Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 31, 2014 New Year's Eve

Did some Disco with Richard this morning in my new exercise duds.  Wow, neon shirt really wakes you up!  Should have turned on the lights and opened the blinds.

Joshua chapter 3 - Crossing the Jordan - this is another time when God held the water back so the people of Israel could cross, this time the Jordan River.  It is a blessing to have faith, how could you ever lose faith after experiencing this? 

On this day
1975 through 1979 I spend New Years Eve at Pat and Pam's house to celebrate.  They were the house to go to for the party.  We were all a great group of friends that spent a lot of time together, that I still see and enjoy. 

1979 - At year end oil prices were 88% higher than at the start of 1979. wow!

Parenting - My motherly advice to all of you - DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE! tonight.  Have fun and be around to celebrate 2015.   I wish you good health and everything else will fall into place!

Gawlior India - Packing up for the move to ?  Hope you enjoyed the stay!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable! 

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