Friday, September 26, 2014

September 26, 2014 Friday

Will do some dancing at the Oktoberfest tonight.  That is good exercise!

Psalm 5 - "Let all those rejoice who put their trust in You: let them ever shout for joy, because You defend."  Psalm 5:11  God defends the righteous and condemns the evil.  Hope this prayer goes out for all the armed forces going out against ISIS. 

On this day:
1989 - Mom went to the doctor for a check up.  After having my brother with Diabetes for all those years, Mom was diagnosed with Type 2 and had to start insulin shots.  She has gone on and off with insulin for years depending on how well she watches her diet.  She says she always watches, but we all make excuses.  So much of our health issues is all abut diet, hard to stay on the right track.  My devil is the digestive process and certainly acts according to my eating habits.  Do you self a favor and eat right.

2001 - Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres announced plans to formalize a cease-fire and end a year of fighting in the region. What happens to these peace and cease fire treaties? 

Parenting - I had to delete a young woman from my email list after sending her and many others an email that I supported whole heartedly.  She was offended by it, as maybe others were as well.  Part of who we are is not apologizing for what we believe.  God Bless America. 

Book update - doing more research to expand the book.  This might really offend a few people.  Oh well. 

Damascus - Television programs? 
Damascus car bombings disrupt TV programing
14 October 2013 21:26
Two terror car bombs have gone off in the Syrian capital of Damascus near the city Umawiyeen Square and the building holding the state broadcasting network, Al-Alam reports.
The blast caused a temporary disruption of the programs on the nation’s al-Ikhbariya TV network.
Al-Alam correspondent in Damascus reports the interruption in al-Ikhbariya programing was caused by the shifting direction of a number of the network’s satellite dishes as the result of strong dual explosions, and is expected to be repaired soon.
According to the report, the blasts did not damage the building holding the broadcasting network and only partially destroyed some of the concrete blocks around the construction.
Moreover, a body has been spotted near the site of the two blast and probably belongs to one of the terrorists that set off their explosives.
The explosions were also confirmed by Syrian television and the country’s official news agency SANA.
SANA said the bombings were carried out by two suicide terrorists onboard their vehicles.
It further added that the blasts caused “only material damage to the wall of the General Establishment of Radio and Television, with no injuries reported.”
Citing “a source on the ground,” SANA estimated the amount of explosives used in each car at 100 kilograms, noting that one car was a Hyundai and the other was a Honda.  I guess that tells us about TV there.  I am sorry if this is depressing, but this is their world they are dealing with everyday.  Unlike us they can't call their carrier and complain about reception or lack of service. 

Enjoy your day!  Make it memorable!

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