Sunday, December 21, 2014

December 21, 2014 Sunday Winter Soltice shortest day of the year aka blue Sunday

A day of rest.

Mom and I are missing church this morning.  I hope we are germ free by Christmas.
Hebrews chapter 9 - The blood of Christ.  Christ was born into the world to die for us and save us from our sins.  Not the part of the Christmas Story you want to hear, but it is the best Christmas gift that you will ever get.  Merry Christmas from God.

On this day;
1989 - I only worked two days a week but, this was one of them and it was Nicole's Christmas pre-school party.  Mom took her.  I always felt so bad to miss but it was very special for Mom.  Sometime it is better for someone else to be involved.

1913 - Arthur Wynne published a new "word-cross" puzzle in the "New York World" in England. The name was later changed to "crossword." I do the crossword everyday!  Thanks Art!

Parenting - Have you taken your child to an event that you are excited for- for them?  Then you get there and they are not half as happy to be there as you.  If you feel like it is one of those days, where your kids have had enough of the holidays, ask someone else to take them to something.  It might put a different spin on the occasion and make it better.  If not, they will turn you down next time you ask.  Easy -pesy right?

Gawlior - India -  There are Christians in India

Christianity in Madhya Pradesh

I will bet they don't have the Christmas frenzied shopping going on there though

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Christie!

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