Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1, 2014 Wednesday

Worked out with Jillian.  Six minute circuit training, kicks your butt.  Great muscle and cardio.

1 Corinthians chapter 10 - This speaks of communion.  For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.  "in remembrance of me" 

On this day:
2006 - Mom and I went to Midland to see Aunt Teresa after her surgery and spent night with Uncle Hank at their place.  On Saturday we went to watch Nicole play Lacrosse at Central in a tournament.  It poured the entire day.  When we left we drove up to Andy's in Roscommon and spent the night.  On this morning we had a nice quiet start with coffee and conversation.  I will have to count on these family trips to get my up north "fix" occasionally now.

1990 - U.S. President George H.W. Bush addressed the U.N. General Assembly and once again condemned Iraq's takeover of Kuwait. Writing on the wall?

Parenting - I was so happy that my daughter could go to safe camps when she was young and learn of God's great grace in the peaceful outdoor settings of Michi-lu-ca and Stony Lake.  I had spent part of my childhood in the country, on the lake, and wanted her to share that experience and serenity that it offered.  That is an experience you can give your child to strengthen their faith, provide them with Christian friends for a lifetime and many happy memories of childhood.  Michi-lu-ca is not an option any longer but you can still provide your child with all that great stuff at Stony Lake Camp.  Seriously consider it!

Ethiopia - we have moved from Damascus today:

Hows that for a map?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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