Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014 Monday Autumnal Equinox (or first of Fall)

Did Pilates with Denise Austin.  This is pretty advanced, not a good starting place.  Pick an easy one to start, like Pilates for Dummies.  Seriously.

Galatians  chapter 1 - This while Paul was still on the earth, that people had already started to fall away from the true Gospel.  The Galatians had begun to believe that their salvation was dependent on good works instead of the true gospel: faith in Christ's work. (from the study writer).  We do good works because we want to show God our love, not because we can earn our way into heaven.

On this day:
10 years ago 2004 on this day it was 80 degrees.  I fed the cats and went back to bed.  Took the day off work, not to sleep all day.  Mom went up to St Clair with the Merry Widows from church.  I had the house to myself.  Nicole was off to college.  So what did I do?  Cleaned out a closet, watered the flowers, had a nice chat with Lisa when she stopped by, took Nicoles' car up to the repair shop and then went to Cottage Hospital to feed my Aunt Margaret that was in hospice.  My cousins Peggy and Kathy wanted to take a day and go to the casino so I said I would fill in with their mom.  What do you do with your days off?  It's true, I can't do nothing.  But not to earn heavenly awards.

1914 - Three British cruisers were sunk by one German submarine in the North Sea. 1,400 British sailors were killed. This event alerted the British to the effectiveness of the submarine. Really?

Parenting - Adam and Janet stopped by at church and then over for lunch yesterday with their little guy Parker, who is 4 months.  It is a joy to see the love and adoration they have for their son.  We all know that wears off little by little, but for now, he is the apple of their eye.  For good reason, what a cutie!  If you looked at your 16 year old like that I expect their response would be "yeccccch!"

Damascus - Children
The Syrian civil war’s impact on the health of Syria’s children is far more insidious than has been widely understood, a leading children’s advocacy group reported Sunday, with large numbers dying or at risk from chronic and preventable diseases that have flourished because the country’s public health system has basically collapsed.
In a report timed to coincide with the start of the fourth year of the conflict, the group, Save the Children, said the effects of untreated illnesses on Syrian children were only partly reflected in the documented statistics. They show that at least 1.2 million children have fled to neighboring countries, that 4.3 million in Syria need humanitarian assistance and that more than 10,000 have died in the violence.
“It is not just the bullets and the shells that are killing and maiming children,” said the report, “A Devastating Toll.” The conflict, which began in March 2011, has left a “shattered health system resulting in brutal medical practices that have left millions of children suffering,” the report said.
Sorry to put such a downer in here, but I think we need to be aware.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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