Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25, 2014 Thursday Rosh Hashunah Happy New Year!

Did some weight lifting this morning.  We have to keep the muscles strong to support those bones!

Proverbs - chapter 10  He who restrains his lips is wise.  Wish I had a dollar for everytime I have misspoke.  This writing in Proverbs is very wise.  I like what the study writer shared:
      A wise old owl sat in an oak:
     The more he saw the less he spoke;
      The less he spoke the more he heard;
     Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?

On this day:
1976 - Okoberfest at the Alt Heidelburg in Mt Clemens.  The big tent behind the restaurant was rocking!  The main events were the guys climbing the poles to the top of the tent.  The competition was huge between picnic tables and the lines were long for the porta johns.  Who remembers?

1789 - The first U.S. Congress adopted 12 amendments to the Constitution. Ten of the amendments became the Bill of Rights.
Anybody remember the two that were dropped?  I think, no climbing poles and no standing on picnic tables.

Parenting - Do as I say Not as I do.

Damascus - Celebrations?

Celebrations in Syria

CNN PRODUCER NOTE     Documentary photographer mugur had just arrived in Damascus, Syria, when he saw people celebrating in the streets early Friday morning. He says he was told that people were celebrating 30% pay raises. See more of his images from Damascus here.
- zdan, CNN iReport producer
Photos taken in Damascus at approximately 5 a.m. on Friday, March 25
Hope these young people are ok.

Enjoy the day !  Make it memorable!

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