Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 30, 2013 Saturday

Having some difficulty with my blog, maybe the overload on the internet is edging me out.

Started the day with AM Yoga, maybe my favorite, except.  The idea behind this is to relax into the poses, breathe and meditate.  I wish this for you.  It is impossible in my house, one eye on the cat at all times.  Here he comes again.

Psalm 66 - Praying to God.  This writer had some serious distress and turned to God for help.  The last verse of this psalm is "Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!"  Prayer is open communication with God, a direct line and He always listens.

1991 - On this day, it was Denise's birthday.  The little girl down the street that Nicole hardly ever played with, but always went to her birthday party.  Maybe, because she was always invited to Nicole's.  You never want to leave a kid out.  But when she got back, Nicole had to help her brother Aaron collect can goods.  He got the wagon out and employed the help of 5 other kids in the neighborhood to gather food.  Aaron was a business man.  He collected the most of all the kids in his class.  It is that time of year, pick up some extra for the food drives that come to your door or at church.  It is a time of giving.

Parenting - It is one of the best things to teach a child, to give.  To be generous.  We could cure so much of the world's trouble, if the next generation thought of others first. 

Tsetserleg - Pack up your stuff, get your last minute souveniers, eat one more meal of Mongolian food, and head to the airport.  I will advise you tomorrow where we are headed, have to look at the map, any suggestions?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable

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