Friday, November 15, 2013

November 15, 2013 Friday

Dancing aerobics!  Get that cardio in.  A little dancing in the AM can certainly give you a shot of energy.  If you have a full day ahead, try it.  Hey!  Christmas is coming, ask Santa for some get started yoga, pilates or aerobic video's.  Or, some people like to go out to the gym!  Get ready!  You know after Christmas everyone gets on the fitness kick.  Start early!

Matthew chapter 8 - Stormy seas happen, in all of our lives.  Storms are a natural part of our world, like the typhoon that hit the Phillipines this week.  Let the people caught in that storm know of Jesus' love for them by helping out with a donation.  We are God's hands here on earth.

1978 - On this day, I used to work home shows down at Cobo for the picture frame company I worked for.  We sold a lot of framed art work, prints, posters, etc.  We also had a huge print collection of old Vanity Fair, Audubon, beautiful old prints.  It was the Paul Victorious collection and we had access to the Weiss collection, which was huge.  I know because we inventoried it.  It was a great business to be in, paid poorly, but I survived.  The show on this day was a Condo and apartment show, maybe the start of the market for Condo's in the Detroit area.  Long days on your feet, but I was young.  We shared a space with Jerry Sensoli from Dearborn, His guy Mike and I spent the week together down there, couldn't tell you anything about him today.  People come and go, don't they?

Parenting - Just came from the foot dr with Mom.  She goes every 1 or 2 weeks.  Pretty sure he keeps her feet intact.  Anyway, there was a black man, middle age in the waiting area, with a cute blond white, one year old baby.  He obviously spent a lot of time with her, you could tell.  They were waiting for her grandmother who was in getting her feet checked, (I assume).  Half the people in the area were black and half were white,  the baby was wonderfully color blind, going to everyone with her smile.  I pray the world will all be that way someday.

Tsetserleg Mongolia -  Go to Mongolian BBQ today!! 

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

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