Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 24, 2014 Wednesday New moon oh oh

If you haven't started some exercise program yet for the fall, maybe look for a yoga class.  I saw that Rachelle was looking for someone to join her at a class in the north suburb area, but they are everywhere available at many prices.  Some churches even offer free classes.  I started the day with AM yoga, which is just a great way to stretch and wake up.  It keeps you limber, but I have to admit with all I do, I am less limber then I was 20 years ago.  That I think is inevitable.  I do find that drinking 6 - 8 oz glasses of water a day really keeps my joints from aching, as well as 2 Aleve a day.  Pick one.

Zechariah Chapter 10.  The Lord calls his children to him, much like a shepherd calls his sheep.  Mom and I looked through every different Bible we have here and couldn't find that a shepherd whistled for his flock.  The flock always recognizes the shepherds sound.  The study writer related this "I will whistle for them and gather them, for I will redeem them."  My Bible says signal and the older Bibles I have say hiss.  Whatever, listen for your Lord, He is calling you.

On this day:
 My group of friends, that I call the travelers went to the Dakota Inn for Oktoberfest.  This group has been meeting for almost 6 years, doing what I have done for 10 years now.  I pick a city in the world and then explore it on line ie: history, politics, religion, culture, food, etc.  The result of my study is posted at the end of this page.  The group hasn't really done too much on this, after all they still have families at home and all work.  So the part they get into is the socializing, eating and drinking whatever that country offers - ie Vodka in Russia.  So on this day we celebrated Germany apparently.  You have to book way ahead to get into the Dakota Inn for this event, but it is well worth it.

Parenting - It is nice when your child is old enough and wants to join in the festivities.  Nicole also comes to travelers whether we meet at a restaurant or someone's home, as do some of the other families offspring.  It is a very fun group.  BTW the Oktoberfest at First English is this Friday with great German food, a REAL German band and GREAT beer!

Been getting a couple hours a day in on my book.  Wish me luck.

Damascus  - needs luck.  Lets look at music?
Go to :  Syrian Music - habbi Bass 2010.  Catchy music and video.  no clue what the content of music is but it looks very western.  Interesting
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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