Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 10, 2014 Wednesday

Just a little ballet.  See how your balance is, get up on those toes and stretch arms out to side...t shape, don't move your eyes, focus on something.  How'd ya do?

Psalm 119  vs 9 - 16   "How can a young person stay on the path of purity?"  That is the first line verse 9.  I can testify to this,  very hard to do.  I have always read the Bible, not has much as now, and of course now it is easier to abide by.  God is aware of this and that's why that verse is there.  He also provides roads back to him when we stray.

On this day:
2004 - Carmen was the kid next door.  He was a little older then Aaron so he started working at my father in laws boat store first.  Later he decided to drive west to California and I packed him a travel box of food to eat along the way.  He was a beautiful young man and the girls literally hung out on the sidewalk in front of his house, but he was so down to earth and charming, it never went to his head.  He got married on this day down at the Roostertail to a beautifull girl that made them look like the perfect toppers on the wedding cake.  He started an e-commerce business and my daughter now works for him at the Michigan location.  He and his wife have 3 beautiful boys and live in California now.  Happy Anniversary Carmen and Donna!

1921 - The Ayus Autobahn in Germany opened near Berlin. The road is known for its nonexistent speed limit. I have all my life, wanted to drive on this.  Anyone out there that has?

Parenting - I love all the positive influences of family, friends and even aquaintances that have  been around myself, but mostly Aaron and Nicole.  I think when children see someone that act well, kindly, and are fun they like to emulate that person and take some of that person's good traits on.  Unfortunately, the opposite happens with some children.  Try to find positive role models for your kids, not Uncle Fred that tells gross jokes and acts in a rude manner to others. 

Damascus :  Heating up over there, maybe the history can give us insight.

Ottoman rule[edit]

In early 1516, the Ottoman Turks, wary of the danger of an alliance between the Mamluks and the Persian Safavids, started a campaign of conquest against the Mamluk sultanate. On 21 September, the Mamluk governor of Damascus fled the city, and on 2 October the khutba in the Umayyad mosque was pronounced in the name of Selim I. The day after, the victorious sultan entered the city, staying for three months. On 15 December, he left Damascus by Bab al-Jabiya, intent on the conquest of Egypt. Little appeared to have changed in the city: one army had simply replaced another. However, on his return in October 1517, the sultan ordered the construction of a mosque, tekkiye and mausoleum at the shrine of Shaikh Muhi al-Din ibn Arabi in al-Salihiyah. This was to be the first of Damascus' great Ottoman monuments.
The Ottomans remained for the next 400 years, except for a brief occupation by Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt from 1832 to 1840. Because of its importance as the point of departure for one of the two great Hajj caravans to Mecca, Damascus was treated with more attention by the Porte than its size might have warranted—for most of this period, Aleppo was more populous and commercially more important. In 1560 the Tekkiye al-Sulaimaniyah, a mosque and khan for pilgrims on the road to Mecca, was completed to a design by the famous Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan, and soon afterwards a madrasa was built adjoining it.
Under Ottoman rule, Christians and Jews were considered dhimmis and were allowed to practice their religious precepts. The Damascus affair that took place in 1840 was an incident in which the accusation of ritual murder was brought against members of the Jewish community of Damascus. In addition the massacre of Christians in 1860 was also one of the most notorious incidents of these centuries, when fighting between Druze and Maronites in Mount Lebanon spilled over into the city. Several thousand Christians were killed, with many more being saved through the intervention of the Algerian exile Abd al-Qadir and his soldiers (three days after the massacre started), who brought them to safety in Abd al-Qadir's residence and the citadel. The Christian quarter of the old city (mostly inhabited by Catholics), including a number of churches, was burnt down. The Christian inhabitants of the notoriously poor and refractory Midan district outside the walls (mostly Orthodox) were, however, protected by their Muslim neighbours.
American Missionary E.C. Miller records that in 1867 the population of the city was 'about' 140,000, of whom 30,000 were Christians, 10,000 Jews and 100,000 'Mohammedans' with fewer than 100 Protestant Christians.[45]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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