cell abnormality, a genetic defect.  He never matured past infant stage, but lived to 16 years old.  It gives you an extra depth of emotion to love someone like that.  God bless the caregivers.

Unalaska - lets look at some history!

“Crossroads of the Aleutians"

Unalaska has witnessed sweeping change in nine-thousand years of human history.
The Unangan people were the first to inhabit the island of Unalaska which they named “Ounalashka” meaning ‘Near the Peninsula’. They developed an intricate and complex society long before the first contact with Russian fur traders who documented their existence. Artifacts, stories, and re-creations of their rich culture can be viewed and studied at the Museum of the Aleutians with many artifacts dating back roughly 9,000 years.
The Russian influence is best viewed by touring the Holy Ascension Russian Orthodox Cathedral, one of the oldest cruciform-style Russian churches in the country. The Cathedral is a National Historic Landmark and houses one of Alaska's largest and richest collections of Russian artifacts, religious icons and art pieces, some having been donated to the church directly from Catherine the Great.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!

Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2, 2013 Monday After the Feast

Fat Burning Pilates - A nice workout, on your back, works out everything and helps with breathing.

Psalm 26 - I have nothing in common with David at this point.  He calls himself blameless and talks of his integrity and great love of God.  Ok I have a great love for God, and I do have integrity, (I think)  but I am not blameless.  Thank God for the forgiveness in his son Jesus the Christ.

1974 - On this day, we had 18" of snow.  It shut down everything, all you could do was shovel out.
I lived in Birmingham at the time on a corner lot that was 160 foot deep, so a very long sidewalk as well.  I learned after that to not buy corner houses, and of course to always have a snow blower.  I should have learned to buy a house with the garage out front or next to the house, closer to the street.  Oh well live and learn, but I do have a snow blower, and a daughter.  No snow here today, something to be thankful for!

Parenting - Nicole and I have different opinions on snow.  It's ok.  I never really liked snow, it's pretty to look at, but that's about it.  She snowboards.  But it is the season of snowmen and snow ball fights, sledding and skating, or maybe just a walk in the snow on a crisp morning.  I will try to keep a positive outlook, and enjoy watching kids in the neighborhood make a snowman.  Maybe pay them to make one in mine, they always make the yard look happy.  Do you live where there is snow?

Unalaska - As my friend Amy said "UN believable"!  Looks interesting doesn't it?Pretty sure they get plenty of snow:
 The population was 4,376 at the 2010 census, which is 79% of the entire Aleutians West Census Area. Almost all of the community's port facilities are on Amaknak Island, better known as Dutch Harbor or just "Dutch". It is the largest fisheries port in the U.S. by volume caught. It includes Dutch Harbor Naval Operating Base and Fort Mears, U.S. Army, a U.S. National Historic Landmark.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 1, 2013 Sunday A time of Advent

John chapter 14- "Do not let your hearts be troubled.  you believe in God." I know a few people that do not believe in God, but most of you do, even if you don't practice the faith.  If even not to have a troubled heart, it is good to believe.  He believes in you.

2004 - On this day, I went to my friend Waynette's to help wrap Christmas gifts for the family our group had adopted for the holidays.  We usually picked a mom with a lot of children to buy, clothes, food and toys for.  We always tried to include a smoke detector with batteries.  This year, again, there are many opportunities to share, food drives, toys for tots and trees with individual names.  I never look and pick a specific age or girl/boy, I let destiny take its course.  This year I lucked out with a 11 year old girl.  Fun.  Find a way to share, brighten someone's Christmas.  It will brighten yours.

Parenting - Finally, the next generation has assumed the position.  They are now throwing the parties, doing the decorating and running off to work between social and home keeping tasks.  It is nice to pass the torch and still be able to enjoy the festivities, except, I still had to drive home.  Great kick off to the Christmas season Scott and Lindsey!  Thanks.

We have flown out of Mongolia and headed east to the good ole USA.  kind of.  Welcome to Unalaska!  :
Bundle up, its cold up there!
Enjoy the Day!  make it memorable!