Thursday, December 4, 2014

December 4, 2014 Thursday

Abs of Steel with Tami Lee.  Good to throw these in once in a while!

Luke Chapter 19 - This is about Zacchaeus the tax collector.  What this study writer noticed and brought up was that when Jesus saw Zacchaeus in the tree, he called him by name.  Now maybe he had a heads up about this guy, but I don't think so.  I think he knows all of us by name.  He loves us that much.

On this day;
1985 - Nicole was only four + months old and Christmas shopping had to get done.  I have always had a relationship with my neighbors and still do.  It pays to know them well.  Carol was the teenage girl from next door and I had from the start had her come over and even sit and hold Nicole when I was cleaning house.  She loved it and it built that trust and comfort for days like this when I could have her come over and run out for a couple hours to shop.  Carol has a few of her own now, but they moved away years ago.  darn.

1977 - Jean-Bedel Bokassa, ruler of the Central African Empire, crowned himself emperor in a ceremony believed to have cost more than $100 million. He was deposed 2 years later. Now this is an ugly display of wealth.

Parenting - I love to see the kids that I have known, that now have their own kids and see how they are being raised.  Jameson, Nicole's friend has four and I babysat two of them yesterday Aubry (3) and Abel (4).  They are great!  So cuddly and polite and fun.  I had a nap after they left.

Gawlior India -


The Mughal Emperor Babur and the Mughal Army at the Urvah valley in Gwalior
Sahastrabahu Temple
After being founded by Maharaj Suraj Sen, Gwalior Fort saw many many different rulers capturing it and ruling the city around it.Gwalior became a prominent place for religious practices, cultures and other disciplines coming up during that time in the country. .During 6th century BC Gwalior was ruled by the Naad dynasty of Pataliputra. During the first century AD Gwalior came under Naag Dynasty. From the carving found at Pavaya it has been discovered that the kushanas ruled the city till the 3rd century AD. After that it came under the Guptas till 467 AD. During the 5th century, The Kannauj of Pratihara Dynasty ruled Gwalior and played a prominent role in shaping its history. From 700–740 AD Gwalior (fondly called then as Gopal Giri) became the capital of Kannauj. A Magnificent Sun Temple was created at the fort hill during that period which later was destroyed.
The Maharahaj of Gwalior Before His Palace c. 1887
Jain statues at Gwalior build by dungar singh
The Maan Mandir Palace at Gwalior Fort
Later Kachwaha became the rulers of Gwalior. The Padavali Group of Monuments near Morena, Sahastrabahu Temple at the Fort, Kankadmad, were built under their rule.
During 1195–96 Mahhamed Gauri invaded Gwalior and created a mass destruction with attempts to capture Gwalior. But he failed as the fort of Gwalior was unconquerable under the brave efforts of Parihars. In 1231 Itutmish captured Gwalior after an 11-month-long effort and from then till the 13th century it remained under Muslim Rule. In 1375, Raja Veer Singh was made the ruler of Gwalior and he founded the rule of the tomars in Gwalior. During those years, Gwalior saw its golden period.
The Jain Sculptures at Gwalior Fort were built during Tomar's rule Raja Man Singh made his dream palace the Maan Mandir Palace which is now the centre of attraction of Gwalior Fort. Babur described this Palace as a pearl in the necklace of forts in India and said that not even the winds could touch its masts.The daily Light and Sound Show tells about the beautiful history of the Gwalior Fort and Man Mandir Palace. Later during the 1730s the Scindia Captured Gwalior and it remain a princely state during the British Rule.
Ganesh temple at Gwalior Fort has the very first occurrence of zero as a written number in the world.[citation needed]By the 15th century, the city had a noted singing school which was attended by Tansen. Gwalior was ruled by the Mughals and then the Marathas.

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