Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 31, 2014 New Year's Eve

Did some Disco with Richard this morning in my new exercise duds.  Wow, neon shirt really wakes you up!  Should have turned on the lights and opened the blinds.

Joshua chapter 3 - Crossing the Jordan - this is another time when God held the water back so the people of Israel could cross, this time the Jordan River.  It is a blessing to have faith, how could you ever lose faith after experiencing this? 

On this day
1975 through 1979 I spend New Years Eve at Pat and Pam's house to celebrate.  They were the house to go to for the party.  We were all a great group of friends that spent a lot of time together, that I still see and enjoy. 

1979 - At year end oil prices were 88% higher than at the start of 1979. wow!

Parenting - My motherly advice to all of you - DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE! tonight.  Have fun and be around to celebrate 2015.   I wish you good health and everything else will fall into place!

Gawlior India - Packing up for the move to ?  Hope you enjoyed the stay!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable! 

Monday, December 29, 2014

December 29,2014 Monday

Did a 10 minute Solution Kick boxing this morning.  Trying to get my get up and go to get up and go.

John  chapter 11. "Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died".  Jesus is here and people do die, but if you believe in the Lord He will raise you to eternal life.

On this day;
1974 - My brother Mark and I went bowling.  I'm happy for the times I spent with my brother because he too picked a hard road to travel and shortened his life tremendously.  There are those windows of opportunity to spend with people we love that pick dangerous life styles.  Enjoy them.

1851 - The first American Young Men's Christian Association was organized, in Boston, MA. This organization has helped out many young men.

Parenting - Friends of ours from church that we have been close to were told their brother/son Brandon was found dead in a car in Detroit.  Brandon showed up occasionaly for youth group at church when I was on the board and the youth leader.  He went to work camps and Bass Lake and the Gathering.  His brother Adam was a rock solid role model for him leading a good Christian life.  But, Brandon couldn't.  He had a giving loving heart and a great smile and a demon that led him down the wrong road.  "Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died".  I believe that despite his struggles, Brandon had faith and the Lord is with him now.

Gawlior India - just a few days left

Bajrang Dal activists cry ‘love jihad’ after Hindu girl elopes with a Muslim youth

Bajrang Dal activists cry ‘love jihad’ after Hindu girl elopes with a Muslim youth
Bajrang Dal members on Monday staged a protest demonstration in Gwalior demanding arrest of a Muslim man accused of eloping with a Hindu girl.

#Gwalior, #Madhya Pradesh, #News  I hadn't thought too much about how Hindu and Muslims got along.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

December 28, 2014 Sunday

Got some new exercise clothes from Don for Christmas, should go to a gym to show them off....after I lose the 10 lbs I put on the last few months.  I think its 10 but I can't tell because my scale broke and Don was a wise enough man not to buy me one for Christmas. 

Romans Chapter 8  vs 21 "What then, shall we say in response to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us?"  You need to remember that God is always for you!  You are the only one that separates you from God. 

On this day 2011 - We did the annual Tree Walk and tea at church.  They put up 50+ different themed Christmas trees, one more beautiful then the other and invite the community to come and walk through church and see them.  We serve a nice tea with sandwiches and cookies as well, with many of us bringing pretty tea pots from home.  Some years we draw a big crowd and others not so much.  This year Waynette, who usually runs the whole show, broke her arm and will have to miss.  We will do our best to carry on.  Come by and see the Nativity tree, the Detroit auto tree, the girly/girly tree etc.  They are wonderful.

1956 - After five years on television, the last "Ding Dong School" was aired on NBC-TV. I don't remember this at all?  Anyone else?

Parenting - Christmas is so special for families that have children.  They had the excitement and joy that adults, sometimes, lose.  I had two days of holiday here with kids and one with adults.  Both were a lot of fun, just different kinds of fun.  Happy Birthday Jesus!

Gawlior India - almost ready to pack up here and move on.  Let's look at food!

Skip takeout and make a healthier Indian meal at home with these easy Indian recipes.

Indian recipes are infused with assertive flavors—ginger, onion and garlic—and subtle spices—cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, peppercorns, bay leaves and cumin. Although the list of spices and techniques used to prepare some Indian recipes can be intimidating, they provide tantalizing layers of flavors in a matter of minutes. These Indian food recipes are easier to prepare than you may think. Wake up your taste buds with these flavor-packed Indian recipes. Download a FREE 1-Week Dinner Plan & Shopping List for 5 Healthy Quick-As-Takeout Dinner Recipes!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Brandon!

Friday, December 26, 2014

December 26, 2014 Friday Boxing Day & First day of Kwanzaa

Maybe tomorrow, too much to do again today.  Still recuperating from this cold.  I do believe that exercise speeds up the healing process.

John 1 chapter 1 - The Word became Flesh.  Yesterday we celebrated the Word (Jesus) becoming flesh.  He is the Light and the Word.  God spoke and it was so and the Holy Spirit became part of you when you accepted Christ as your Savior.  If you need help understanding this, it is ok, we all do.  Go to church.

On this day;
2006 - This is a really pleasant memory.  My Aunt Teresa and Uncle Hank and a dear family member all came over to have breakfast.  Mom was thrilled to have them here and we had a great breakfast of ham, bacon, sausage and eggs.  Their friend Hilda had been around since they were kids, just like family.  They had always got together and went out to breakfast, but on this day I was blessed to be part of it.  Then a surprise, their youngest son Darrel came in and joined us.  Aunt Teresa, Uncle Hank and Hilda are gone now.  Mom and I miss them so much, but I love these memories that bring back the sound of their distinct laughs to my ear.

1865 - The coffee percolator was patented by James H. Mason. Thank you Mr. Mason!

Parenting - Nicole just packed up and left for the Gathering in Lansing.  I guess it was 16 years ago she went to her first Gathering and was hooked.  It is a high school age - 4 day lock in and Mass gathering for youth and God.  I went for 10 or so years as a youth leader and loved it.  Now, this year my daughter is the head honcho, director of the whole thing.  It is all actually run and led by youth which is what makes it so successful.  It is a gift to be involved with this, it is a blessing to me that my Nicole is doing what God intended her to do - lead and instill faith in youth.  Amen

Gawlior India -  Sight seeing!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

December 24, 2014 Wednesday Christmas Eve

Did 10 minute Ballet workout this morning.  Now I'm on my toes!

Ephesians chapter 2 - God's people reunited in peace.  What does it have to do with Christmas?  Everything.  God wants us to live in peace with each other.  The King of peace is born tonight two thousand years ago.  "Glory to the newborn King".

On this day;
2001 - Every Christmas has its story.  This year we all went to church for the 11:00 service and Nicole and Lindsey went in Nicole's car.  As we all sat in the pew and church was ready to start, we wondered where the girls were.  The Pastor, instead of walking up to the altar comes into church and walks up to me and says "Nicole is at the gas station on Harper, she has a flat tire" then goes up and starts the service.  It could have been a worse message, but we laugh about it now.

1818 - Franz Gruber of Oberndorf, Germany composed the music for "Silent Night" to words written by Josef Mohr. Almost 200 years ago, some songs just stick with you.

Parenting - My prayer today is for all my friends and family to have a safe and happy Christmas.  I hope this is the year that if you don't have faith it finds its way into your heart. 

Gawlior India -

Shopping in Gwalior

Gwalior is famous for its handicrafts and leather products. Visit the shops at Rajwada, Lashkar and Patankar Bazaar for artifacts with a royal touch. Shops specialize in art…

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

December 23, 2014 Tuesday

Did some Pilates today.  So glad my back in strong, now to fix this cold!

2 Corinthians chapter 9 - Generosity Encouraged - Basically about you get what you give.  Don't put a dollar sign on this, true generosity is gifts of the spirit, not from Amazon.  Again, the greatest gift you can get this year is your faith.  From a baby laying in a manger - Merry Christmas.

On this day;
2000  - I was leaving to go shopping and opened Nicole's bedroom door to tell her. To my right I glimpsed something move in Nicole's closet. "Nicole there is something in your closet" "Yeah right Mom"  "No really".  I slid the door to one side and watched a black squirrel run across her clothes on hangers to the other side.  EEEEEIIIIIIIII.  We both ran out the door.  I called Rox and Bill next door and we armed ourselves for war.  That poor squirrel finally found the front door open and slid across the linoleum and out the door.  It was funny later and we wished we had filmed it..  I wondered who was eating all the nuts in the living room on the coffee table.

1823 - The poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" by Clement C. Moore (" 'Twas the night before Christmas...") was published.  Who doesn't almost know this by heart?

Parenting - My daughter is wonderful, but I failed teaching her housekeeping skills.  That squirrel never had it so good.  We think it was in the house about a week before we discovered it, and we had a cat and dog.  It apparently made itself at home.  Not like we were ever home.

Gawlior India - Pets?   Cached
Jun 28, 2012 · Wild Animals at Gwalior at hot 48 DC  Go to their zoo here!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Scott V!

Monday, December 22, 2014

December 22, 2014 Monday

10 Minute solutions - Did some Boot camp today.  Gotta get my game back here.

Philippians chapter 2 - Imitating Christ's Humilty.  I'm sorry, we just can't.  We can never match his selfless giving and caring, but we can try.  The holidays are a good time to get started.  When family squabbles start up be like Frozen - "let it go".  Forgive and love everyone, you take the step back.

On this day;
1990 - Andy and Alice had a big Open house party for Christmas.  It was great. lot's of people and great memories.  This was the year of the great joke Aunt Theresa told Alice and I about her new mouse tattoo she got for Christmas.  Remember Alice?  Aunt Theresa is gone but her joyful memory lives on in this "bad" joke and little things like cooking 12 eggs and calling out to Uncle Hank "oh Hank" YOUR egg broke.  What a great lady!  so fun.  Enjoy your relatives, they won't last forever.

1939 - Gloria Jacobs became the first girl to hold a world pistol record when she shot 299 out of a possible 300 points. She was 17 years old at the time. This is for you Don! and the rest of you don't forget this when seeing a woman with a gun.

Parenting - It is impossible to raise all of your children the same way.  The dynamics of a family change constantly.  Adding new children creates different relationships for children to deal with and attention to share.  Watching the four kids under 8 that were here yesterday was a perfect example of this.  The first child had his two parents and two grandparents that he lived with.  The second child started off with the same but had a brother.  Then Mom and Dad moved away to the army with the two kids.  While Mom was expecting child 3 she moved back home to be with the other grandparents and divorced.  Dad remarried and has child 4 a boy.  The kids all have a pretty healthy relationship with each other, which is surprising.  Interesting. 

Gawlior India - How do they do with kids in India?

snehalaya the home with love  

children at snehalaya that need sponsors

sponsor a child in india - Sanjana
"I need a sponsor!"

 Sanjana is a 9 year old girl who came with her mother Deepa in July 2011.
Sponsor A Child In India

Your support can change a childs life!

 Little breaks a heart faster than a child's smile. It may be a smile of anticipation...a smile of pure joy...a smile of longing ... a smile that says "thank you" (’Dhan’yavada ’ in Hindi ) that means much more than words in any language.

 In "Snehalaya" there are more than 63 (the number grows daily) smiling faces. These are the children that have escaped the hard, menial, and monotonous future of living on the streets of India...and have come to a place where they are treated with dignity and all their needs are met.

 "Snehalaya", meaning "the home with love" in Hindi, is a care home for disabled children, homeless women and the aged, where they live together as a family in individual cottages, with aims to help make them independent and live with dignity.

 It is our aim for Snehalaya to become completely self sufficient. We have drilled bore holes to provide fresh drinking water, cultivated 15 acres of land and we rear dairy cows and poultry to provide food. We are making good progress but we are a long way off from being 100% self-sufficient, with electricity production being our biggest and most costly hurdle.


 The Gwalior Children's Charity does not receive any government support from India, despite operating in one of it's poorest and most needy areas. Because of this we rely solely on donations from around the world.

donate now

All running costs are met thorugh the kindness of our donors. Nothing is deducted for administration costs with 100% of funds going directly to help the children.



snehalaya, home for the disadvantaged in India
 Covering 25 acres, Snehalaya is an unique place combining community living with a Care Home (orphanage) for disabled and destitute children, homeless women and the aged. Mostly they live together as a family in cottages.  "Snehalaya" (in Hindi it means "Home -- with Love") also includes a school for special needs, a mainstream school, a regional rural hospital, a multi-sensory room, vocational training, facilities for yoga and meditation, farm, gaushala (cow shed) for our own cows -- all set amid gardens, farms and sports & play areas.

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 Also on site, the new integrated school has facilities for 250 'special needs' children plus a further 500 places for children from surrounding villages, especially girls who would otherwise remain uneducated and undergo oppression.  A special focus is vocational training for these girls to make them more independent and provide them with confidence to start a career.

 A little goes a very long way in India - and there are many ways an individual or an organisation can make a real difference. Sometimes, when we look at the need, the prospect seems daunting. But we carry on, remembering the simple adage that "because you can't do everything, it doesn't mean you should do nothing".

 IMPORTANT: Although we operate in one of the poorest and most needy parts of India, the Gwalior Childrens Charity (formerly Gwalior Childrens Hospital Charity) receives no government support.  Not from local authorities. Not from regional or state sources. Not from central government. So we are forced to rely on the generosity of people around the world, like you. Any contribution, however small, is very much appreciated.

we need your help

 We need regular income, please consider becoming a regular donor by setting up a standing order. No amount is too small, every little helps. Please click here for more information.

This sounds great doesn't it?  Good donation thought!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday to Chris and Ron!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

December 21, 2014 Sunday Winter Soltice shortest day of the year aka blue Sunday

A day of rest.

Mom and I are missing church this morning.  I hope we are germ free by Christmas.
Hebrews chapter 9 - The blood of Christ.  Christ was born into the world to die for us and save us from our sins.  Not the part of the Christmas Story you want to hear, but it is the best Christmas gift that you will ever get.  Merry Christmas from God.

On this day;
1989 - I only worked two days a week but, this was one of them and it was Nicole's Christmas pre-school party.  Mom took her.  I always felt so bad to miss but it was very special for Mom.  Sometime it is better for someone else to be involved.

1913 - Arthur Wynne published a new "word-cross" puzzle in the "New York World" in England. The name was later changed to "crossword." I do the crossword everyday!  Thanks Art!

Parenting - Have you taken your child to an event that you are excited for- for them?  Then you get there and they are not half as happy to be there as you.  If you feel like it is one of those days, where your kids have had enough of the holidays, ask someone else to take them to something.  It might put a different spin on the occasion and make it better.  If not, they will turn you down next time you ask.  Easy -pesy right?

Gawlior - India -  There are Christians in India

Christianity in Madhya Pradesh

I will bet they don't have the Christmas frenzied shopping going on there though

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Christie!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

December 20,2014 Lst day of fall

Did a little bit of Arms and abs this morning.  The warm up and stretch was the best part.  Coming back from this cold.

John chapter 14 - Jesus promises the Holy Spirit.  I have always thought the Holy Spirit is underserved.  He is the part of the triune God that stays with us, reminds us of our faith and gives us strength to continue good works for God.  "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever -"

On this day;
1984 - I was pregnant with Nicole, so I know I didn't have any drinks when the boss, Jim, took Chris and I to Chuck Josephs for dinner.  The three of us got along pretty well together and had a good time socializing as well.  This is another memory for you Chris.  If any of you are going out for holiday dinners or parties for work or just socializing with friends, be sure to find a pregnant lady to take along as your designated driver!  Good idea huh?

1699 - Peter the Great ordered that the Russian New Year be changed from September 1 to January 1. Was this what made him great?

Parenting - I wonder what women are thinking when I see one that is pregnant smoking, drinking or hear of one that continues a drug habit.  Do they think that baby is immune to what is going through their bodies? That the smoke never enters their blood stream, the alcohol doesn't make them drunk as well or that poor eating habits don't effect the baby?  Then when the child is born with health problems they lament, why me?  We can only pray for higher understanding.

Gawlior India -  What else is here?

      Get the MTV Artists App and discover music — wherever you are. Artists From Gwalior, India. From position 0, showing 1 items, asking 50. See More. Artists from IndiaThis will take time to get into.  I think it is an acquired taste.
    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Friday, December 19, 2014

    December 19,2014 Friday

    I hate not exercising.  Been down with this cold all week and too many things to do.  I will be back on target soon, I need my activity fix.

    1 Timothy chapter 1 The Lord's grace to Paul.  Paul said he was the worst sinner of all and yet he knew he was forgiven by grace.  No matter how bad you think you have been God has already forgiven you, but YOU need to know that.  Build your faith, Christmas is a great place to start, with the Savior born in humble settings.

    On this day;
    1979 - Chris and I went shopping for our boss's Christmas gift.  We went to Northland and of course had dinner and probably drinks.  Since we had moved the business to Oak Park, our habits changed.  We originally went to Larco's on Six Mile and had dinner and a "few" drinks (Brandy Alexanders)  before shopping.  I wonder which gifts were better?  Remember the fun we had Chris - most of all I miss lunches.

    1978 - Indira Gandhi was expelled from the Lok Sabha for contempt and imprisoned.   AND while we shopped this happened.

    Parenting - Parenting is caring for someone, looking out for their welfare, most often above your own.  Everyone needs to know that someone in this world cares deeply about their well being.  At this time of year, many people become terribly depressed, because they are alone.  If you know someone - call them today, take them to lunch or dinner.  Give them a chap stick.  Let them know you care, in  whatever small way you can.

    Gawlior India -  Lets have fun!


    People of Gwalior like to have kachoris, samosas and other fried snacks served with potato curries and chutneys. Jalebis, rabdi, kebabs, bhutte ki kees (curry made of grated corn), mawa-bati, khoprapak and malpua are popular. Also try out Morena Gajak, made of jaggery and sesame.
    Almost all hotels have in-house restaurants and cafés. You will also find delicious food at Chhatri Bazaar and Ratnakar Bhawan. The famous City Mall has several eateries and some international fast food joints like Domino’s Pizza and McDonald’s. Besides Indian, some restaurants also serve Continental and Nepali dishes.
    Indian Coffee House located on Station Road serves vegetarian food. Breakfast favourites include dosa, scrambled eggs, etc. It also serves proper main-course menu, including thalis. Don’t forget to try their coffee.   YUM!

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

    Wednesday, December 17, 2014

    December 17, 2014 Wednesday First day of Chanukah

    Kathy Smith and I did some stretching and aerobics this morning.  I'm down with a cold but find if I still exercise the aches and pains lighten up.  Drinking a lot of water too.  What works best for you?

    John chapter 15 The Vine and the Branches.  I always think of the song that Pastor Beebe sang with this passage.  Jesus wants us to go and bear good fruit.  Tell someone today of the good news of Jesus Christ.

    On this day;
    1978  I was Christmas decorating, cleaning house and baking cookies.  What a surprise.  The funny thing is that Pete and I had such a ? relationship that he always found parties to go to, even Saturday afternoons.  Later I learned he had another girlfriend, lol.  Must have been difficult to cover two women for the holidays.  I was writing parts of my journal into a journal for him for Christmas.  He had asked me to do that.  I think we knew we wouldn't last and he wanted to keep the memories a live too.  Lot to think about there, lol.

    1978 - OPEC decided to raise oil prices by 14.5% by the end of 1979. They just decided?  Not, they found it necessary due to increased costs or whatever - they just decided to.

    Parenting - Sharing with family is having a cold, then everyone has a cold.

    Gawlior India -  What else can we find?

    About Gwalior

    Famous for its magnificent palaces, old temples and the impressive fort, Gwalior was the erstwhile capital of the Scindias. Lying 122 km south of Agra and 423 km north of the state capital Bhopal, Gwalior occupied strategic importance throughout history.
    Also known as the ‘Fort City’, the massive hill fort of Gwalior served as the seat of several northern Indian kingdoms. Mughal emperor Babur is believed to have described the fort as ‘the pearl amongst fortresses in Hind’.
    Gwalior was among the five princely states which enjoyed 21 gun salute during British rule. Along with Hyderabad, Mysore, Jammu and Kashmir and Baroda, Gwalior held important stature within British India.
    Gwalior is the headquarters of Chambal region and a major industrial and commercial region. Often referred to as the tourist capital of Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior is the fourth largest city of Madhya Pradesh and an education hub.
    The city is also famous for Scindia School located inside the Gwalior fort. Established in 1897, it is among the prominent boarding schools of India. It was originally started exclusively for nobles and princes and housed in the erstwhile barracks of the British soldiers.
    Gwalior is also known as city of music. Gwalior is one of the oldest gharanas or schools of Hindustani classical music. The city is the final resting place of Tansen, the musical genius and one of the nine gems of Emperor Akbar’s court. Sarod Ghar, the first ever museum dedicated to Indian musical instruments, is based in the city.

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

    Tuesday, December 16, 2014

    December 16, 2014 Tuesday

    Did some ring Pilates with Ana Caban.  The trick is not to drop the steel ring on yourself while doing these exercises.  It is a challenge.

    Luke chapter 2  The Christmas Story - the birth of the Christ child and the hosts of angels coming down to sing "Glory to God in the Highest".  The author says that in the Ukraine some people put a little hay around the table to remind people of Christ's humble birth.  Now to find some hay.

    On this day:
    1966 - My fiancée Don, came over and we went with friends to the Highwaymen's clubhouse for a pool tournament against the Queensmen.  I have no recollection of that group, but if it's in my journal it must be true.  This is a milder form of entertainment for motorcycle clubs back in those days.  Do you play pool?  I used to play on a league many years ago, you should go or maybe you have a table at home.  Why not start a tournament at your house with friends, say every 2nd Saturday of the month or whatever works?

    1773 - Nearly 350 chests of tea were dumped into Boston Harbor off of British ships by Colonial patriots. The patriots were disguised as Indians. The act was to protest taxation without representation and the monopoly the government granted to the East India Company. Now! That's a tea party!

    Parenting - My friend Waynette took a fall at work yesterday and broke her arm in three places.  She has one sister that is not real involved with anything beside herself and no other family to take care of her.  We have been friends since we were 12.  She has to have surgery on Thursday and will be laid up for quite some time.  Not good for someone who lives alone and cares for her 85 year old dad.  I am sure many people are in the same situation as she.  When things like this happen you have to step in and help.

    Gawlior India -   What else can we find?


    The prominent hospitals of Gwalior include Gajara Raja Medical College and the associated J.A. Hospital, Kamla Raja Hospital, Sahara Hospital, Mascot Hospital, Birla Hospital, Cancer Hospital & Research Institute and many good private doctor clinics. The Cancer Hospital & Research Institute is a nationally acclaimed medical center in Oncology. There is also a charitable hospital named SATCH (Shri Anandpur Trust Charitable Hospital) which provides free treatment. There is a government Ayurvedic college and a private homoeopathic college (Vasundhara Raje Homoeopathic Medical College) which is run by the Biochemic and Homoeopathic Association of Gwalior, also providing health care education and services. Judging by how many doctors in this country are Indian, I would be surprised if they didn't have good health care.

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

    Sunday, December 14, 2014

    December 14, 2014 Sunday

    Nicole and I went to Christ Lutheran today.  It was John the Baptist Sunday, which as I hope you know was the cousin of Jesus that came to proclaim the coming of the king.  He told people to repent because the time was near when their king would come and save them.  It was the churches children's Christmas program and the cookie walk.  A win/win day!

    On this day;
    2013 - Last year we got 6" of snow today, on top of what we already had I believe.  I missed Don's daughters birthday last year because of the snow storm.  Today we are in the 40's, must be Michigan.

    2013 - The Chinese spacecraft Chang'e 3 became the first spacecraft to "soft"-land on the Moon since 1976. It was only the third robotic rover to land on the moon. Do you remember this?  I don't, just because it wasn't us I guess it isn't so interesting.  But it is!

    Parenting -When you think of your kids turning 30 you think, Wow did that go fast! Where did the time go?  Boy am I getting old.  My travelers group has been meeting for 6 years, the one couple was celebrating their 35 anniversary.  We pass the time so fast and then it's gone.  That is why I journal.  I think each day the Lord gives us is precious, not to be wasted.

    Gawlior India -

    Gwalior Metro and suburbs[edit]

    The old town[edit]

    view of Gwalior Fort from the Old city
    The old town of Gwalior, commonly called is kila gate and then about 1 km away is hazira largest area in old town, which is of considerable size but irregularly built, lies at the eastern base of the rock. It contains the tomb of the Sufi saints, Khwaja Khanoon and Muhammad Ghaus, erected during the early part of Mughal emperor Akbar’s reign, and the tomb of Mian Tansen, a great singer and one of the 'Nine Jewels' of Akbar's court. A town called by his name Ghauspura situated near the tomb of Mohaommed Ghaus.reold town consisted of some streets and mohallas which are presumed to be 700 to 800 yrs old areas in gwalior which are still backward areas in gwalior due to improper management of new town. these old areas are as follows. 1)koteshwar temple- this temple is 700 yrs old temple of lord shiva whose shivling was on gwalior fort but when mughals conquered the fort they ordered to threw out the shivaling fort when his troophs done that,shivaling was automatically established in a field below fort without any harm then Muslim qazi told emperor not to do harm to shivaling then in late 18th century scindians build a temple for that shivaling now popularly known as koteshwar mahadev. 2)Ghas mandi- this area is presumed to be 700 years old it was established around the 15th century this place was used by local population for business by selling grass for feeding animals for king and other rich persons. 3)Baba Kapoor- this place is 500 meters away from ghas mandi actually this place was given name baba kapoor because of a famous saint shah abdul gafoor his mazar is there in this area that's why this place is called as baba kapoor and this area consist of 90% Muslims in whole gwalior. 4)kashi naresh ki gali- this a 600 yrs old residential street in gwalior it was given name as kashi naresh ki gali because in the 14th century when the emperor of kashi was defeated in war he was sent to exile by oppositions at that time gwalior emperor and kashi's emperor were good friends when kashi's emperor told gwalior's emperor whole story, emperor gave him an entire street for living at that time which is now known as kashi naresh ki gali. their family is even now resides there in kashi naresh ki gali in RAJAJI KA BADA. meanings- naresh =king = rajaji. gali =street in Hindi language. bada= big area. 5)Loha Mandi- this place is also 600yrs old in gwalior. this place was used for buying iron materials. 6)Hazira- it was the main market place of gwalior that time nowadays this place is too much congested because of its irregular and unplanned structure which was made by old merchants in the 15th century.
    all these areas are very considered to be very important areas in historical point of view even now many times many historical coins, jwellery, arms etc. founded in houses when a person try to reniewate the house and these areas also many unpredictable secrets. The town has a museum situated in the Gujari Mahal. 

    Enjoy the day!  Happy Birthday to Michelle, Pastor Jerry, Melani and Daniel!