Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 30, 2013 Saturday

Having some difficulty with my blog, maybe the overload on the internet is edging me out.

Started the day with AM Yoga, maybe my favorite, except.  The idea behind this is to relax into the poses, breathe and meditate.  I wish this for you.  It is impossible in my house, one eye on the cat at all times.  Here he comes again.

Psalm 66 - Praying to God.  This writer had some serious distress and turned to God for help.  The last verse of this psalm is "Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!"  Prayer is open communication with God, a direct line and He always listens.

1991 - On this day, it was Denise's birthday.  The little girl down the street that Nicole hardly ever played with, but always went to her birthday party.  Maybe, because she was always invited to Nicole's.  You never want to leave a kid out.  But when she got back, Nicole had to help her brother Aaron collect can goods.  He got the wagon out and employed the help of 5 other kids in the neighborhood to gather food.  Aaron was a business man.  He collected the most of all the kids in his class.  It is that time of year, pick up some extra for the food drives that come to your door or at church.  It is a time of giving.

Parenting - It is one of the best things to teach a child, to give.  To be generous.  We could cure so much of the world's trouble, if the next generation thought of others first. 

Tsetserleg - Pack up your stuff, get your last minute souveniers, eat one more meal of Mongolian food, and head to the airport.  I will advise you tomorrow where we are headed, have to look at the map, any suggestions?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable

Friday, November 29, 2013

November 29, 2013 Friday

I was so busy with Thanksgiving prep I missed yesterday.  Hope your day was filled with family, food and football, or quiet and restful - whatever you liked.

Did weight training with Denise this morning, figured fat burning was just a joke for the day after all that food.  My weight training paid off, I could lift that turkey out of the oven, and the fork to my mouth.  Nicole went to the gym this morning.

1 Samuel chapter 16 - This is where God tells Samuel to go and anoint a new king to replace Saul, at the possible expense of losing his life to Saul.  But being a good man of God, Samuel went to the house of Jesse.  Jesse had a lot of sons, and Samuel, being human assumed the best man of the bunch would be chosen.  No, God chose David, the youngest, smallest of the sons.  God knows best what a person is made of and capable of.  He knows you and what is in your heart, and He loves you.

1987 - On this day, it was a Sunday and I took Aaron and Nicole to the city ice rink, ice skating.  Neither of them had a lot of experience, Nicole was only 2.  But they learned and we skated a lot at the rink for years.  I had always enjoyed ice skating when I was a kid and we lived on the lake.  I remember having to shovel a big patch of ice (we didn't have a Zamboni)  and the ice was not always great, but it was the best time, followed by hot chocolate.  They have skating down at Campus Martius now in downtown Detroit, I am tempted, my skates are hanging in the garage.  You should go, my skates are size 8, white figure skates if you want to borrow them! 

Parenting - I kept the kids busy, they knew better then to tell me they were bored.  Boredom is a state of  YOUR mind, so something about it if you are bored.  Really, Aaron and Nicole were seldom bored and we explored all sports and opportunities to try new things.  Aaron took a break dance class and Nicole tried Irish step dancing.  A nice Christmas present might be an art or dance class, or even a class on real estate for someone.  Activities are better then "stuff" I think.  Get creative this year.

Tsetserleg Mongolia -  lets take a side trip and camp a couple days in northern Mongolia, and don't forget to pick up a few souveniers, it is close to finding a new haunt for December.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 27, 2013 Wednesday

Kathy Smith's fat burning workout.  Maybe save this one for Friday after turkey.

Psalm - Chapter 42 - "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God."  God is as necessary to our lives as water, we are refreshed in his presence and kept alive by his grace.

1980 - On this day, I took my dog Ziggy and went up to my Mom's in Gaylord for Thanksgiving.  Her and husband Bob had built a beautiful big home on a hill north of town.  It was so peaceful, it had snowed all day and we just relaxed and had a late turkey dinner.  Life never seems that slow anymore, too bad.

Parenting - Life is so busy, especially if you have kids.  After raising Nicole, I never went back to the laid back lifestyle of when I was single.  Is it the family life?  or is it the times we live in?  Even being retired I have this urgency to do/accomplish something everyday.  I see Mom at 92, just sitting in the chair watching TV and wonder if I will ever be able to do that.  I don't think so.  I do love to be busy, but it is hard to turn it off.

Tsetserleg - Take a little tour of the countryside before we leave Mongolia in a few days -
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

November 26, 2013 Tuesday

Just a little Balletercize.  Nice work out for the legs, balance, and fun.  She is British, a proper ballerina.

1 Corinthians chapter 13 - Love is Indispensable.  "love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self seeking.  It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs".   There is more, but most of us know what love is, or do we?  God's love for you is perfect, hard to replicate.

1977 - On this day, I had a party at my house.  Now, my house, for those that don't know, is very small, but it never stopped me from entertaining.  I listed in my journal those that came, and most I am still in touch with.  I have had many parties, weddings, funerals etc. here, if the walls could talk.   Do you like to entertain?  Planning a holiday get together at your place?  I am looking forward to attending parties, not throwing them anymore, but I did enjoy it.  Let the festivities begin!

Parenting - I was always a big "birthday" celebrater.  Holidays are great, but your birthday is just your day.  It was always important to have parties for the kids, and we did.  Nicole still has her bash every May, but now it is an outside party with a keg.  I believe that life is meant to be celebrated.

Tsetserleg - Mongolia.  Parties are often about food, right?  How about some Mongolian? :

Enjoy your meal!

What is the food of the nomadic herders in the mongolian steppes? As to be expected, they primarily eat the products of their animals, meat and milk. Those simple base materials are processed with a surprising variety of methods, and combined with vegetables and hand made noodles.
We have collected all the contemporary mongolian recipes that we could find. The most well known dish might be the Buuz (steamed filled pockets). Among the drinks the traditional Milk Tea, und Airag fermented from mare's milk. But this is just a small display out of the variety of mongolian food.
Allow our recipes to surprise you!  
There are a million Mongolian recipes!  Pick one and try it!  The beef dishes look great.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Tony!  (92)

Monday, November 25, 2013

November 25, 2013 Monday

Start out the week with abs of steel workout.  (It is mostly done laying on the floor, which I see as a positive)  Take what you want from it, but just try 10 sit ups or crunches to start.

John chapter 1 - The Word Became Flesh.  This takes some insight. (mine is not perfect, but it is what I am stuck with)  Referring to God as "the word" and that the word is born into the world in Jesus.  I look at it as thought - the constant in our lives, what goes on in your brain - all the time, from birth to death, but this goes beyond.  You don't see God physically but you can see the results of His existence in everyday life, just as you can with thought, education, ideas, the result of consciousness.  Love is the biggest result of the Word - that "I don't know why I love you but I do" thing.  Think about it.

1996 - On this day, Thanksgiving is over and now the busyness starts.  Put all the fall décor away, clean and haul out all the Christmas stuff.  It has become a bigger, busier task then what I remember it to be when I was a kid.  When looking back through journals, I'm not sure if it is comforting or just repetitive, but life goes on and so do the holidays.  The same thing, 17 years later I went to Grace Circle.  It is a group of my friends at church that get together one Monday a month eat and have Bible Study.  It is very comforting to me, I love these women.  Tonight we decorate the "Grace Circle" tree.  We have around 50 trees in our church and attract quite a few people to see them.  I guess you call it - tradition.  What are your traditions?

Parenting -  Grace circle originated as a group of women, that were raising children,(many alone)  that worked.  So we met in the evening, very often brought our kids to do homework or run amuck in the church while we had our meeting, after feeding everyone.  Now we are mostly retired, kids grown and do less around church then we used to.  Mom's circle are in their 90's and only meet to eat and have Bible study.  There is much comfort in that, and continuity.

Tsetserleg Mongolia - Our freedom is only as safe as the freedom of everyone else in the world.  Do you enjoy religious freedom?  Some don't :
Twentieth century
In the soviet communist Buryatya and People’s Republic of Mongolia both Buddhism and shamanism were suppressed. Ritual sites were destroyed and lamas as well as shamans were killed. Also in China, the religious traditions suffer much from the communist regime.
In the Mongolian People’s Republic the communist purges seem to be the most effective. In 1937 they are started leading to an almost complete wipe out of the Buddhist clergy. All but one monasteries were destroyed and thousands of monks were killed or deported. Moses states:
The Mongolian People’s Republic is perhaps unique in having successfully eradicated almost all vestiges of religion, from the dogma once taught to the people, to the individual monastic institutions that once existed all across Mongolia. […] Religion…is no longer a social factor in the Mongolian People´s Republic ” (Moses 1977: 2-3)
Seeing the great revival of Buddhism in the present time, we maybe must conclude that the elimination wasn’t as complete as Moses says. Nevertheless it was completely wiped out in public life. Many rituals and festivities were prohibited or tried to be secularized throughout all of Greater Mongolia. An interesting note that in Buryatya the elimination of Buddhism led to a growth of the “decentralized and flexible folk practice of shamanism” (Worden & Savada).
Although freedom of religion is guaranteed by the constitution of 1960 religious activity remains hardly tolerated. In 1989 then liberation sets in with a policy to reaffirm traditional culture (Worden& Savada). In 1990 under influence of the perestroika in the USSR communism falls in Buryatya as well as Mongolia and a revival Buddhism sets in. Monasteries and other religious are restored and inhabited again. People attend services and consult lama's for important events (Hind 2000).
Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 24, 2013 Sunday

Went out to Christ Lutheran this morning.  Love that Pastor Beebe smiles through a good portion of
his sermon.  Today was Christ the King Sunday, that is something to smile about.  First because we call Christ our king, he doesn't, and it is the last day of the church year, which means we now head
into advent.  That is the beginning of the Christmas season, not the time of huge sales for retail.  It is a time for remembering the oncoming of the Christ child's birth, a birthday we celebrate by giving each other gifts, a little out of control these days, but just as he would want it.  Give unto others, but not because it means they have to give back.  It is a season of giving and Christ is king at that.

1993 - On this day, Aaron brought over his "new car"  it was a 1986 Mustang, very nice first car.  I was so happy that he came over to show it off.  Nicole thought it was the coolest car, of course she thought every thing her brother did was the coolest.  It was a year of a lot of changes for us, and I am so happy that Aaron made the effort (at 16) to keep us in his life, especially Nicole.  He always was a special guy!  What was your first car?  Mine was a 1963 Corvair convertible, white with red interior, 4 on the floor.  Do you ever forget?  Aaron did that car have tinted windows?

Parenting - We introduce our children to many things growing up, sports, books, fashion or whatever they show an interest in.  I admit, I was adamant about my kids going to church, Aaron too on the weekends he was with us.  How can children even make an adult decision to attend church if they never experienced it as a child.  This is the time of year when we used to get numbers of new children into sunday school, because of the Christmas pageant.  It's ok, but there is so much more to know.  Consider giving your child the gift of a lifetime this year - faith.

Tsetserleg Mongolia - Buddhism
Larry Moses traces the first contact of the Mongolians with Buddhism back to the 4th century A.D. By that time the T´o-pa Wei dynasty would have some influence on the Juan-juan dynasty which dominated Mongolia at that time (Moses 1977: 23-4). A later Buddhist influence is that of the Kitan in the 10th century, from which at the time of writing a stupa in Kerulen Bars Khota and the remainings of Buddha statue at Khalkhin Gol. In 1125 the Kitan dynasty falls and Mongolia reverts to a disorganized collection of warring tribes in which Nestorianism, Manicheism and shamanism are the main religions. (Moses 1977: 34-9)

It is in the time of the Great Khans that the Tibetan form of Buddhism gains influence in Mongolia. In the beginning of the 13th century Chinggis Khan conquers Tibet. The leader of the biggest empire ever was known for his religious tolerance, having Nestorian Christians, Moslems, Manicheïsts and shamans within his realm. When after his death trouble arises in Tibet his grandson is send to settle things. Allthough doing this with a trail of destruction he makes friends with Sakya (Sa skya) Pandita, the patriarch of the Sa skya sect. With these two the special Tibetan lama-patron relationship starts. Godan´s successor Khubilai Kahn continued this relation with Sakya Pandita´s nephew Phags-pa. He was kept at the Mongolian court, but more for political than spiritual reasons. By holding a representative from the ruling Sa skya pa, Khubilai hoped to realise a friendly attitude of the Tibetans. While being at the Mongolian court Phags-pa converted great parts of the ruling class including Khubilai (Fonteijn 1999: 32-4; Heissig 24; email contact Henk Blezer). So for the first time Mongolia came under major Buddhist influence, although it seems to mainly have been limited to the upper class.
At the end of 16th century Altan Khan is in power. He meets with Sonam Gyatso, a Tibetan Buddhist leader whom he gives the title of Dalai Lama. This meeting means a revival of Buddhism in Mongolia. Later great-grandson of Altan Khan will pointed as an incarnation of the Dalai Lama, strengthening the ties between Mongolia and Tibetan Buddhism (email contact Henk Blezer). From that period on Buddhism becomes the predominant religion in the Mongolian territories and establishes a big clergy. At the end of the nineteenth century there were 583 monasteries and temple complexes and 243 incarnate lama's would be living in the Mongolian territories, of which 157 resided in Inner Mongolia (Heissig 1980: 1; Worden & Savada). The Buddhist clergy controlled about 20 percent of the country’s wealth and in the 1920s there were about 110.000 monks, making up one-third of the male population (Worden& Savada). Moses especially emphasis the negative impact of this clergy:
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sandy!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

November 23, 2013 Saturday

3 minutes of aerobics and 1 minute of weights for 30 minutes.  Got my heart pumping.  Just what the doctor ordered.

2 Corinthians  Chapter 3 - It says we are the letter that the Holy Spirit sends to others with the good news.   Our lives tell the story best of who Christ is.  Love one another.

2005- On this day, we headed up north to my brothers to have Thanksgiving.  Usually, a 2 1/2 hour drive took us 5 hours.  It was a blizzard, blowing and slowing traffic to a crawl.  The trip was always worth it though.  Their friends had a big, old farmhouse and had a huge crowd, with 2 turkeys and one longgggg table to sit everyone together.  I loved  it.  (The following year it was in the 70's).  Must be Michigan.  What weather memories do you have of Thanksgiving, maybe at the parade?

Parenting - Nicole and I prefer to sit at home in front of the TV and watch the parade, but one year we did go to downtown Detroit with Teresa & Joe Whitenight and their kids to experience it.  We had great seats till the Distinguished Clowns parked their big truck right in front of us.  Tsk.  I like my couch, so does Nicole.  And we are not to fond of clowns, there is a reason they are called that.

Tsetserleg Mongolia- last week of our stay here.  Check out one of the religions:

ShamanismThe native religion of Mongolia is, like the language, related to the Turkish tradition and would also have similarities with the Tibetan Bön. In general this religion is referred to as shamanism (Heissig 1980). Rather often shamanism refers to a specific form of this religious phenomena present in Siberia, and although there is a relation with this form it is not the same (Heissig 1980: 6). Above this `shamanism´ implies that a religious specialist is needed and central to it’s faith and practices while in fact it is an animist religion with an arsenal of beliefs and practices in which a shaman not necessarily is involved. 

This native religion is not unequivocal, with a unequivocal doctrine,  but rather a diversity of  local beliefs and practices, which by a number of common characteristics can be lumped together. Central in this belief is the worship of the Blue, Mighty, Eternal Heaven (köke tngri, erketü tngri, möngke tngri) (Heissig 1980: 6, 47-8). There is a total of 99 tngri or heavenly creatures of which Köke Möngke Tngri (Eternal Blue Heaven) is the chief. According to European sources from the thirteenth century this would be one god, from whom it is believed he is the creator of the visible and invisible (Heissig 1980: 48). In Asian Mythologies it is referred to as monotheistic with multiple gods. Next to Köke Möngke Tngri there is Qurmusata King of the Gods. He has a special relation with the origin of fire. It is said that “Buddha struck the light and Qurmusata Tngri lit the fire” (Heissig 1980:??). And fire still is considered sacred among Mongolians. One of the many etiquettes that applies in a ger is to never stamp out the fire, or put rubbish or water on it.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!


Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22, 2013 Friday

This was Denise and I doing some salsa and cha cha.  #If you rest you rust  Or let me know and I will bring you a can of oil, while you are resting/rusting.

Luke Chapter 1 - The angel comes to Mary and tells her she has been chosen to carry the son of God.  The story in itself is amazing.  None of us could imagine having this encounter.  I did pick up a line in the story that said "and he will reign over Jacob's descendants forever: his kingdom will never end."  Not Abraham's descendants, as we know Ishmael was also his son.  I don't remember this distinction before, interesting.

2003 - On this day, we did a Ladies Day of Thanks at church.  You decorated a table and brought goodies to snack on and beverages, then invited 7 of your friends to join you.  There were music offerings, poems, Bible readings and talk of what we were thankful for.  Nice evening.  At this time of year, many events are going on to remind us of what the holidays are about, to remind us to share our time and our resources with friends and family and those in need.  If you see something at church or in your neighborhood - go!  I am pretty sure you won't be disappointed.

Parenting - We all want to instill a sense of goodness in our children, that makes them WANT to help, give and share.  It is better to give then to receive, honest, it is.

Tsetserleg Mongolia - It seems that most religions are centered on being good and sharing, if not with everyone, those of their own faith.  We are adamant about our own religion but don't always adhere to the teaching of our faith.    Check out the religion in Mongolia and see who they are and what they practice.  Here is some type of monument, check it out.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 20, 2013 Wednesday

Pilates for Dummies.  I am past this, but it is still a good workout, you just have to wait thru all the explanation, and of course I can still be a dummy.

Philippians chapter 2 - This section talks about imitating Christ's humility.  Not easy for people now a days.  But a lot of you live the basic example of putting others first, even though the talk show hosts tell you to think of yourself and be your best, have the most and look fantastic.  I still see, in my circle of life, most people are considerate, caring and generous with others.  That is who Christ is.

2000 - On this day, it was always a big finish to the end of high school basketball this time of year.  In 2000, Southlake Lake lost in finals to Country Day, in 2001 they lost finals to Lutheran North.  On this day they came back from a game and Nicole's car was missing from the parking lot.  It was Grandma's old Tempo that she had given to Nicole on her 16th birthday.  Nicole was totally devastated.  The bite here was, it was the asst. coach and phys ed coach that "stole" it.  (And I had been coerced into giving them my extra key to do it.)  They were pranking her for all that she had pranked them.  Happy days of school sports, bet you got some good stories too.

Parenting - Their favorite prank was saran wrapping friends and facutlty cars.  It went on through college.  I didn't hear as much about it, but on occasion saw pictures.  I think it is good to inspire a sense of fun into life for your kids.  Try pranking them when they get home today, but be prepared to get it back.  They can be pretty resourceful.

Tsetserleg Mongolia - When you travel you always take home treasures and remembrances for family, etc.  Thought you might like this:
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19, 2013 Tuesday

Dancing with Rita, also arm workout with weights and leg exercises.  The dancing is fun, remember Rita from West Side Story?

Psalm 39  - I don't remember this psalm, maybe it wasn't relevant to me before, and I don't think it is the psalm the writer of todays study based his study on.  BUT, it is a great psalm.  It is God talking to Job and asking him if he knew when every mountain goat and deer gave birth, or if he knew how stupid the ostrich is?  Who gave the horse its strength and taught it to paw and snort.  How the young eaglet is taught to soar and love the taste of blood.  All God - You go God! He rocks!

1999 - Nicole had a paper route.  I should say Nicole and Grandma had a paper route.  Times change.  They would go out to Groesbeck and 14, pick up the papers and plastic bags and rubber bands, put them in the back seat and Grandma would bind or stuff bags and Nicole would put them on the porches.  I believe she had a couple of routes, there were a lot of papers.  How did the old boys do it on a bike?  Must have had a closer drop off spot and smaller routes.  Anyway, don't forget to tip your paper carrier (they all drive now a days) and maybe their grandma.

Parenting - About that.  Should I have made her deliver the papers on her bike (as in the old days) ? Wasn't it kind of like a family business?  Either way, I think it gave her a sense of responsibility and some extra cash for those expensive sports shoes and Doc Martins she loved.

Tsetserleg - Arts and Crafts!  They have very interesting and colorful, art and books.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013 Monday

Got my exercise cleaning up the yard after last nights storm, and fresh air, always a bonus.  Couldn't wait to get back in for that coffee.  Maybe a walk later :). 

Nehemiah chapter 9 - Not a book I often read from.  In this chapter Nehemiah recounts to the people of Israel the story of the Exodus.  I am often astounded at the "stiff necked" people of those days, that kept ignoring a God that was RIGHT THERE WITH THEM.  "But in your great mercy you did not put an end to them or abandon them, for you are a gracious and merciful God."  He forgave them and then later in the body of Christ, He forgave them and us forever.  He is indeed merciful.  He is still with us.

1984 - My friend Chris and her husband went to Las Vegas.  They went occasionally, and I seem to remember a recurring problem.  On this day their flight had to make an emergency landing.  Maybe you know about this - they have a lot of flight problems due to the geography of the city.  Is it in a bowl?  I have never been, don't gamble, (Scottish) and this is just another reason not to go.  Let me know if you have any more info on this.

Parenting - Spring and fall the garage has to be reorganized for the season.  Nicole and I were out there for 2-3 hours yesterday.  I enjoyed it, we accomplished a lot.  She can do things that I can't like drive a nail into a board and screw hangers into the ceiling rafters.  Thanks Nicole for giving up your Sunday couch time and making it fun. 

Tsetserleg Mongolia -  lets go here for lunch!

Lonely Planet review

This British-run cafe is one of the highlights of Tsetserleg and should feature prominently on your itinerary. A full English breakfast (T12,100) consists of bacon, sausage, eggs, toast and pancakes – enough for two people. Lunch and dinner options include lasagne, chilli con carne, beef in beer sauce and some vegetarian dishes. Pastries are served all day long and are great snacks to take with you on the road. The cafe is also a good place to ask about travel conditions and look for a ride if you are hitching around the country. Note that it’s closed on Sundays – plan accordingly.

Read more:

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 17, 2013 Sunday

1 John chapter 1 - God came into the world so that you would believe and  as his own son, died on the cross for your sins.  Do you sin?  We all do and all need forgiveness.  It is yours through Jesus Christ.  "God is light, in Him there is no darkness at all" 

1982 - On this day, I helped the St Clair Shores probation office with the overload they had in a program known as "one on one" .  The girl I was working with at this time was an alcoholic.  After a few initial meetings I suggested we join an exercise class together, "oh yeah" she said enthusiastically.  You deceive yourself if you think it is easy to retrain a behavior problem, especially a addictive personality problem.  I learned more from her then she did from me, I am sure.  Her help was ordered by the court, help only occurs when the person wants it.  After exercise class she whipped a bottle of booze out of MY glove compartment.  Never saw her put it in there.

Parenting - My heart goes out to the family of the recent victim, a girl, age 19 who was extremely drunk and had an accident with her car.  If you have had a child or family member in this scenario you know how it ended.  Maybe they were arrested, or woke up somewhere with a horrible hangover, or called someone to come and help them, and got lucky and it all worked out.  Not so with this girl, she made additional mistakes in not getting help and in drunken thinking approached the house of a stranger for help.  The stranger was obviously insecure about the safety of his neighborhood and home and was armed and afraid of strange people coming to his door in the middle of the night.  Bad case scenario no matter what color, age, religion or heritage.  We have to quit hating and inciting hate.

Tsetserlet Mongolia - lets go to the museum today:
This is one of the best aimag museums in the country. It’s housed in the temple complex of Zayain Gegeenii Süm , which was first built in 1586 but expanded in 1679, when it housed five temples and up to 1000 monks. Miraculously, the monastery escaped the Stalinist purges because it was made into a museum.
The main hall concentrates on traditional Mongolian lifestyle, with exhibits of costumes, traditional tools, a ger, musical instruments, weaponry and saddles. The displays have some useful English captions. The second hall concentrates on religious icons. The other two rooms of the former main prayer hall are empty, while the last hall focuses on local artwork. Look out for the unique traditional playing cards.

Read more:

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

November 16, 2013 Saturday

The beginner yoga is boring to me, going to quit doing that one, if anyone wants to get started on yoga, let me know.  You have to stay in touch with what you like, if something is not working, change it up, but don't stop doing something! 

Romans chapter 13 - This is tough, I really think you should read it for yourself.    Titled Submission to governing authorities.  Now you know.  Has He noticed our politicians lately?  Followed by a title of Love fulfills the law.  Love thy neighbor.  Glad I don't have any current politicians living by me.

1980 - On this day - my friend "Doc" called and said he wanted to go down to Sindbad's for lunch.  They had/have great chili.  So we had lunch and then hit a few more places before he dropped me home.  We were great company, had great conversations, until we had too many, then we argued.  Politics, religion or social issues.  I don't do those topics with most people, but he had a way of drawing me out.  We were even kicked out of a couple places for our rowdy conversations.  You are never the same person with different people, I think.  RIP Jack.  I enjoyed the times!

Parenting - My neighbor is having problems with her oldest son.  He is 21, works at a car dealership and drinks too much.  She wants him out of her house.  This morning she was emptying stuff from the garage, and when she is mad, she is loud. (at 7am)  These days will pass, it doesn't seem like it at the time.  Don't even have any good advice, every situation is different, just have to ride it out. phew, I'm praying for them.

Tsetserlet - found this great video on U tube.  If you didn't get it just go to u tube and type in Tsetserleg Mongolia. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Be careful - Beth, Michelle, and Nicole!

Friday, November 15, 2013

November 15, 2013 Friday

Dancing aerobics!  Get that cardio in.  A little dancing in the AM can certainly give you a shot of energy.  If you have a full day ahead, try it.  Hey!  Christmas is coming, ask Santa for some get started yoga, pilates or aerobic video's.  Or, some people like to go out to the gym!  Get ready!  You know after Christmas everyone gets on the fitness kick.  Start early!

Matthew chapter 8 - Stormy seas happen, in all of our lives.  Storms are a natural part of our world, like the typhoon that hit the Phillipines this week.  Let the people caught in that storm know of Jesus' love for them by helping out with a donation.  We are God's hands here on earth.

1978 - On this day, I used to work home shows down at Cobo for the picture frame company I worked for.  We sold a lot of framed art work, prints, posters, etc.  We also had a huge print collection of old Vanity Fair, Audubon, beautiful old prints.  It was the Paul Victorious collection and we had access to the Weiss collection, which was huge.  I know because we inventoried it.  It was a great business to be in, paid poorly, but I survived.  The show on this day was a Condo and apartment show, maybe the start of the market for Condo's in the Detroit area.  Long days on your feet, but I was young.  We shared a space with Jerry Sensoli from Dearborn, His guy Mike and I spent the week together down there, couldn't tell you anything about him today.  People come and go, don't they?

Parenting - Just came from the foot dr with Mom.  She goes every 1 or 2 weeks.  Pretty sure he keeps her feet intact.  Anyway, there was a black man, middle age in the waiting area, with a cute blond white, one year old baby.  He obviously spent a lot of time with her, you could tell.  They were waiting for her grandmother who was in getting her feet checked, (I assume).  Half the people in the area were black and half were white,  the baby was wonderfully color blind, going to everyone with her smile.  I pray the world will all be that way someday.

Tsetserleg Mongolia -  Go to Mongolian BBQ today!! 

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 14, 2013 Thursday

Leviticus chapter 19 - the third book of the old testament.  I read this as a good advice to Christians.  Apparently, it is good advice for everyone.  Be fair, care for your neighbors, the poor and the hungry.  Live a righteous life.

2008 - On this day, they were performing Willy Wonka at church.  This year they did Sound of Music.  Every year around this time the group puts on a class act play, with church members and people from the community at First English.  It never fails to amaze me the talent that materializes every year.  They do a dinner before the Friday and Saturday night show and then there is a matinee  on Sunday.  The children do such a wonderful job as do the adults that turn out for this.  I am sure they are all resting now from the long exhausting practices they have had for the last 3 months in preparation.  If you get a chance, watch for next years performance, you won't be sorry.

Parenting - I love to watch the parents watching their kids up on stage.  Each child was the star of the show to them, had their complete attention.  Maybe when that child is acting up on a later date, they will remember that shining hour on stage and remember how good positive attention is and continue to give attention on a regular basis.

Tsetserleg -   Wander the land that gave the world Genghis Khan and experience the rich pageantry and intense competitions of the legendary Naadam Festival. Witness giants wrestle, archers hit impossible targets and horses race across grasslands to glory. Travel the region’s steppes and sand dunes to uncover storied Buddhist monasteries and cultural treasures on this unique Limited Edition adventure. Overnight in gers with local families for extraordinary cultural experiences you won’t soon forget.

Read more:

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!

November 13, 2013 Wednesday

18 minutes of Abs of Steel.  Did some Pilates while I was out of town, but a long drive sure kills the back and neck.  No wonder truck drivers are so out of shape.  Work those abs!

1 Corinthians chapter 12 - this is about the parts of the body all being necessary, as are all the different parts of the church, ie people.  Everyone has something to offer, from the youngest to the oldest and of all different thought.  All of God's people are special to Him and necessary to the church. Those churches that have become exclusive are becoming nonexistent. 

1990 - On this day, my father in law, Ed was reinstalled as president of the Grosse Pointe chapter of Barbershoppers. Mark and I went to support him and of course listen to the great music that group produced.  I have video of their concerts and mall gatherings at Christmas, etc, but it isn't as good as hearing Ed's beautiful tenor voice reach those notes.  RIP to a great father in law and tenor!

Parenting - I also noted on this same day that Nicole (5) made lunch for us before I took her to kindergarten.  It is never to young to start good habits. 

Tsetserleg -  Hey!  they are experiencing the same weather as us here in Michigan !
Current Conditions -  °F | °C
As of 10:30 PM on Wednesday 13 Nov 2013 (Local Time) from ZMUB Reporting Station
Current Conditions -  °F | °C
As of 10:30 PM on Wednesday 13 Nov 2013 (Local Time) from ZMUB Reporting Station
Few Clouds Few Clouds   Feels Like: 3°
Wind Chill:  Ceiling: Unl
Heat Index:  Visibility: 6mi
Dew Point:  Wind: 2mph
Humidity: 92% Direction: NA NA
Pressure: 29.94" Gusts: NA
Report Text: ZMUB 131430Z VRB01MPS 9999 FEW033 M16/M17 Q1014 NOSIG RMK QFE653.3 90 NT
11 PM
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12 AM
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M Clear19°
1 AM
M Clear
M Clear18°
Interactive Weather Map

Saturday, November 9, 2013

November 9, 2013 Saturday

Aerobics - Get Started, is a weight watcher video.  Dancing, light weights, cardio.  Key here is Get Started.  Then Nicole went on a walk with me. 

Two readings suggested   Matthew chapter 7 about not worrying what you have to eat or wear, God will provide.  That is a responsibility we find hard to let go of, right?  Try thinking of God as the guy that stocks Kroger or Pay Less shoes.  Ephesians chapter 2 - reminds us to trust the God that raised Christ from the dead.  Now that is power.  Trust in Him that gives us the rock to stand on.

1982 - On this day, my friend Ty told me to drive his Cadillac while he was in Key West.  So I did, and on the way home during a horrible rain and wind storm, the traffic light was out and a cop was directing traffic on 8 Mile at the Dequindre intersection.  She told me to stop, but the old guy coming from behind didn't see the light was out, or the cop, he hit me doing maybe 50 and almost ran over the cop.  What is funny is Ty is in Key West right now again, but I am not driving his car anymore.

Parenting -  My Mom always asks me if I am wearing a jacket when I go out, or if I am dressed warm enough.  It is just a small way she can exert that parental concern. (Everyone - awwwwww)

Tsetserleg - More info: At 1,564,116 square kilometres (603,909 sq mi), Mongolia is the 19th largest and the most sparsely populated independent country in the world, with a population of around 2.9 million people. It is also the world's second-largest landlocked country after Kazakhstan. The country contains very little arable land, as much of its area is covered by steppes, with mountains to the north and west and the Gobi Desert to the south. Approximately 30% of the population are nomadic or semi-nomadic. The predominant religion in Mongolia is Tibetan Buddhism, and the majority of the state's citizens are of Mongol ethnicity, although Kazakhs, Tuvans, and other minorities also live in the country, especially in the west. About 20% of the population live on less than US$1.25 per day.[13] Mongolia joined the World Trade Organization in 1997 and seeks to expand its participation in regional economic and trade regimes.[14]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday November 8, 2013

"Stay motivated".  That's what the trainer said this morning.  It is called zone pilates, slightly lame, but it is something.  And we all need to stay motivated.  (That was your pep talk for the day)

Mark chapter 12 - Warning against the Teachers of the Law - Beware of those that "become" the law themselves and forget Jesus's teachings of acceptance and understanding.  To continue on to The Widow's Offering"  Those who give the most to church are still maybe thinking they are "more" the church then those who don't give as much.  We need to keep alert.  Also, remember, it more blessed to give than to receive.  Good topics in this study today.

1981 - On this day, I had the realestate people in.  This was the first time I put my current house on the market.  My friend Linda and I decided to unload our possesions and travel the country to see where else we would like to live.  I had my house on the market, had a lot of lookers but only low offers.  There is reason for that.   In the mean time, Linda worked for a company that opened up in Texas and offered her a great job there.  If I had sold my house I would be there too.  Linda lives in Dallas and I am still here in this house.  God has a plan, and I accept his greater plan then mine. (Not that I believe in Devine intervention but, oh well).

Parenting - I would never change a thing in my life, had I left, I would never had Nicole.  Nuff said.

Tsetserleg -  The country came under Soviet influence, resulting in the proclamation of the Mongolian People's Republic as a Soviet satellite state in 1924.[12] After the breakdown of communist regimes in Europe in late 1989, Mongolia saw its own Democratic Revolution in early 1990; it led to a multi-party system, a new constitution of 1992, and transition to a market economy.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to my grandfather, Heinrich (120)  RIP.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday November 7, 2013

2 Samuel  chapter 5 - The people were not happy with just a magnificent God that created the earth and everything on it, that had the power to kill all life in an enormous flood, saved them from a life of slavery in Egypt, brought them to the land of milk and honey and showed them many miracles.  They wanted a king, prophets, judges here on earth.  And we wonder why God has become humdrum in this day and age, for some.  Well they got King David and for the second time he conquered the Philistines, with God's help.  He (God) is so patient and understanding and He will help you with your battles as well.

1979 - On this day,  I got an invitation to go along to the Olympia to see the Red Wings play.  It was a great opportunity that I'm glad I didn't miss.  I believe they moved the games to Joe Louis shortly after that.  Thanks Guy!  He was a salesman that came into Quality, where I worked.  He couldn't do enough for you. 

Parenting - Spectators sports are a great way to spend time with family I think.  Nicole and I have attended may events together.  I especially like the Tiger games with the church group.  We really enjoyed the chili-football event at Melissa and DJ's last weekend.  What does your family like?

The area of what is now Mongolia has been ruled by various nomadic empires, including the Xiongnu, the Xianbei, the Rouran, the Gökturks, and others. In 1206 Genghis Khan founded the Mongol Empire, and his grandson Kublai Khan conquered China to establish the Yuan Dynasty. After the collapse of the Yuan, the Mongols retreated to Mongolia and resumed their earlier pattern of factional conflict and occasional raids on the Chinese borderlands. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Mongolia came under the influence of Tibetan Buddhism. At the end of the 17th century, all of Mongolia had been incorporated into the area ruled by the Qing Dynasty along with China. During the collapse of the Manchu Qing Dynasty in 1911, Mongolia declared independence.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 6, 2013 Wednesday

This is definitely my oldest exercise video.  Kickin with Country with Denise Austin.  Its a 1/2 hour or so of line dancing.  "Elvira" gets you moving.  Getting my cardio!

Ecclesiastes chapter 3 - you know this one.  A time for everything (turn turn turn).  Everything changes, our lives the seasons, people, but God never changes.  He loves you through all the changes.

1988 - On this day.  It started out a banner day, Nicole actually stayed in her Sunday School class, (she was 3).  Then I had a houseful of company, and it snowed. But then, Andy and Alice left for the hockey game and I took their girls home to their mother and when I got home, the house was empty, they had all gone next door to the neighbor and even took Toto, the dog.  I remember the sense of emptiness, but then it turned into a huge phewwwwwwwwww.  Do you like your lone time?  Most days it is hard to come by.

Parenting - Those first days of Sunday School, preschool, daycare or kindergarten are such hard adjustments.  Sometime more for the parent then the child.  Oh and it doesn't stop, how about that first time when you move them in and leave them at college?  Turn, turn, turn.

Tsetserleg Mongolia - Mongolia Listeni/mɒŋˈɡliə/ (Mongolian: About this sound Монгол улс ) is a landlocked country in East and Central Asia. It is bordered by Russia to the north and China to the south, east and west. Ulan Bator, the capital and also the largest city, is home to about 45% of the population. Mongolia's political system is a parliamentary republic.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable

Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4, 2013 Monday

Monday with Richard.  Tone and stretch.  A tension strap to add to your lifts and bends.  Just a little can make a difference on those mushy muscles.  Or you can go for the Arnold look if you want.

Romans  chapter 12 -  I love this one about doing good not evil.  I am all about that.  But why, if I feed and give my enemy food and water will I be (or want to) heap burning coals on his head.  Does this give us some sense of justice or satisfaction?  hmmm heaping coals.  Any help here?  (you can respond on my new blog!)

1980 - On this day, Reagan beat Carter in a landslide vote.  Only in America can you rise through the ranks of movie stardom to president, right?

Parenting -  Nicole took the time yesterday to help me with this blog.  It has been a year since I started this and hope I am doing it right now.  The biggest advantage is that you can respond to this page, so if you want to tell me I am a nitwit, now you can.  It is so good to have young people around to help with the ever escalating electronic world. 

Tseterleg Mongolia - I love finding out that some of you really enjoy the world cyber travel here.  I have been doing this for maybe 10 years now and really enjoy it.  Here is a little more on Tseterleg:
Tsetserleg has an airport, with regular connections from and to Ulan Bator, a theatre, hotel, hospital, and an agricultural college. The main industry is food processing.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Dad!  you would have been 94!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday November 3, 2013

This is just to share inspiration, to feel better through moving,   faith, memories, shared insights on parenting and a better knowledge of our world.
I'm trying to move over to Blogger so that people can comment on my posts.
Out to Christ Lutheran today.  Love Pastor Beebe's sermon, always so enthusiastic and positive.

Today is the Day of Saints where we remember those that have gone before us in the past year.  It is sad to loose them, especially those who were young, but we are reminded that death is a door to the other side that Jesus stands at and holds open for you.  God provides.

1979 - On this day, my friend Linda and I went down to the RenCen which was pretty new then.  We walked and shopped and had lunch at the Magic Pan, which was a crepe place.  I really enjoyed those, and there were a few scattered around, I guess we didn't like them enough, I haven't seen one.  Anybody seen a Magic Pan lately?

Parenting - Nicole and I were talking about public schools on the way home from church.  Some do fine, Nicole did, others need different education techniques I think.  If your kid does not do well in a school system, and the school does nothing to find out why, would you consider putting them elsewhere?  I saw the post in the newpaper and online this week that more public school teachers send their kids to private schools then other groups of parents.  I did not benefit from public school myself, and was told it was my fault.  I accepted that, never would today.

Tsetserleg - lets find out more! :
Tsetserleg is an ancient cultural and commercial centre. It was once the seat of a monastery, built by the First Khalkh Zaya Pandita, Luvsanperenlei (1642–1715) (who should not be confused with Zaya Pandita Namkhaijantsan (1599–1662)). This consisted of the main Guden Süm, the Right, or Summer Semchin Temple, and the Left, or Winter Semchin Temple, all built in the early 1680s. The sixth Zaya Pandita, Jambatseren, was killed by the Communists in 1932, and the main Guden temple was turned into a museum. There is a seventh Zaya Pandita, but he mostly lives in Ulan Bator, and visits only occasionally.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!