Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013 Monday

Got my exercise cleaning up the yard after last nights storm, and fresh air, always a bonus.  Couldn't wait to get back in for that coffee.  Maybe a walk later :). 

Nehemiah chapter 9 - Not a book I often read from.  In this chapter Nehemiah recounts to the people of Israel the story of the Exodus.  I am often astounded at the "stiff necked" people of those days, that kept ignoring a God that was RIGHT THERE WITH THEM.  "But in your great mercy you did not put an end to them or abandon them, for you are a gracious and merciful God."  He forgave them and then later in the body of Christ, He forgave them and us forever.  He is indeed merciful.  He is still with us.

1984 - My friend Chris and her husband went to Las Vegas.  They went occasionally, and I seem to remember a recurring problem.  On this day their flight had to make an emergency landing.  Maybe you know about this - they have a lot of flight problems due to the geography of the city.  Is it in a bowl?  I have never been, don't gamble, (Scottish) and this is just another reason not to go.  Let me know if you have any more info on this.

Parenting - Spring and fall the garage has to be reorganized for the season.  Nicole and I were out there for 2-3 hours yesterday.  I enjoyed it, we accomplished a lot.  She can do things that I can't like drive a nail into a board and screw hangers into the ceiling rafters.  Thanks Nicole for giving up your Sunday couch time and making it fun. 

Tsetserleg Mongolia -  lets go here for lunch!

Lonely Planet review

This British-run cafe is one of the highlights of Tsetserleg and should feature prominently on your itinerary. A full English breakfast (T12,100) consists of bacon, sausage, eggs, toast and pancakes – enough for two people. Lunch and dinner options include lasagne, chilli con carne, beef in beer sauce and some vegetarian dishes. Pastries are served all day long and are great snacks to take with you on the road. The cafe is also a good place to ask about travel conditions and look for a ride if you are hitching around the country. Note that it’s closed on Sundays – plan accordingly.

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Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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