Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 17, 2014 Wednesday

Pure and Simple Stretch with Karen.  Such a nice slow stretch and bend and breathe.

Mark chapter 10 - This is about the rich and the kingdom of God.  The young man approached Jesus and asked what he could do to inherit eternal life?  He lad led a Godly life, obeying the commandments, but he loved his wealthy life style.  Not a problem if as this young man did, you do not love your wealth more than God.  Jesus knew he did.

On this day:
1993 - Sometime an empty page says more then what you might have written.  This was not my best year.  Mark and I split up, he moved to Florida, and I had to look for a job.  A large part of this year is unwritten, probably because I didn't want to remember a lot of it.  I did find a job within a couple weeks of beginning my search,  I thank God and my friend Ann for that.  It wasn't easy, but as the song goes, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
1872 - Phillip W. Pratt patented a version of the sprinkler system. Not a newsworthy day.

Parenting - The difference between what Mom and I and Nicole will watch on TV is huge.  We do find commonality with Dancing with the Stars, for different reasons.  I can't believe Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong is dancing this year.  Go Boomers.

Book --  doing well on my book endeavor.

Damascus -  Lets look to see if there are places we would visit in times of peace.  This is a beautiful shot of the city.  I hope there is something left after the impending doom.

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