Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday November 7, 2013

2 Samuel  chapter 5 - The people were not happy with just a magnificent God that created the earth and everything on it, that had the power to kill all life in an enormous flood, saved them from a life of slavery in Egypt, brought them to the land of milk and honey and showed them many miracles.  They wanted a king, prophets, judges here on earth.  And we wonder why God has become humdrum in this day and age, for some.  Well they got King David and for the second time he conquered the Philistines, with God's help.  He (God) is so patient and understanding and He will help you with your battles as well.

1979 - On this day,  I got an invitation to go along to the Olympia to see the Red Wings play.  It was a great opportunity that I'm glad I didn't miss.  I believe they moved the games to Joe Louis shortly after that.  Thanks Guy!  He was a salesman that came into Quality, where I worked.  He couldn't do enough for you. 

Parenting - Spectators sports are a great way to spend time with family I think.  Nicole and I have attended may events together.  I especially like the Tiger games with the church group.  We really enjoyed the chili-football event at Melissa and DJ's last weekend.  What does your family like?

The area of what is now Mongolia has been ruled by various nomadic empires, including the Xiongnu, the Xianbei, the Rouran, the Gökturks, and others. In 1206 Genghis Khan founded the Mongol Empire, and his grandson Kublai Khan conquered China to establish the Yuan Dynasty. After the collapse of the Yuan, the Mongols retreated to Mongolia and resumed their earlier pattern of factional conflict and occasional raids on the Chinese borderlands. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Mongolia came under the influence of Tibetan Buddhism. At the end of the 17th century, all of Mongolia had been incorporated into the area ruled by the Qing Dynasty along with China. During the collapse of the Manchu Qing Dynasty in 1911, Mongolia declared independence.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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