Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29, 2014 Monday

Stretch - stand up straight, suck in your gut like you have a corset on and hold for 30 seconds.  Don't hold you breath.  Do this 5 times.  It's a start.

Ephesians chapter 2 - For by grace you have been saved through faith.  YOU can't earn your own way into heaven.  It's impossible.  You have been saved by God's great grace.  Forgiven for your sins through Jesus Christ's death.  But you can still do good works to thank the Lord and help someone else be thankful for their salvation.  Tell them you do it because God has saved you.

On this day:
2005 - I went out to Milne's dealership to look for a replacement car for Nicoles Tempo that passed on to the off road happy trails place.  The used car guy said he had just taken in a Saturn Vue in trade and would like to get it off their Ford lot.  It was a light gold SUV with a stick shift in really good condition.  I called Nicole at Albion and asked if she thought that would work.  I got an emphatice YES.  That car lasted a lot of miles and a lot of years.
1983 - The War Powers Act was used for the first time by the U.S. Congress when they authorized President Reagan to keep U.S. Marines in Lebanon for 18 more months. This might be good to remember.

Parenting - Remember when your child would find something that would keep them entertained for long periods?  We have tree trimmers working behind the houses across the street.  Mom is entranced.  It is something different for her to watch than the television.

Book Club - I really miss the girls and the reading.  Gotta finish this book, but don't want to rush and not do the right job.

Damascus Syria - Last two days here.  Hopefully their will be something left of Damascus.

United Nations urged to ban trade of Syrian antiquities

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