Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 14, 2014 Sunday

Nicole and I went to Christ Lutheran today.  It was John the Baptist Sunday, which as I hope you know was the cousin of Jesus that came to proclaim the coming of the king.  He told people to repent because the time was near when their king would come and save them.  It was the churches children's Christmas program and the cookie walk.  A win/win day!

On this day;
2013 - Last year we got 6" of snow today, on top of what we already had I believe.  I missed Don's daughters birthday last year because of the snow storm.  Today we are in the 40's, must be Michigan.

2013 - The Chinese spacecraft Chang'e 3 became the first spacecraft to "soft"-land on the Moon since 1976. It was only the third robotic rover to land on the moon. Do you remember this?  I don't, just because it wasn't us I guess it isn't so interesting.  But it is!

Parenting -When you think of your kids turning 30 you think, Wow did that go fast! Where did the time go?  Boy am I getting old.  My travelers group has been meeting for 6 years, the one couple was celebrating their 35 anniversary.  We pass the time so fast and then it's gone.  That is why I journal.  I think each day the Lord gives us is precious, not to be wasted.

Gawlior India -

Gwalior Metro and suburbs[edit]

The old town[edit]

view of Gwalior Fort from the Old city
The old town of Gwalior, commonly called is kila gate and then about 1 km away is hazira largest area in old town, which is of considerable size but irregularly built, lies at the eastern base of the rock. It contains the tomb of the Sufi saints, Khwaja Khanoon and Muhammad Ghaus, erected during the early part of Mughal emperor Akbar’s reign, and the tomb of Mian Tansen, a great singer and one of the 'Nine Jewels' of Akbar's court. A town called by his name Ghauspura situated near the tomb of Mohaommed Ghaus.reold town consisted of some streets and mohallas which are presumed to be 700 to 800 yrs old areas in gwalior which are still backward areas in gwalior due to improper management of new town. these old areas are as follows. 1)koteshwar temple- this temple is 700 yrs old temple of lord shiva whose shivling was on gwalior fort but when mughals conquered the fort they ordered to threw out the shivaling fort when his troophs done that,shivaling was automatically established in a field below fort without any harm then Muslim qazi told emperor not to do harm to shivaling then in late 18th century scindians build a temple for that shivaling now popularly known as koteshwar mahadev. 2)Ghas mandi- this area is presumed to be 700 years old it was established around the 15th century this place was used by local population for business by selling grass for feeding animals for king and other rich persons. 3)Baba Kapoor- this place is 500 meters away from ghas mandi actually this place was given name baba kapoor because of a famous saint shah abdul gafoor his mazar is there in this area that's why this place is called as baba kapoor and this area consist of 90% Muslims in whole gwalior. 4)kashi naresh ki gali- this a 600 yrs old residential street in gwalior it was given name as kashi naresh ki gali because in the 14th century when the emperor of kashi was defeated in war he was sent to exile by oppositions at that time gwalior emperor and kashi's emperor were good friends when kashi's emperor told gwalior's emperor whole story, emperor gave him an entire street for living at that time which is now known as kashi naresh ki gali. their family is even now resides there in kashi naresh ki gali in RAJAJI KA BADA. meanings- naresh =king = rajaji. gali =street in Hindi language. bada= big area. 5)Loha Mandi- this place is also 600yrs old in gwalior. this place was used for buying iron materials. 6)Hazira- it was the main market place of gwalior that time nowadays this place is too much congested because of its irregular and unplanned structure which was made by old merchants in the 15th century.
all these areas are very considered to be very important areas in historical point of view even now many times many historical coins, jwellery, arms etc. founded in houses when a person try to reniewate the house and these areas also many unpredictable secrets. The town has a museum situated in the Gujari Mahal. 

Enjoy the day!  Happy Birthday to Michelle, Pastor Jerry, Melani and Daniel! 

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