Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 20, 2014 Saturday!

Got up to late to use my gym/living room, so I will get a walk in later.

2 Chronicles:  chapter 24, is about Joash, who was raised in the faith, but did not take it to heart.  He fell from favor, as king and so the people of Israel fell from grace as well.  They suffered for it.  This is a continuing saga of moving away from God and returning to him for forgiveness.  It is still going on.  He still forgives.  You can't tire him out.

On this day:
2001 - Nicole played basketball against L'Anse Cruse and won 50 to 34.  Bruce Udell, our church youth leader came to watch her play.  I am pretty sure that is why they won.

1884 - The Equal Rights Party was formed in San Francisco, CA. I like this it is EQUAL rights.  Not over intitled.

Parenting - Bruce had a huge impact on my daughter.  She emulates him on a lot of things.  He now has 2 kids of his own and I hope that they have as strong roll models in their lives as he provided for Nicole.  You can be THAT person for any child.

Damascus - sports?

Syria Travel Guides

Children’s Activities
While Syria does not boast famous theme parks or impressive aquariums and zoos, it is home to some stunning sights which guarantee to keep your children occupied and enthralled for hours. There are traditional souks offering a myriad of smells, sounds and sights, and there are ancient ruins to run around and explore; and for something completely different, a trip to the coast ensures golden sand and clear blue water.
Children of all ages love the beach, and the Mediterranean coast in Syria offers stunning beaches which are scattered with kids clubs and beach sports that the whole family can join in. Latakia is one of the country’s top holiday resorts and offers all-day family entertainment in many of the hotels and along the beach, and there is also the opportunity for older ones to enjoy a variety of water sports. There is nothing better than building giant sandcastles and your children will be entertained for hours with the soft golden sands of Latakia.

The pictures that came up under sports were not sharable.  Sad.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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