Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 9, 2014 Tuesday 2015 Old Farmers Almanac goes on sale today!

Did some Pilates today.  Keep that back strong!  Core strength! 

1 Samuel - chapter 28 -  This is where Saul has lost the battle with people and God.  God abandoned him because he abandoned God.  Saul wanted to get Samuel the prophet to advise him, but he was dead.  So Saul went to Endor who was a medium and raised Samuel to talk to Saul.  Samuel was mad being raised to come back and talk to Saul and told him there was nothing he could do, that Saul and his sons would be killed the following day.  Too little too late Saul.  tsk.

On this day:
1990 - I had the kindergarten Sunday School class.  There were almost 20 on that first day.  I had cleaned out a storage room that summer and some men from the church painted the room a bright yellow.  A couple long tables and I was set to go.  Aaron was helping me with my class that year, he was 13, too old for Sunday School but ok to help.  He was so good.  Nicole was in the class.  Then I got home and my husband and our roommate Marty has left a horrible mess in the house. they misjudged my Christian forgiveness that day.  But they did make dinner.
1919 - Alexander Graham Bell and Casey Baldwin's HD-4, a hydrofoil craft, set a world marine speed record. I didn't know Bell was into boat racing! 

Parenting - Just saw a mom going by pushing a baby buggy.  She had her head locked on her phone and shoulder.  It made me think of how babies LOVE the sound of their mothers voice and will listen with rapt attention.  I hope her conversation was infant appropriate.  I wonder if she even thinks about that.  I fear for tomorrows children.

Book Club  - You keep reading.  When I'm done I will tell you my books name so you can read it.

Damascus Syria - Looks like we might be getting into some serious situations here.  Lets check the history again.
With the arrival of the Seljuq Turks in the late 11th century, Damascus again became the capital of independent states. It was ruled by Abu Sa'id Taj ad-Dawla Tutush I starting in 1079 and he was succeeded by his son Abu Nasr Duqaq in 1095. The Seljuqs established a court in Damascus and a systematic reversal of Shia inroads in the city. The city also saw an expansion of religious life through private endowments financing religious institutions (madrasas) and hospitals (maristans). Damascus soon became one of the most important centers of propagating Islamic thought in the Muslim world. After Duqaq's death in 1104, his mentor (atabeg), Toghtekin, took control of Damascus and the Burid line of the Seljuq dynasty. Under Duqaq and Toghtekin, Damascus experienced stability, elevated status and a revived role in commerce. In addition, the city's Sunni majority enjoyed being a part of the larger Sunni framework effectively governed by various Turkic dynasties who in turn were under the moral authority of the Baghdad-based Abbasids.[34]It mentions the reversal of Shia and the larger Sunni framework.  Apparently these two groups have been at odds for a long time. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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