Friday, November 29, 2013

November 29, 2013 Friday

I was so busy with Thanksgiving prep I missed yesterday.  Hope your day was filled with family, food and football, or quiet and restful - whatever you liked.

Did weight training with Denise this morning, figured fat burning was just a joke for the day after all that food.  My weight training paid off, I could lift that turkey out of the oven, and the fork to my mouth.  Nicole went to the gym this morning.

1 Samuel chapter 16 - This is where God tells Samuel to go and anoint a new king to replace Saul, at the possible expense of losing his life to Saul.  But being a good man of God, Samuel went to the house of Jesse.  Jesse had a lot of sons, and Samuel, being human assumed the best man of the bunch would be chosen.  No, God chose David, the youngest, smallest of the sons.  God knows best what a person is made of and capable of.  He knows you and what is in your heart, and He loves you.

1987 - On this day, it was a Sunday and I took Aaron and Nicole to the city ice rink, ice skating.  Neither of them had a lot of experience, Nicole was only 2.  But they learned and we skated a lot at the rink for years.  I had always enjoyed ice skating when I was a kid and we lived on the lake.  I remember having to shovel a big patch of ice (we didn't have a Zamboni)  and the ice was not always great, but it was the best time, followed by hot chocolate.  They have skating down at Campus Martius now in downtown Detroit, I am tempted, my skates are hanging in the garage.  You should go, my skates are size 8, white figure skates if you want to borrow them! 

Parenting - I kept the kids busy, they knew better then to tell me they were bored.  Boredom is a state of  YOUR mind, so something about it if you are bored.  Really, Aaron and Nicole were seldom bored and we explored all sports and opportunities to try new things.  Aaron took a break dance class and Nicole tried Irish step dancing.  A nice Christmas present might be an art or dance class, or even a class on real estate for someone.  Activities are better then "stuff" I think.  Get creative this year.

Tsetserleg Mongolia -  lets take a side trip and camp a couple days in northern Mongolia, and don't forget to pick up a few souveniers, it is close to finding a new haunt for December.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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