Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22, 2013 Friday

This was Denise and I doing some salsa and cha cha.  #If you rest you rust  Or let me know and I will bring you a can of oil, while you are resting/rusting.

Luke Chapter 1 - The angel comes to Mary and tells her she has been chosen to carry the son of God.  The story in itself is amazing.  None of us could imagine having this encounter.  I did pick up a line in the story that said "and he will reign over Jacob's descendants forever: his kingdom will never end."  Not Abraham's descendants, as we know Ishmael was also his son.  I don't remember this distinction before, interesting.

2003 - On this day, we did a Ladies Day of Thanks at church.  You decorated a table and brought goodies to snack on and beverages, then invited 7 of your friends to join you.  There were music offerings, poems, Bible readings and talk of what we were thankful for.  Nice evening.  At this time of year, many events are going on to remind us of what the holidays are about, to remind us to share our time and our resources with friends and family and those in need.  If you see something at church or in your neighborhood - go!  I am pretty sure you won't be disappointed.

Parenting - We all want to instill a sense of goodness in our children, that makes them WANT to help, give and share.  It is better to give then to receive, honest, it is.

Tsetserleg Mongolia - It seems that most religions are centered on being good and sharing, if not with everyone, those of their own faith.  We are adamant about our own religion but don't always adhere to the teaching of our faith.    Check out the religion in Mongolia and see who they are and what they practice.  Here is some type of monument, check it out.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!

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