Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 1, 2013 Sunday A time of Advent

John chapter 14- "Do not let your hearts be troubled.  you believe in God." I know a few people that do not believe in God, but most of you do, even if you don't practice the faith.  If even not to have a troubled heart, it is good to believe.  He believes in you.

2004 - On this day, I went to my friend Waynette's to help wrap Christmas gifts for the family our group had adopted for the holidays.  We usually picked a mom with a lot of children to buy, clothes, food and toys for.  We always tried to include a smoke detector with batteries.  This year, again, there are many opportunities to share, food drives, toys for tots and trees with individual names.  I never look and pick a specific age or girl/boy, I let destiny take its course.  This year I lucked out with a 11 year old girl.  Fun.  Find a way to share, brighten someone's Christmas.  It will brighten yours.

Parenting - Finally, the next generation has assumed the position.  They are now throwing the parties, doing the decorating and running off to work between social and home keeping tasks.  It is nice to pass the torch and still be able to enjoy the festivities, except, I still had to drive home.  Great kick off to the Christmas season Scott and Lindsey!  Thanks.

We have flown out of Mongolia and headed east to the good ole USA.  kind of.  Welcome to Unalaska!  :
Bundle up, its cold up there!
Enjoy the Day!  make it memorable!

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