Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29, 2014 Monday

Stretch - stand up straight, suck in your gut like you have a corset on and hold for 30 seconds.  Don't hold you breath.  Do this 5 times.  It's a start.

Ephesians chapter 2 - For by grace you have been saved through faith.  YOU can't earn your own way into heaven.  It's impossible.  You have been saved by God's great grace.  Forgiven for your sins through Jesus Christ's death.  But you can still do good works to thank the Lord and help someone else be thankful for their salvation.  Tell them you do it because God has saved you.

On this day:
2005 - I went out to Milne's dealership to look for a replacement car for Nicoles Tempo that passed on to the off road happy trails place.  The used car guy said he had just taken in a Saturn Vue in trade and would like to get it off their Ford lot.  It was a light gold SUV with a stick shift in really good condition.  I called Nicole at Albion and asked if she thought that would work.  I got an emphatice YES.  That car lasted a lot of miles and a lot of years.
1983 - The War Powers Act was used for the first time by the U.S. Congress when they authorized President Reagan to keep U.S. Marines in Lebanon for 18 more months. This might be good to remember.

Parenting - Remember when your child would find something that would keep them entertained for long periods?  We have tree trimmers working behind the houses across the street.  Mom is entranced.  It is something different for her to watch than the television.

Book Club - I really miss the girls and the reading.  Gotta finish this book, but don't want to rush and not do the right job.

Damascus Syria - Last two days here.  Hopefully their will be something left of Damascus.

United Nations urged to ban trade of Syrian antiquities

Sunday, September 28, 2014

September 28, 2014 Sunday

Moved a heavy piece of furniture out today.  That was my exercise.  Good thing my back is strong. Keep doing the  Pilates.

Pastor Beebe talked the morning about the parable of the vineyard owner who asked his son to work in the vineyard and he said no, but then later he went and worked.  The owner asked his other son to work in the vineyard and he said yes, but then he didn't go.  There could be more to both of these stories, but the bottom line in is one did the work and the other didn't.  Whether you do the Lord's will or not only changes when you will be received into heaven, not if you will. 

On this day:
2003 - Nicole Mom and I went to church, then K-mart and then it was time for Nicole to go back to Albion.  It was her first year away at college and she came home every weekend.  The house was so empty on Sunday when she left.  Mom and I would go out to dinner just so we wouldn't have to see the empty chair at the table.
1978 - Heavy fighting occurred in Lebanon between Syrian peacekeeping troops and Lebanese Christian militiamen. But they share the same good food!

Parenting - Last week I saw a friends daughter sitting in the gathering area at church and she looked so sad.  I might have misread the problem but I don't think so.  I said "you know I remember when Nicole went away that first year to college.  It was terrible, when she was there she wanted to come home and when she was home she knew she needed to be there."  If I had it to do over I think it would have been better to start at a local college, that first year is so tough. 

Damascus Syria -  last few days here then we move.  I have been reading about this place, all the wars, political problems and strife they have.  The pictures show a beautiful city with a lot of possibilities but they have lost their ability to work together for the better good.  Lets look at a little more:
With a growing population, Syria has a good basic education system. Since 2000 the Government of Syria has significantly increased the expenditure on education 1 to 6. In 2002, elementary and primary education were combined into one basic education stage and education was made compulsory and free from grades 1 to 9.
Arabic is the medium of instruction in the Syrian Arab Republic. English is taught from grade 1 in the basic learning stage as the primary second language, and French is taught in grades 7-12.
According to the 2007 census, 98 percent of schools in Syria are public(state run), 1.8 percent are private,[1] and 0.2 percent are United Nations Relief and Works Agency schools for children who are refugees.[2]
In 2007, there were 8 million students in the education system of Syria (4 million in basic education, 1.4 million in secondary and 2.3 million in tertiary). Given the current growth rate in the school age population, it is projected that by 2015, the education system in Syria will need to cater to an additional 1 million students in basic and secondary education. The school system in Syria is divided into basic and secondary education levels:
1st to 6th grade: Primary Education Level (Arabic: تعليم أساسي حلقة أولى)
7th to 9th grade: Lower Secondary Education Level (Arabic: تعليم أساسي حلقة ثانية)
10th to 12th grade: Upper Secondary Education (Arabic: التعليم الثانوي), which is the equivalent of High School. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 27, 2014 Saturday

Did Pilates this morning.  It is called weight loss Pilates and is a Gaiam name brand.  They make very good yoga and Pilates videos, if you are in the market.

1 Thessalonians chapter 4 - Believers Who Have Died.  Those who have been asleep (died) will be the first raised and the living will be joined with them in the air.  This is where your faith comes in, where you trust that God, who only has your best interest at heart will join you with Jesus and take care of you in the next life.  I believe in God the Father Almighty.

On this day:
1992 - I took Aaron, Nicole and Joey from across the street to Blakes apple orchard to pick apples.  They had a ball climbing the trees and we collected a huge bag of apples to take home.  There were hundreds of others there doing the same thing.  If you didn't want to pick your own they had bushel baskets in the store that you could buy.  But, whats the point?  It was a beautiful day and the apples were so good.

1991 - U.S. President George H.W. Bush eliminated all land-based tactical nuclear arms and removed all short-range nuclear arms from ships and submarines around the world. Bush then called on the Soviet Union to do the same. We try to keep peace don't we?

Parenting - My friend told me the other day that I am lucky that I have had so many young people in my life, and still do.  When you have kids it is a given.  I believe though, that if you involve yourself in youth activities ie; sports, programs or clubs that it is a good way to stay young yourself.  You can find schools, church programs or neighborhood clubs that need help with youth programs.  They most often have some type of security check, which is a safety check for them and you. 

Damascus - lets look at food, going to Travelers group tonight.  Think I'm going to get stuffed grape leaves to take.  Lets look at what typical fare there is:

Syrian cuisine

The Fetté, one of the most typical dishes of Damascus
Syrian cuisine is a diffusion of the cultures of civilizations that settled in Syria, particularly during and after the Islamic era beginning with the Arab Umayyad conquest, then the eventual Persian-influenced Abbasids and ending with the strong influences of Turkish cuisine, resulting from the coming of the Ottoman Turks. It is in many ways similar to other (Greater Syria) Levantine cuisines, mainly Lebanese, Palestinian and Jordanian and Iraqi.
The Syrian cuisine includes dishes like kibbeh, kebab halabi, wara' enab, hummus, tabbouleh, fattoush, labneh, shawarma, mujaddara, shanklish, pastırma, sujuk and ba'lawa. Syrians often serve selections of appetizers, known as meze, before the main course. Za'atar, minced beef, and cheese manakish are served as hors d'oeuvres. Arabic flat bread is always eaten together with meze.
Syrians also make cookies to usually accompany their cheese called ka'ak. These are made of farina and other ingredients, rolled out, shaped into rings and baked. Another form of a similar cookie is to fill with crushed dates mixed with butter to eat with their jibbneh mashallale, a string cheese made of curd cheese pulled and twisted together.
A spice mixture called baharat mshakale is endemic to Syrian cuisine.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Friday, September 26, 2014

September 26, 2014 Friday

Will do some dancing at the Oktoberfest tonight.  That is good exercise!

Psalm 5 - "Let all those rejoice who put their trust in You: let them ever shout for joy, because You defend."  Psalm 5:11  God defends the righteous and condemns the evil.  Hope this prayer goes out for all the armed forces going out against ISIS. 

On this day:
1989 - Mom went to the doctor for a check up.  After having my brother with Diabetes for all those years, Mom was diagnosed with Type 2 and had to start insulin shots.  She has gone on and off with insulin for years depending on how well she watches her diet.  She says she always watches, but we all make excuses.  So much of our health issues is all abut diet, hard to stay on the right track.  My devil is the digestive process and certainly acts according to my eating habits.  Do you self a favor and eat right.

2001 - Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres announced plans to formalize a cease-fire and end a year of fighting in the region. What happens to these peace and cease fire treaties? 

Parenting - I had to delete a young woman from my email list after sending her and many others an email that I supported whole heartedly.  She was offended by it, as maybe others were as well.  Part of who we are is not apologizing for what we believe.  God Bless America. 

Book update - doing more research to expand the book.  This might really offend a few people.  Oh well. 

Damascus - Television programs? 
Damascus car bombings disrupt TV programing
14 October 2013 21:26
Two terror car bombs have gone off in the Syrian capital of Damascus near the city Umawiyeen Square and the building holding the state broadcasting network, Al-Alam reports.
The blast caused a temporary disruption of the programs on the nation’s al-Ikhbariya TV network.
Al-Alam correspondent in Damascus reports the interruption in al-Ikhbariya programing was caused by the shifting direction of a number of the network’s satellite dishes as the result of strong dual explosions, and is expected to be repaired soon.
According to the report, the blasts did not damage the building holding the broadcasting network and only partially destroyed some of the concrete blocks around the construction.
Moreover, a body has been spotted near the site of the two blast and probably belongs to one of the terrorists that set off their explosives.
The explosions were also confirmed by Syrian television and the country’s official news agency SANA.
SANA said the bombings were carried out by two suicide terrorists onboard their vehicles.
It further added that the blasts caused “only material damage to the wall of the General Establishment of Radio and Television, with no injuries reported.”
Citing “a source on the ground,” SANA estimated the amount of explosives used in each car at 100 kilograms, noting that one car was a Hyundai and the other was a Honda.  I guess that tells us about TV there.  I am sorry if this is depressing, but this is their world they are dealing with everyday.  Unlike us they can't call their carrier and complain about reception or lack of service. 

Enjoy your day!  Make it memorable!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25, 2014 Thursday Rosh Hashunah Happy New Year!

Did some weight lifting this morning.  We have to keep the muscles strong to support those bones!

Proverbs - chapter 10  He who restrains his lips is wise.  Wish I had a dollar for everytime I have misspoke.  This writing in Proverbs is very wise.  I like what the study writer shared:
      A wise old owl sat in an oak:
     The more he saw the less he spoke;
      The less he spoke the more he heard;
     Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?

On this day:
1976 - Okoberfest at the Alt Heidelburg in Mt Clemens.  The big tent behind the restaurant was rocking!  The main events were the guys climbing the poles to the top of the tent.  The competition was huge between picnic tables and the lines were long for the porta johns.  Who remembers?

1789 - The first U.S. Congress adopted 12 amendments to the Constitution. Ten of the amendments became the Bill of Rights.
Anybody remember the two that were dropped?  I think, no climbing poles and no standing on picnic tables.

Parenting - Do as I say Not as I do.

Damascus - Celebrations?

Celebrations in Syria

CNN PRODUCER NOTE     Documentary photographer mugur had just arrived in Damascus, Syria, when he saw people celebrating in the streets early Friday morning. He says he was told that people were celebrating 30% pay raises. See more of his images from Damascus here.
- zdan, CNN iReport producer
Photos taken in Damascus at approximately 5 a.m. on Friday, March 25
Hope these young people are ok.

Enjoy the day !  Make it memorable!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 24, 2014 Wednesday New moon oh oh

If you haven't started some exercise program yet for the fall, maybe look for a yoga class.  I saw that Rachelle was looking for someone to join her at a class in the north suburb area, but they are everywhere available at many prices.  Some churches even offer free classes.  I started the day with AM yoga, which is just a great way to stretch and wake up.  It keeps you limber, but I have to admit with all I do, I am less limber then I was 20 years ago.  That I think is inevitable.  I do find that drinking 6 - 8 oz glasses of water a day really keeps my joints from aching, as well as 2 Aleve a day.  Pick one.

Zechariah Chapter 10.  The Lord calls his children to him, much like a shepherd calls his sheep.  Mom and I looked through every different Bible we have here and couldn't find that a shepherd whistled for his flock.  The flock always recognizes the shepherds sound.  The study writer related this "I will whistle for them and gather them, for I will redeem them."  My Bible says signal and the older Bibles I have say hiss.  Whatever, listen for your Lord, He is calling you.

On this day:
 My group of friends, that I call the travelers went to the Dakota Inn for Oktoberfest.  This group has been meeting for almost 6 years, doing what I have done for 10 years now.  I pick a city in the world and then explore it on line ie: history, politics, religion, culture, food, etc.  The result of my study is posted at the end of this page.  The group hasn't really done too much on this, after all they still have families at home and all work.  So the part they get into is the socializing, eating and drinking whatever that country offers - ie Vodka in Russia.  So on this day we celebrated Germany apparently.  You have to book way ahead to get into the Dakota Inn for this event, but it is well worth it.

Parenting - It is nice when your child is old enough and wants to join in the festivities.  Nicole also comes to travelers whether we meet at a restaurant or someone's home, as do some of the other families offspring.  It is a very fun group.  BTW the Oktoberfest at First English is this Friday with great German food, a REAL German band and GREAT beer!

Been getting a couple hours a day in on my book.  Wish me luck.

Damascus  - needs luck.  Lets look at music?
Go to :  Syrian Music - habbi Bass 2010.  Catchy music and video.  no clue what the content of music is but it looks very western.  Interesting
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 23, 2014 Tuesday

Richard Simmons and I did some resistance band work on the legs, chest, back and arms.  I know you might think differently of Richard but this is a substantial workout.

2 Samuel chapter 1 - This is the Lament (poem) that David wrote for the loss of his beloved friend Jonathon and his father Saul.  Even though Saul spent a long time trying to kill David, David only remembered his fondness for him and grieved his loss.  We may all have that relative that was a pain but still was an important part of our lives.  Even bad influences are influences, for better or worse.

On this day:
2005 - Nicole had driven home from Albion the day before and the Old Grey Tempo only made it to Metropolitan airport parking lot.  When I got out there she was sitting on the curb playing her guitar.  You might say she was playing a lament for that old car that had been her friend from the day grandma had given it to her on her 16th birthday.  It had held basketball, volleyball, soccer, softball, and bowling teams and equipment.  It had gone back and forth to college to college.  So many miles and it finally gave it up.  On this day the mechanic gave us the bad news, she was all done.  Her transmission, motor mounts and basic structure had worn out.  RIP.  sniff

1838 - Victoria Chaflin Woodhull was born. She became the first female candidate for the U.S. Presidency. A little known piece of info.  Well to me anyway.

Parenting - A word out to all the parents of our armed forces today.  When the US has to take a stand and use armed force against another country or people in this case, our young people are always the first called.  Let's all pray today that our action against ISIS doesn't come to that, but that some peace will be found with little loss of life.  Big prayer.

Damascus:  Since we are here, it is good to know what this country can win or lose with this war.

There have been several attacks on Syrian-owned businesses in Turkey in recent weeks [AFP/Getty Images]
Istanbul, Turkey - "I spent all my life waiting and dreaming of this moment of change," said Yassin al-Haj Saleh, one of Syria's most prominent writers and political dissidents. "So, when the moment came, I could not leave the country."
Saleh, who had been imprisoned for 16 years under Hafez al-Assad's regime, was forced to go into hiding from Bashar al-Assad's forces following the uprising against his rule in 2011. Saleh later escaped to rebel-controlled areas in Syria, but was then forced to hide from armed groups. "After two years, I felt I was being suffocated," he recalled.
Just over nine months ago, Saleh decided he could no longer remain in Syria and left the country for the first time in his life. He joined the growing Syrian diaspora in Turkey, which is now estimated to number close to one million people.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  God Bless America!


Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014 Monday Autumnal Equinox (or first of Fall)

Did Pilates with Denise Austin.  This is pretty advanced, not a good starting place.  Pick an easy one to start, like Pilates for Dummies.  Seriously.

Galatians  chapter 1 - This while Paul was still on the earth, that people had already started to fall away from the true Gospel.  The Galatians had begun to believe that their salvation was dependent on good works instead of the true gospel: faith in Christ's work. (from the study writer).  We do good works because we want to show God our love, not because we can earn our way into heaven.

On this day:
10 years ago 2004 on this day it was 80 degrees.  I fed the cats and went back to bed.  Took the day off work, not to sleep all day.  Mom went up to St Clair with the Merry Widows from church.  I had the house to myself.  Nicole was off to college.  So what did I do?  Cleaned out a closet, watered the flowers, had a nice chat with Lisa when she stopped by, took Nicoles' car up to the repair shop and then went to Cottage Hospital to feed my Aunt Margaret that was in hospice.  My cousins Peggy and Kathy wanted to take a day and go to the casino so I said I would fill in with their mom.  What do you do with your days off?  It's true, I can't do nothing.  But not to earn heavenly awards.

1914 - Three British cruisers were sunk by one German submarine in the North Sea. 1,400 British sailors were killed. This event alerted the British to the effectiveness of the submarine. Really?

Parenting - Adam and Janet stopped by at church and then over for lunch yesterday with their little guy Parker, who is 4 months.  It is a joy to see the love and adoration they have for their son.  We all know that wears off little by little, but for now, he is the apple of their eye.  For good reason, what a cutie!  If you looked at your 16 year old like that I expect their response would be "yeccccch!"

Damascus - Children
The Syrian civil war’s impact on the health of Syria’s children is far more insidious than has been widely understood, a leading children’s advocacy group reported Sunday, with large numbers dying or at risk from chronic and preventable diseases that have flourished because the country’s public health system has basically collapsed.
In a report timed to coincide with the start of the fourth year of the conflict, the group, Save the Children, said the effects of untreated illnesses on Syrian children were only partly reflected in the documented statistics. They show that at least 1.2 million children have fled to neighboring countries, that 4.3 million in Syria need humanitarian assistance and that more than 10,000 have died in the violence.
“It is not just the bullets and the shells that are killing and maiming children,” said the report, “A Devastating Toll.” The conflict, which began in March 2011, has left a “shattered health system resulting in brutal medical practices that have left millions of children suffering,” the report said.
Sorry to put such a downer in here, but I think we need to be aware.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 21, 2014 Sunday International Day of Peace (finally)

Going to church in a while with Mom.  In the mean time Psalm 19 says " How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"  Going to hear me some words!

On this day:
2002 - This is a puzzler.  My journal said I had to be to work at 7 am because the Boss went to Cedar Pointe.  I can't imagine any circumstance, under the sun, that would have convinced him to go there.  I am baffled.  If you knew him, and how much he loved his work and his picnic table desk in that backroom truck scale you would understand what I mean.  Way out of his comfort zone.  Wish I had added more info now.
1985 - North and South Korea opened their borders for their family reunion program. awww!

Parenting - We were talking at Melissa's the other night about the controversy regarding beating children for punishment.  I, personally think that any kind physical contact to punish a child is a failure on the parents part to deal properly with a behavior situation.  My friend Don said that he had been beat with a razor strap a number of times.  He didn't think he deserved it, and he had in turn spanked his daughters and, they didn't think they deserved it, either.  Does it work?  If you have to beat a child again, even a second time, obviously no.  I was hit by my mother, not for punishment, but because she was mad at my father.  My brother was punished with a belt, which they found out later he was innocent of the crime he was punished for.  I did not lay hands on my kids that I ever remember.  They hated sitting quietly (no talking ) on the couch for long periods so much that it was very effective.  Maybe the next generation will think that is mental cruelty. 

Damascus - religion:

DEAR WIKIPEDIA READERS: To protect our independence, we'll never run ads. We survive on donations averaging about $15. Now is the time we ask. If everyone reading this right now gave $3, our fundraiser would be done within an hour. Yep, that’s about the price of buying a programmer a coffee. We’re a small non-profit with costs of a top 5 website: servers, staff and programs. If Wikipedia is useful to you, take one minute to make a tax-deductible donation to keep it online and ad-free another year. Thank you.

Religion in Syria

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Membership of a religious community in Syria is ordinarily determined by birth. Based on statistical analyses from 2006, Muslims were estimated as constituting 87% to 90% (depending on whether Druze were included or not)[1] of the total population, although their proportion was possibly greater and was certainly growing. The Muslim birthrate reportedly was higher than that of the minorities, and proportionately fewer Muslims were emigrates. Of the Syrian population, 74 to 64%[1] were Sunnis (including Sufis[2]), whereas 13 to 21% were Shias, either Alawites (18.0%) from which about 2% are called Mershdis and they are the followers of Sulayman al-Murshid, Twelvers (3%), or Ismailis (0.1%).[1] 5% were Druze,[1] while the remaining 10-15% were Christians.[1] Not all the Sunnis are Arabs. Most of the Kurds, who make up 9% of the population[3] are officially Sunni, as are the Turkmens who encompass 1%.
A striking feature of religious life in Syria is the geographic distribution of the religious minorities. Most Christians live in Damascus, Aleppo and Homs, although significant numbers live in Al-Hasakah Governorate in northeastern Syria, Tartus and Latakia. Nearly 90 percent of the Alawis live in the coastal area of the country, namely in Latakia Governorate and in Tartus Governorate in the rural areas of the Jabal an Nusayriyah; they constitute over 80 percent of the rural population of the coastal area. The Jabal al-Arab/Jabal al-Druze, a rugged and mountainous region in the southwest of the country, is more than 90 percent Druze inhabited; some 120 villages are exclusively so. The Twelvers Shia's are concentrated in the rural areas of Homs, in addition to two rural towns in Aleppo Governorate, plus some living in Damascus. The Ismaili Shias are concentrated between the Salamiyah region and Masyaf region in Hamah Governorate; approximately 10,000 more inhabit the mountains of Tartus Governorate in a small city called Kadmous. The Jewish community has declined dramatically in the last 20 years. Some estimates that in Damascus remained fewer than 100 Jewish people. But there are some others also in the Aleppo area, as are the Yazidis, some of whom inhabit the Jabal Sam'an and about half of whom live in the vicinity of Amuda in the Al-Jazira.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 20, 2014 Saturday!

Got up to late to use my gym/living room, so I will get a walk in later.

2 Chronicles:  chapter 24, is about Joash, who was raised in the faith, but did not take it to heart.  He fell from favor, as king and so the people of Israel fell from grace as well.  They suffered for it.  This is a continuing saga of moving away from God and returning to him for forgiveness.  It is still going on.  He still forgives.  You can't tire him out.

On this day:
2001 - Nicole played basketball against L'Anse Cruse and won 50 to 34.  Bruce Udell, our church youth leader came to watch her play.  I am pretty sure that is why they won.

1884 - The Equal Rights Party was formed in San Francisco, CA. I like this it is EQUAL rights.  Not over intitled.

Parenting - Bruce had a huge impact on my daughter.  She emulates him on a lot of things.  He now has 2 kids of his own and I hope that they have as strong roll models in their lives as he provided for Nicole.  You can be THAT person for any child.

Damascus - sports?

Syria Travel Guides

Children’s Activities
While Syria does not boast famous theme parks or impressive aquariums and zoos, it is home to some stunning sights which guarantee to keep your children occupied and enthralled for hours. There are traditional souks offering a myriad of smells, sounds and sights, and there are ancient ruins to run around and explore; and for something completely different, a trip to the coast ensures golden sand and clear blue water.
Children of all ages love the beach, and the Mediterranean coast in Syria offers stunning beaches which are scattered with kids clubs and beach sports that the whole family can join in. Latakia is one of the country’s top holiday resorts and offers all-day family entertainment in many of the hotels and along the beach, and there is also the opportunity for older ones to enjoy a variety of water sports. There is nothing better than building giant sandcastles and your children will be entertained for hours with the soft golden sands of Latakia.

The pictures that came up under sports were not sharable.  Sad.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

September 19, 2014 Friday POW/MIA Recognition Day Fly the Flag!

I might need to get rid of this Denise Austin at 20 years old doing Super Stomach.  Just a little too perky, almost like she just sucked the helium out of a balloon.  It is only a 15 ab workout but at her speed it seems like 2 hours packed into 15 minutes. 

James chapter 5 - Talking here about confessing your sin and receiving forgiveness.  We don't like to admit our guilt to anyone, but it is the best way to admit it to our selves so we can cleanse our souls and forgive ourselves.  God knows that.

On this day:
1998 - Waynette and her mom came over, Mom, Nicole and I went with them to the DIA to see the Angels from the Vatican exhibit.  I still remember so many of those pieces of art, but my favorite was Mary holding Jesus' body after the Crucifixion, across her lap.  Still brings tears.

1819 - John Keats wrote "Ode to Autumn." -

CCLV. Ode to Autumn
SEASON of mists and mellow fruitfulness, 
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; 
Conspiring with him how to load and bless 
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run; 
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,         5
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core; 
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells 
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more, 
And still more, later flowers for the bees, 
Until they think warm days will never cease;  10
For Summer has o'erbrimm'd their clammy cells. 
Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store? 
Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find 
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor, 
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;  15
Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep, 
Drowsed with the fume of poppies, while thy hook 
Spares the next swath and all its twinèd flowers: 
And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep 
Steady thy laden head across a brook;  20
Or by a cyder-press, with patient look, 
Thou watchest the last oozings, hours by hours. 
Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they? 
Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,— 
While barrèd clouds bloom the soft-dying day  25
And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue; 
Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn 
Among the river-sallows, borne aloft 
Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies; 
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;  30
Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft 
The redbreast whistles from a garden-croft; 
And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.

Thought I'd print it here for you.

Parenting - Get your culture on here!.

Damascus - Museum  Print available Street Scene in Damascus.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 18, 2014 Thursday

Kick boxing with Bobby this morning.  Not bad after ballroom dancing last night.  Keep moving folks!

1 Chronicles - chapter 16   From the Old Testament.  If you believe there is a God why would you not want to send him your praise and adoration for how great He is?  It is in your own best interest to acknowledge and thank him for creation and your life. "Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name"

On this day:
1995 - Nicole would have been 10, she went to school and came home mid day with a sore throat.  We played Canasta all afternoon.  I used to love Canasta, I played as a child with my grandmother and now I want to play again. 
1895 - Daniel David Palmer gave the first chiropractic adjustment.   How many are thankful for this, raise your hand, if you can.

Parenting - I took both kids to the chiropractor early on.  The first time Aaron went he exclaimed he had never been able to turn his head to the side so well, he said he felt like an owl.

Damascus Syria.  Lets check out some more points of interest, while we can.


Points of Interest

Damascus Univ. (1923), Damascus Oriental Institute of Music (1950), a technological institute (1963), an industrial school (1964), and the national museum (1919) are in Damascus. The old city lies south of the Barada, and the new town (greatly extended since 1926) lies north of the river. Points of interest include the Great Mosque (one of the largest and most famous mosques in the Muslim world), the quadrangular citadel (originally Roman; rebuilt 1219), a 16th-century Muslim monastery, and Azm palace (1749; now a museum and center for the study of Islamic art and architecture). The biblical "street which is called Straight" still runs in the old city from the east to the west gate, flanked by bazaars.
Sections in this article:

Read more: Damascus: Points of Interest |

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 17, 2014 Wednesday

Pure and Simple Stretch with Karen.  Such a nice slow stretch and bend and breathe.

Mark chapter 10 - This is about the rich and the kingdom of God.  The young man approached Jesus and asked what he could do to inherit eternal life?  He lad led a Godly life, obeying the commandments, but he loved his wealthy life style.  Not a problem if as this young man did, you do not love your wealth more than God.  Jesus knew he did.

On this day:
1993 - Sometime an empty page says more then what you might have written.  This was not my best year.  Mark and I split up, he moved to Florida, and I had to look for a job.  A large part of this year is unwritten, probably because I didn't want to remember a lot of it.  I did find a job within a couple weeks of beginning my search,  I thank God and my friend Ann for that.  It wasn't easy, but as the song goes, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
1872 - Phillip W. Pratt patented a version of the sprinkler system. Not a newsworthy day.

Parenting - The difference between what Mom and I and Nicole will watch on TV is huge.  We do find commonality with Dancing with the Stars, for different reasons.  I can't believe Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong is dancing this year.  Go Boomers.

Book --  doing well on my book endeavor.

Damascus -  Lets look to see if there are places we would visit in times of peace.  This is a beautiful shot of the city.  I hope there is something left after the impending doom.

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Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15, 2014 Monday

Got up and did some Disco with Richard Simmons.  What a way to start the week.

Genesis - chapter 16.  About Hagar and Ishmael.  This was Abrams son by Sarai's Egyptian maid.  Sarai requested Abram to take her and have children because she couldn't and then the maid, because she bore him a son got an attitude and Sarai got mad at Abram.  Sounds like a soap on TV.  The deeper part to his story is Hagar and Sarai, later known as Sarah, the battle is still going on.  Look into it.

On this day:
1992 - My cousin Barb, sister Alice, Deb Logan and her family and I all went down to the Fox Theatre to hear Michael Crawford sing music from Andrew Lloyd Weber.  It was truly a memorable performance. I should download some of this, it was wonderful.
1930 - Hoagy Carmichael recorded "Georgia on My Mind." The song has been the official state song of Georgia since 1922. Another classic composer who also wrote "Stardust".  my favorite.

Parenting - I took my kids everywhere with me, but I had to wonder why this young couple took their two year old and infant child, that they had to carry through 7 - 1 to 2 million dollar houses with a lot of drooling adults, kind of made me wonder.  I can tell you the children did not enjoy it.  It was, I am sure a learning experience.  Oh look honey - a wine cellar.

Damascus - Lets look at culture.
  Damascus - Culture
The Syrian population is estimated at some 16 million in the year 2000. The Majority are Arabs and the largest minorities are Armenians and Kurds. The majority are Muslims also (85%), and the rest (15%) are Christians. Syria is famous for its deep religious tolerance. The family is central to the Syrian society. Syrians place high priority on mutual support of family members and acting in the best interests of the family’s reputation. The father is usually the head of the family and the elderly are shown special respect in the society. Socializing with family and friends is the most common recreational activity.
Syrians welcome people with an outstretched hand saying “Mrahaba” (Hello). “Keefak” usually follows this? (How are you?) or “Keefek” for a woman. Depending on their relationship, men embrace each other and women exchange kisses on either cheek.
Most important Islamic holidays include Eid al-Fitr (a three-day-feast celebrating the end of Ramadan), Eid al-Adha (Held during the annual pilgrimage to Mecca). Armenians celebrate Christmas on 7th of January. Christians celebrate Easter on the first Sunday of April, or the second depending to the Oriental Calendar followed by Armenians and Orthodox Christians. It’s impolite to refuse a Syrian’s invitation for food or drink, although it’s considered good manners to refuse two offers for food from a person before accepting the third. In the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, people fast from sunrise till sunset.  
Damascus University, the largest in Syria, dates back to the beginning of the last century. Today in its ninth decade, the University is still one of the most important centers of Arab culture in the Middle East.
The nucleus of this University was the Damascus School of Medicine, established in 1903 during the Ottoman era. In 1919, the Institute of law was founded and the two colleges were united in 1923 under the name of "The Syrian University"
After the Syrian independence in 1946, the University witnessed great improvements, with many faculties added. In 1958, during the Syria-Egypt Union, it was renamed as Damascus University.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!