Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday November 3, 2013

This is just to share inspiration, to feel better through moving,   faith, memories, shared insights on parenting and a better knowledge of our world.
I'm trying to move over to Blogger so that people can comment on my posts.
Out to Christ Lutheran today.  Love Pastor Beebe's sermon, always so enthusiastic and positive.

Today is the Day of Saints where we remember those that have gone before us in the past year.  It is sad to loose them, especially those who were young, but we are reminded that death is a door to the other side that Jesus stands at and holds open for you.  God provides.

1979 - On this day, my friend Linda and I went down to the RenCen which was pretty new then.  We walked and shopped and had lunch at the Magic Pan, which was a crepe place.  I really enjoyed those, and there were a few scattered around, I guess we didn't like them enough, I haven't seen one.  Anybody seen a Magic Pan lately?

Parenting - Nicole and I were talking about public schools on the way home from church.  Some do fine, Nicole did, others need different education techniques I think.  If your kid does not do well in a school system, and the school does nothing to find out why, would you consider putting them elsewhere?  I saw the post in the newpaper and online this week that more public school teachers send their kids to private schools then other groups of parents.  I did not benefit from public school myself, and was told it was my fault.  I accepted that, never would today.

Tsetserleg - lets find out more! :
Tsetserleg is an ancient cultural and commercial centre. It was once the seat of a monastery, built by the First Khalkh Zaya Pandita, Luvsanperenlei (1642–1715) (who should not be confused with Zaya Pandita Namkhaijantsan (1599–1662)). This consisted of the main Guden Süm, the Right, or Summer Semchin Temple, and the Left, or Winter Semchin Temple, all built in the early 1680s. The sixth Zaya Pandita, Jambatseren, was killed by the Communists in 1932, and the main Guden temple was turned into a museum. There is a seventh Zaya Pandita, but he mostly lives in Ulan Bator, and visits only occasionally.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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