Saturday, December 6, 2014

December 6, 2014 Saturday

Worked out with Denise this morning.  Weight training, now I can lift those heavy ornaments onto the tree!.

2 Kings  chapter 5 - This is not a story about the evils of leprosy, but a story on many topics.  How a leader cared for his worker, how a slave girl went out on a limb to help a boss, how a rich man only thinks big exclusive things can be of use to him, how going to a religious person for help can be - helpful and how God looks beyond all of our earthly faults and heals us anyway.  He is a good God.

On this day;
1987 - a clear case of my past life and current life colliding.  The night before was the LSCORA Christmas party (the offshore club).  I still had to get up and teach Sunday School on this morning and run the practice for the upcoming Christmas program. 

1865 - The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. The amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.  Did it?  We are still all slaves to racism. 

Parenting - I went to church last night to help decorate.  There were fewer this year and just a handful of youth, that weren't happy about being there.  But we got it done in record time and went to Tony's afterward for refreshments.  That was a nice reward for our labor!  Hope the kids someday see that fellowship with friends at church is fun.

Gawlior India -  What else can we see:

Scindia state of Gwalior[edit]

A King George VI stamp of 1949, inscribed 'GWALIOR'
Scindia is a Maratha clan in India. This clan included rulers of the Gwalior State in the 18th and 19th centuries, collaborators of the colonial British government during the 19th and the 20th centuries until India became independent, and politicians in independent India.
The Scindia state of Gwalior became a major regional power in the second half of the 18th century and figured prominently in the three Anglo-Maratha Wars. (Gwalior first fell to the British in 1780.) The Scindias held significant power over many of the Rajput states, and conquered the state of Ajmer. During the Indian Rebellion of 1857 the city was briefly held by rebel forces in 1858 until they were defeated by the British.[4] The Scindia family ruled Gwalior until India's independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, when the Maharaja Jivajirao Scindia acceded to the Government of India. Gwalior was merged with a number of other princely states to become the new Indian state of Madhya Bharat. Jivajirao Scindia served as the state's rajpramukh, or appointed governor, from 28 May 1948 to 31 October 1956, when Madhya Bharat was merged into Madhya Pradesh.
In 1962, Rajmata Vijayraje Scindia, the widow of Maharaja Jivajirao Scindia, was elected to the Lok Sabha, beginning the family's career in electoral politics. She was first a member of the Congress Party, and later became an influential member of the Bharatiya Janata Party. Her son, Maharaja Madhavrao Scindia was elected to the Lok Sabha in 1971 representing the Congress Party, and served until his death in 2001. His son, Jyotiraditya Scindia, also in the Congress Party, was elected to the seat formerly held by his father in 2004.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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