Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 18, 2014 Thursday

Kick boxing with Bobby this morning.  Not bad after ballroom dancing last night.  Keep moving folks!

1 Chronicles - chapter 16   From the Old Testament.  If you believe there is a God why would you not want to send him your praise and adoration for how great He is?  It is in your own best interest to acknowledge and thank him for creation and your life. "Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name"

On this day:
1995 - Nicole would have been 10, she went to school and came home mid day with a sore throat.  We played Canasta all afternoon.  I used to love Canasta, I played as a child with my grandmother and now I want to play again. 
1895 - Daniel David Palmer gave the first chiropractic adjustment.   How many are thankful for this, raise your hand, if you can.

Parenting - I took both kids to the chiropractor early on.  The first time Aaron went he exclaimed he had never been able to turn his head to the side so well, he said he felt like an owl.

Damascus Syria.  Lets check out some more points of interest, while we can.


Points of Interest

Damascus Univ. (1923), Damascus Oriental Institute of Music (1950), a technological institute (1963), an industrial school (1964), and the national museum (1919) are in Damascus. The old city lies south of the Barada, and the new town (greatly extended since 1926) lies north of the river. Points of interest include the Great Mosque (one of the largest and most famous mosques in the Muslim world), the quadrangular citadel (originally Roman; rebuilt 1219), a 16th-century Muslim monastery, and Azm palace (1749; now a museum and center for the study of Islamic art and architecture). The biblical "street which is called Straight" still runs in the old city from the east to the west gate, flanked by bazaars.
Sections in this article:

Read more: Damascus: Points of Interest |

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

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