Saturday, November 16, 2013

November 16, 2013 Saturday

The beginner yoga is boring to me, going to quit doing that one, if anyone wants to get started on yoga, let me know.  You have to stay in touch with what you like, if something is not working, change it up, but don't stop doing something! 

Romans chapter 13 - This is tough, I really think you should read it for yourself.    Titled Submission to governing authorities.  Now you know.  Has He noticed our politicians lately?  Followed by a title of Love fulfills the law.  Love thy neighbor.  Glad I don't have any current politicians living by me.

1980 - On this day - my friend "Doc" called and said he wanted to go down to Sindbad's for lunch.  They had/have great chili.  So we had lunch and then hit a few more places before he dropped me home.  We were great company, had great conversations, until we had too many, then we argued.  Politics, religion or social issues.  I don't do those topics with most people, but he had a way of drawing me out.  We were even kicked out of a couple places for our rowdy conversations.  You are never the same person with different people, I think.  RIP Jack.  I enjoyed the times!

Parenting - My neighbor is having problems with her oldest son.  He is 21, works at a car dealership and drinks too much.  She wants him out of her house.  This morning she was emptying stuff from the garage, and when she is mad, she is loud. (at 7am)  These days will pass, it doesn't seem like it at the time.  Don't even have any good advice, every situation is different, just have to ride it out. phew, I'm praying for them.

Tsetserlet - found this great video on U tube.  If you didn't get it just go to u tube and type in Tsetserleg Mongolia. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Be careful - Beth, Michelle, and Nicole!

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