Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 17, 2013 Sunday

1 John chapter 1 - God came into the world so that you would believe and  as his own son, died on the cross for your sins.  Do you sin?  We all do and all need forgiveness.  It is yours through Jesus Christ.  "God is light, in Him there is no darkness at all" 

1982 - On this day, I helped the St Clair Shores probation office with the overload they had in a program known as "one on one" .  The girl I was working with at this time was an alcoholic.  After a few initial meetings I suggested we join an exercise class together, "oh yeah" she said enthusiastically.  You deceive yourself if you think it is easy to retrain a behavior problem, especially a addictive personality problem.  I learned more from her then she did from me, I am sure.  Her help was ordered by the court, help only occurs when the person wants it.  After exercise class she whipped a bottle of booze out of MY glove compartment.  Never saw her put it in there.

Parenting - My heart goes out to the family of the recent victim, a girl, age 19 who was extremely drunk and had an accident with her car.  If you have had a child or family member in this scenario you know how it ended.  Maybe they were arrested, or woke up somewhere with a horrible hangover, or called someone to come and help them, and got lucky and it all worked out.  Not so with this girl, she made additional mistakes in not getting help and in drunken thinking approached the house of a stranger for help.  The stranger was obviously insecure about the safety of his neighborhood and home and was armed and afraid of strange people coming to his door in the middle of the night.  Bad case scenario no matter what color, age, religion or heritage.  We have to quit hating and inciting hate.

Tsetserlet Mongolia - lets go to the museum today:
This is one of the best aimag museums in the country. It’s housed in the temple complex of Zayain Gegeenii Süm , which was first built in 1586 but expanded in 1679, when it housed five temples and up to 1000 monks. Miraculously, the monastery escaped the Stalinist purges because it was made into a museum.
The main hall concentrates on traditional Mongolian lifestyle, with exhibits of costumes, traditional tools, a ger, musical instruments, weaponry and saddles. The displays have some useful English captions. The second hall concentrates on religious icons. The other two rooms of the former main prayer hall are empty, while the last hall focuses on local artwork. Look out for the unique traditional playing cards.

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Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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