Friday, December 26, 2014

December 26, 2014 Friday Boxing Day & First day of Kwanzaa

Maybe tomorrow, too much to do again today.  Still recuperating from this cold.  I do believe that exercise speeds up the healing process.

John 1 chapter 1 - The Word became Flesh.  Yesterday we celebrated the Word (Jesus) becoming flesh.  He is the Light and the Word.  God spoke and it was so and the Holy Spirit became part of you when you accepted Christ as your Savior.  If you need help understanding this, it is ok, we all do.  Go to church.

On this day;
2006 - This is a really pleasant memory.  My Aunt Teresa and Uncle Hank and a dear family member all came over to have breakfast.  Mom was thrilled to have them here and we had a great breakfast of ham, bacon, sausage and eggs.  Their friend Hilda had been around since they were kids, just like family.  They had always got together and went out to breakfast, but on this day I was blessed to be part of it.  Then a surprise, their youngest son Darrel came in and joined us.  Aunt Teresa, Uncle Hank and Hilda are gone now.  Mom and I miss them so much, but I love these memories that bring back the sound of their distinct laughs to my ear.

1865 - The coffee percolator was patented by James H. Mason. Thank you Mr. Mason!

Parenting - Nicole just packed up and left for the Gathering in Lansing.  I guess it was 16 years ago she went to her first Gathering and was hooked.  It is a high school age - 4 day lock in and Mass gathering for youth and God.  I went for 10 or so years as a youth leader and loved it.  Now, this year my daughter is the head honcho, director of the whole thing.  It is all actually run and led by youth which is what makes it so successful.  It is a gift to be involved with this, it is a blessing to me that my Nicole is doing what God intended her to do - lead and instill faith in youth.  Amen

Gawlior India -  Sight seeing!

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