Friday, September 12, 2014

September 12, 2014 Friday

Did some yoga this morning but it was too short.  Maybe look into a class for the winter.

1 Samuel chapter 17 - This is the story of David and Goliath.  I assume you all know it.  I like the study writers final comment. "Don't tell God how big your giants are. Tell your giants how big your God is."

On this day:
2008 - I was spending weekends with my buddy Fitz.  He lost his eyesight to Macular Degeneration and did not want to go into a nursing home.  So I started going out on Friday and staying till Sunday.  I would clean and make food and leave it in the fridge for him.  On this day, we broke the normal routine, which is huge for a blind person.  I drove up to Marine City and picked him up, after dinner, I brought him to my house to sit with my mom while I went to a concert my daughter was doing at church.  Then went back to Marine City afterwards with Fitz.  It was huge for him to do that, he was so comfortable with the same routine things we did.  Bless his heart.  RIP.
1922 - The Episcopal Church removed the word "Obey" from the bride's section of wedding vows. Wow talk about front runners.!

Parenting - My neighbor is a single mom with two boys.  I remember how hard it was to be and do everything and work.  I am happy to pick the guys up from school or take them on errands.  Dalton needed his Horn fixed, he is in band so Nicole came home and ran him up to the music store to drop off his trumpet.  That's what neighbors do.

Damascus Syria - looks like we are at war now with this nation.

Syrian civil war[edit]

The uprising started with peaceful protests in the spring of 2011 and had grown to a civil war over the past year. On 6 January 2012, a car bomb exploded in Damascus killing more than 26 people, most of them civilians. State media said it was a suicide attack and blamed terrorists.[48] In January 2012, clashes between the regular army and rebels reached the outskirts of Damascus, reportedly preventing people from leaving or reaching their houses, especially when security operations there intensified from the end of January into February.[49]
On 17 March 2012, twin car bombs hit the heart of the city, targeting the Air Force Intelligence Service and the headquarters of the Security Forces killing at least 27 people, most of them civilians.[50] An Islamic Jihadi faction called "Jabhat al-Nusra" claimed responsibility for the bomb attacks.[51] In the early morning of 19 March, firefights and explosions broke out in the West Villas section of the heavily guarded and upscale Mezzeh neighborhood.[52]
By June 2012, bullets and shrapnel shells smashed into homes in Damascus overnight as troops battled the Free Syrian Army in the streets. At least three tank shells slammed into residential areas in the central Damascus neighborhood of Qaboun, according to activists. Intense exchanges of assault-rifle fire marked the clash, according to residents and amateur video posted online.[53]
Since the Battle of Damascus, the city has witnessed a security crackdown. Checkpoints have sprung up in the city. Traffic jams, like unemployment, became widespread and countryside refugees sleep in city parks.[citation needed]What happens that makes a country such war mongers? 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable.  Peace.  Miss you Dad, gone 54 years today.

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