Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 16, 2014 Tuesday

Did some ring Pilates with Ana Caban.  The trick is not to drop the steel ring on yourself while doing these exercises.  It is a challenge.

Luke chapter 2  The Christmas Story - the birth of the Christ child and the hosts of angels coming down to sing "Glory to God in the Highest".  The author says that in the Ukraine some people put a little hay around the table to remind people of Christ's humble birth.  Now to find some hay.

On this day:
1966 - My fiancée Don, came over and we went with friends to the Highwaymen's clubhouse for a pool tournament against the Queensmen.  I have no recollection of that group, but if it's in my journal it must be true.  This is a milder form of entertainment for motorcycle clubs back in those days.  Do you play pool?  I used to play on a league many years ago, you should go or maybe you have a table at home.  Why not start a tournament at your house with friends, say every 2nd Saturday of the month or whatever works?

1773 - Nearly 350 chests of tea were dumped into Boston Harbor off of British ships by Colonial patriots. The patriots were disguised as Indians. The act was to protest taxation without representation and the monopoly the government granted to the East India Company. Now! That's a tea party!

Parenting - My friend Waynette took a fall at work yesterday and broke her arm in three places.  She has one sister that is not real involved with anything beside herself and no other family to take care of her.  We have been friends since we were 12.  She has to have surgery on Thursday and will be laid up for quite some time.  Not good for someone who lives alone and cares for her 85 year old dad.  I am sure many people are in the same situation as she.  When things like this happen you have to step in and help.

Gawlior India -   What else can we find?


The prominent hospitals of Gwalior include Gajara Raja Medical College and the associated J.A. Hospital, Kamla Raja Hospital, Sahara Hospital, Mascot Hospital, Birla Hospital, Cancer Hospital & Research Institute and many good private doctor clinics. The Cancer Hospital & Research Institute is a nationally acclaimed medical center in Oncology. There is also a charitable hospital named SATCH (Shri Anandpur Trust Charitable Hospital) which provides free treatment. There is a government Ayurvedic college and a private homoeopathic college (Vasundhara Raje Homoeopathic Medical College) which is run by the Biochemic and Homoeopathic Association of Gwalior, also providing health care education and services. Judging by how many doctors in this country are Indian, I would be surprised if they didn't have good health care.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

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