Friday, December 5, 2014

December 5, 2014 Friday!

Kathy Smith and I did some aerobics this morning.  Last night I was so stiff from going up and down the ladder for Christmas stuff and lifting that 6' tree into place, I took some Aleve (with milk) before bed and after stretching and warm up, I feel fine.  I believe the worse thing you can do is sit and wait to feel better.

1 John chapter 4 - God is Love.  You can't scientifically invent love, you can't see where it evolved from.  It is truly the being of God that defines God as being superior to anything else.  Love.  God loves you and wants you to love him by showing your love for others.  Simple.

On this day;
1986-  When you least expect it (just before the holidays) the washing machine dies. Right?  The good thing is when you have a friend at the appliance to store to give you a good deal, and your husband has a truck to pick it up and your brother comes over and helps install it.  Make sure to thank all the people that have helped make your life easier/better this year! (Hate to think my washer is almost 30 years old).

1986 - The Soviet Union said it would continue to abide by the SALT II treaty limits on nuclear weapons. This was despite the decision by the U.S. to exceed them.  What games they play to balance the power.  Will they ever get it right?

Parenting - When Aaron and Nicole were little they would put on plays and rock concerts and I would video them, as you all probably did.  After watching Peter Pan last night I was reminded of their production of Peter Pan.  Nicole was maybe 3 and kept forgetting her lines, to which Aaron would say in exasperation "Oh Nicole" and they would do it again.  Then Nicole fell off the top bunk to appear to be flying and Toto (our dog) was the crocodile.  Think I will watch it today.

Book Club - on postponement now.  I really miss the reading and have been too busy lately to work on the book.  January will be a good time to finish, I hope.  I miss having a good book to pick up.

Gawlior India - In the meantime this place has lots of history.

Revolt of 1857[edit]

Gwalior is also known for its participation in the 1857 revolt, mainly due to Rani Lakshmibai's involvement. After Kalpi (Jhansi) fell into the hands of the British on 24 May 1858, Lakshmibai sought shelter at Gwalior Fort. The Maharaja of Gwalior was not willing to give up his fort without a fight as he was a nominal ally of the British, but after negotiations, his troops capitulated and the rebels took possession of the fort. The British wasted no time in attacking Gercest, the bloodiest battle ever fought on Indian soil.[citation needed] Indian forces numbered around 20,000, and British forces around 1600. Lakshmibai's example is remembered to this day by Indian nationalists. She died fighting, and Gwalior was captured. Tatya Tope and Rao Sahib escaped.[3] Tatya Tope was later captured and hanged in April 1859.
The Maan Mandir Palace at Gwalior Fort
Wow!!  now that's a fort!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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