Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February 28, 2017 Tuesday #move!#educate#Rocco#SSCalifornian#Zhodzina!

Get Fit
Started with my 3 lb weights to strengthen my arms and legs.  It went pretty well and was, as yesterday, my breathing that became the issue.  Better keep doing the breathing exercise.  Surprised at the quick healing from what years ago would have been weeks of bed rest.  For your continued health keep moving!!!!

Get Faith
Proverbs 4:11-13  "I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.  When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble.  Hold on to instruction, do not let it go, guard it well, for it is your life."  The Bible is one lesson after another, told in different lights, to different people for different reasons, with different outcomes.  As we are all different - ages, races, beliefs, cultures, educated, and experienced, our understanding is also different.  The Bible is the answer to everything and creates a binding sameness.  Our God knows us well.

On this day
1984 - Tom Rocco, a guy I had worked with for years had moved into my extra empty bedroom.  I think he lived here for at least a year.  He was very shy, very good looking and very amiable.  He loved the social activity of my house and my girlfriends all liked him.  On this day we had a serious snow fall and he and I rode to work together.  We didn't do this often because we led separate lives and weren't on the same time schedule.  Tom found a nice girl shortly after this, moved out and got married - my Lodge was a breeding ground.  Wish I knew how Tom is now. Lost track.

1849 - Regular steamboat service to California via Cape Horn arrived in San Francisco for the first time. The SS California had left New York Harbor on October 6, 1848. The trip took 4 months and 21 days. Wow a steamboat!  That was a long trip.  I wonder if everyone was on for the full trip or if they got off and on at different ports.  Maybe there is a book about it somewhere.  

The SS Californian was a British Leyland Line steamship that is best known for its inaction during the sinking of the RMS Titanic on April 15, 1912, despite being the closest ship in the area.[2] The United States Senate inquiry and British Wreck Commissioner's inquiry into the sinking both concluded that the Californian could have saved many or all of the lives that were lost, had a prompt response been mounted to the Titanic's distress rockets.[3] The U.S. Senate inquiry was particularly critical of the vessel's Captain, Stanley Lord, calling his inaction during the disaster "reprehensible".[4]
Californian was later sunk herself, on 9 November 1915, by the German submarine U-35, in the Eastern Mediterranean during World War I.  Here you go, it had another life, not glorious.

Ystad to Zhodzina Belarus
Today we leave Sweden so get your last minute gift buying done.  Our flight is to Belarus.
Unique Sweden T Hey I like this one!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Katelynne!

Monday, February 27, 2017

February 27, 2017 Monday #getgoing#newlife#brothers#Vikings!

Get Fit
I tried something easy to get started.  I was only concerned about my muscles on right side but it is actually my breathing that did me in.  I guess losing 20% of a lung can do that.  But I will not be deterred!  I did 10 minutes of country dancing and then sat down to catch my breath.  If you have surgery and they offer physical therapy after - take it!

Get Faith
Romans 6:4 "We were therefore buried with him through baptism in death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."  My NIV Bible says this differently than the study writer reported.  As a Lutheran (we can be a pain) I recognized the difference right away and feel this translation is more appropriate.  The bottom line is the same, we have new life in Christ and should use that life to live more fully and share that love we have gained with everyone.  God raised Jesus from the dead and has promised to raise us also.

On this day
1983 - My brother Andy and Alice were living with me and Andy had taken his girls to church and brought them back here after.  I called my brother Mark who was living in Ferndale with a girl, Kim and her son Chris and they came over for dinner as well.  That would have been a perfect Sunday afternoon to me - both my brothers and their families.  I treasure those memories.

1700 - The Pacific Island of New Britain was discovered. I wonder where/what this was?  The real England?  

Ystad Sweden

The Arab traveller Ibn Fadlan described these Vikings as follows:
I have seen the Rus as they came on their merchant journeys and encamped by the Itil. I have never seen more perfect physical specimens, tall as date palms, blond and ruddy; they wear neither tunics nor caftans, but the men wear a garment which covers one side of the body and leaves a hand free. Each man has an axe, a sword, and a knife, and keeps each by him at all times. The swords are broad and grooved, of Frankish sort.[21]  This is listed in the prehistory section.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday Mary!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

February 26, 2017 Sunday #Forgiveandforget#dance!#thestones!

Get Faith
Philippians 3:13-14  "One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus".  Do you have things in your past you have trouble leaving behind, that are keeping you from moving forward?  Forgiving you is easy for God but it may not be easy for you. Do you hold yourself or someone else responsible for your inability to gain a better life for yourself?  Those are things you need to clear up and God can help.  You can't change the past but you can create a better future for yourself starting now.  Ask God for help and watch for doors to open so that you can walk through into a better place.

On this day
1982 - After working all day a friend came over for drinks and then we went to the Lido for dinner and because they had a dance floor and live music on Fridays.  The friend was my girlfriend Pam's Uncle who had lost his wife and dance partner the year before.  He was a great dancer and a gentleman.  We always had a nice time and I loved to dance.

1930 - New York City installed traffic lights. And so the gridlock began.

Ales Stenar

Ystad Sweden
#1 of 15 things to do in Ystad
  • A mysterious place 01/10/2017
  • Takes your breath away! 01/10/2017  A mysterious place
    Sweden's Stonehenge was rather a mysterious place for us to visit, but we enjoyed it a lot. It is very windy, bring warm clothes.
    5 of 5 bubblesReviewed January 10, 2017  Looks good!

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable  Happy Birthday Keyana!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

February 25, 2017 Saturday #rejuvenate!#Study!#politicians#dinner#urbanpopulation!

Good Health
My friends are so kind and thoughtful!  Pam is an excellent massage therapist and very health wise.  She brought me health bars, lemons and raw honey to help me along the way!  Between that and Norma's healing soup - I'm not only better I'm beginning to feel like a kid again!

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 5:17  "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he or she is a new creation, old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."  Reading the Bible right through is a commendable thing to do, but as it is written and put together you might not "get it" as well as studying certain sections at a time as the scholars recommend.  Very often the relationship between events is something that needs to be known to understand.  I am not a scholar but, I have learned more in Bible studies, head by an educated leader, than reading a whole book out of context.  An important thing I think is as Jesus taught - you have to believe to understand.  "He who has ears - listen".  Keep reading!  Study!

On this day
1981 - I picked up pies to take to Christine's for dinner.  She had the girls from work, well her and I and Trish and Gay from the Orchard Mall store.  People think I socialize a lot now but truth is I always have.  What is better than a home cooked dinner with friends?  Remember this Chris? Going to dinner with friends tonight!

1751 - Edward Willet displayed the first trained monkey act in the U.S.  Was this Congress?

Ystad Sweden
Sweden (Listeni/ˈswdən/ swee-dənSwedishSverige [ˈsværjɛ] About this sound listen ), officially the Kingdom of Sweden (SwedishAbout this sound Konungariket Sverige ), is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. It borders Norway to the west and Finland to the east, and is connected to Denmark in the southwest by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund. At 450,295 square kilometres (173,860 sq mi), Sweden is the third-largest country in the European Union by area, with a total population of 10.0 million.[3] Sweden consequently has a low population density of 22 inhabitants per square kilometre (57/sq mi), with the highest concentration in the southern half of the country. Approximately 85% of the population lives in urban areas.[12]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Friday, February 24, 2017

February 24, 2017 Friday #uknow#holdhand#changes#Supreme#Greyfriarsmonastery

Get Fit
Doctor told me I can resume exercising and that I would know what I can and can't do.  We are all different in our response to healing, so, if you are now recovering or will be anytime in the future you can judge for yourself when and what to do.  I'm still on meds, one more day so I will give it till Monday and then start my everyday work outs again.

Get Faith
Isaiah 42:5-6 "Thus says God the Lord, Who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it...."I, the Lord have called you in righteousness, and will hold Your hand.."  The immensity of our God is impossible for us to understand and yet the knowledge that He is with us in our life is felt by the soul. Hold your hand!  We are so blessed!

On this day
2015  Mom was in Heartland recovering from a hospital stay.  She was having a hard time at 93 bouncing back from yet another illness.  She had a bad case of dementia probably from the constant UTI she had and entertained us with some very interesting stories.  A friend from church was also there recovering from a broken leg and that gave her a big boost.  Nicole and I had settled into a routine of regular life while adjusting to the absence of Mom in the house.  We added visisting her to our everyday schedule.  Nicole had started going to Atwater Brewery for Trivia night on Tuesdays with friends.  When life changes you keep moving forward.  This year became a year of a lot of changes.

1803 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled itself to be the final interpreter of all constitutional issues. That makes sense doesn't it?  Put those we believe have the greatest knowledge of our laws in charge of being those who make that decision.  Right?  

Ystad Sweden

A beautiful place to relax

Built in 2002, the gardens of the Gråbrödraklostret (Greyfriars Monastery) in Ystad's centre are one of the town's nicest corners and a great place to relax for a while. They consist of a series of small gardens which include several patches with different kinds of herbs, ranging from lavender 

to parsley, as well as a few flowerbeds, all of which are encompassed by well-kept hedges. A few benches provide space for a short break.

Just behind the herb garden is the monastery itself. Built in 1267 in brick Gothic style, the monastery was used only until 1532 when the Franciscans were chased away in the course of the Reformation. The buildings were subsequently used as a hospital and a schnaps distillery - quite an unusual thing for a monastery -, before a granary moved in. At the beginning of the 20th century the building finally found its destiny and became the town museum. 

The main part of the monastery is Sankt Petri Kyrka (St Peter's Church), which, typical for Franciscan churches, is rather unadorned both from the outside and the inside.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Eddie and Randi!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

February 23, 2017 Thursday #walking#Bible#PlanetDNonet#StKnuts!

Get Fit
Find out today if it is safe to do something beside walking.

Get Faith
Isaiah 53;4-5 "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows...He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."  This is a familiar reading from Holy week.  You would think to find it in the New Testament, but no, it is in Isaiah, a prediction of times to come.  Our faith is a combination of two worlds on this earth the law and the salvation.  I think you have to know both to fully appreciate God's continuous involvement and love for his people.

On this day
2014 - My friend Don and I were following a group called Planet D Nonet around town.  They played easy listening and jazz and we really enjoyed it.  They were playing at the Blue Goose close to my house and I had put dinner in the crockpot.  There are some really great ways to spend a cold winter Sunday if you look around.  If you are in my area, check them out  - you might like them too.

1660 - Charles XI became the king of Sweden. Interesting because the travel location is Sweden this month.

Ystad Sweden
The town also has a fascinating history, top-class museums and art galleries, 40 km of sandy beaches and gorgeous rolling Skåne countryside on its doorstep.  Some seaside towns have it all.
If you take one of the Wallander guided tours you get to see most of the town and its mostly historic attractions. If you don’t, the big ones are St Knut’s square, the 12th century Grey Friar’s monastery and adjacent Saint Petri church and museum. There are lots of good cafés and restaurants in Ystad and no, you don’t have to live on pizza and hamburgers, like inspector Wallander does.
Ystad is part of the beautiful region of Skåne in southern Sweden and a terrific base from which to discover its culture, traditions, historic sites and vibrant towns, cities and nature.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 22, 2017 Wednesday #excuseme#compassion#routine#Wallander

Get Fit
My apologies to anyone I shamed for not exercising asap after surgery.  It is taking me longer than I thought it would to regain my strength and energy but I'm working on it.

Get Faith
Matthew 5:43-48 and Jeremiah 31:3  God reveals to us his compassion and love through the books of the old Testament.  The continuous stories of guidance, forgiveness and protection of His people comes to us in every story.  In the New Testament His Son, Jesus shows us how to give that love back to God and each other.  Forgive and love everyone, even your enemies is the repeat lesson in the Gospel.  Lent is coming - pick a practice to work on, forgiving, sharing, understanding, acceptance and unconditionally loving one another.  Be a mirror of God's love.  God is love!

On this day
2013 - We got three inches of snow overnight and it was a Friday.  I had to take Mom and Al (neighbor) to their hair appointments at noon, it was written in stone.  I stayed in the area looking in the resale store and Circare the gift shop.  I could easily spend an hour in either of those stores.  When they were done we went to the little restaurant by our house for lunch.  In good weather Al would drive them, she had memory problems but Mom assured me that she could remind her where they were going and she said Al was a good driver.  They were both in their late 80's.  Nicole and a friend shoveled the snow while we were gone and then went out to Christ Lutheran Church to prepare for the 30 Hour Famine Lock in with the youth group there.

1784 - "Empress of China", a U.S. merchant ship, left New York City for the Far East. wonder if  this is the fabled "slow boat to Chica".  Lol.

Ystad Sweden

Ystad is now famous around the world because of fictional inspector
Ystad really is as attractive as it is portrayed in the films and television series, with its
 medieval, pastel-coloured half-timbered houses on cobblestone streets and sun-dappled 
If you pay the local Tourist Information Office in Ystad a visit, and we suggest you do, they 
will be delighted to tell you about the ‘In the footsteps of Wallander tour’ and conceptual guide
 tours where you can try to solve some Wallander murder mysteries. Or they might even tell 
you about the Wallander- related smart phone apps you can download. And they might just 
tell you about the ‘Wallander package’ deals you can book through them.  I am really going to 
look into one of his books, sound interesting.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Bill Barb and Kelly!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

February 15, 2017 Wednesday #exerciseplease#Enjoylife#getting better!#mustard

Get Fit
You never realize how much exercise does for your energy and happy spirit until you can't.  I can't wait till I get the go ahead to exercise and the well being feeling to do it!  Next Wednesday.

Get Faith
Psalm 51:12 "Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit"  Our lives are a gift from God, just as when He gave life to Adam, so too do we have life.  But Adam sinned and brought death to our world for all of us and until Jesus came to this earth and died a final death for our sin - all of our sin, we may now have eternal life.  God has saved you through His Son the Christ so that you can enjoy your life in this world the way God intended it to be.  Praise God, He is awesome!

On this day
2012  This day started out normal and then went downhill "bad day!  Nicole upset, cat knocked over plant, no $ from Marvin, Mom's bag exploded, ...my printer wouldn't work."  It slowly got better " I took dinner to the Corbishdales and then went to Board of Youth meeting at church and Glen came and fixed my printer."  Even with all the problems - I wish I were up to that level of activity for one day.  I know, wait it will get better.

1758 - Mustard was advertised for the first time in America. It seems unimportant but do you use mustard, I can't imagine life without it - baloney sandwich, potato salad sauce, on my sloppy joe, etc. 

That looks like an interesting place.  
Charming Ystad is an important hub of the Swedish film industry. It’s home to the country’s oldest cinema (Biografteatern Scala), a production studio, and the Cineteket interactive film museum. Significant medieval features of Ystad include Greyfriars Abbey, the Church of the Virgin Mary, and the 16th-century Latin school. Visit an exotic animal part or pick up some artisan handicrafts at one of Ystad’s lovely galleries or boutiques.

Enjoy the day !  Make it memorable!  

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

February 14, 2017 Tuesday # Valentines Day!#Loveyourself#LoveGod#LoveMom#loveamerica!#notinthisorder

Do you have a fitbit? or something similar?  It is a good reminder to keep moving, especially if you are friends with others in competition.   Walking continues to be the best medicine for your health.

Get Faith
1 John 4:9-16  God is love, he created it for us and in us.  He gave His only son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and the Spirit to live with us and guide our hearts.  On Valentines day it is a perfect time to celebrate our love for one another as God showed us how.  "If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of god, God lives in them and they in God.  And so we know and rely on the love God has for us."  Happy Valentines day from God.

On this day
2011 - I was laid off, Mom and I went shopping and out to lunch.  We had become the best of friends and were always off someplace.  We went to the mall at Mack and Moross, had lunch and then went to Dressbarn, Mom bought me a new dress.  It is my birthday a few days after Valentines day.  She always said I was her Valentine baby.  Sweet memories.

1778 - The Stars and Stripes was carried to a foreign port, in France, for the first time. It was aboard the American ship Ranger Seems appropriate that it went to France - think Statue of Liberty!

Ystad Sweden

Malik Bendjelloul

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Malik Bendjelloul
Malik Bendjelloul Deauville 2012.jpg
Bendjelloul at the 2012 Deauville American Film Festival
Born14 September 1977
Died13 May 2014 (aged 36)
SolnaStockholm, Sweden
OccupationFilm director, actor, screenwriter, journalist
Years active1990–2014
Known forSearching for Sugar Man (2012)
Malik Bendjelloul (Arabicمالك بن جلول‎‎; 14 SepteGetmber 1977 – 13 May 2014) was a Swedish documentary filmmaker, journalist and former child actor.[2][3] He directed the 2012 documentary Searching for Sugar Man, which won an Academy Award and a BAFTA Award.

Early life[edit]

Bendjelloul was born in Ystad in Sweden, 55 kilometres (34 mi) east of Malmö, the son of Algerian-born physician Hacène Bendjelloul and Swedish translator and painter Veronica Schildt Bendjelloul.[2] He was the brother of journalist Johar Bendjelloul[4] and the nephew of actors Peter and Johan Schildt.[5][6] Bendjelloul grew up in central and southern Sweden (Ängelholm)[7] and during the 1990s acted in the SVT TV series Ebba och Didrik as Philip Clavelle.[4][8] The episodes were directed by his uncle, Peter Schildt.[5] Bendjelloul was educated at the Rönne Gymnasium in Ängelholm, where he entered the social science programme. He graduated in 1996.[5] He then attended Kalmar University, where he studied journalism and media production.[8][9]

This guy is from Ystad, anybody remember him?  Died so young.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Jackie and Sue V

Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13, 2017 Monday #Saved!#facebook#adultry#churches!

Get Faith
John 11:1-16  More to the story of Lazarus' death.  Jesus knew that Lazarus was dead and delayed his arrival so that he could raise the awareness of his disciples as to who He is.  Death is what scares us.  An end to what we know here on earth.  Jesus wanted his followers to know that He had power over death given to Him from His Father in heaven.  Raising Lazarus confirmed who He is.  Have faith that you too will be saved from death by Jesus Christ through his death and resurrection.  God is Love.

On this day
2009 - Nicole set me up on Facebook on this day.  Life changed forever after that, how about you?  Did staying in touch with 80% of the people that you know, daily, make a difference in your life?  Yep me too.  In many ways I love it.  I can keep up on cousins and their families, friends that I don't contact more then once a year or so.  I have a much broader view of a lot of views and who not to mix it up with on there.  See ya on Facebook!

1542 - Catherine Howard was executed for adultery. She was the fifth wife of England's King Henry VIII. This is huge.  I thought he was the bad guy here, well maybe he is!  


Places of interest[edit]

One of Sweden's most well-preserved medieval monasteries, the greyfriars abbey, lies in Ystad. The town also has an additional large medieval church, the Church of the Virgin Mary (Mariakyrkan). Both are highly influenced by Gothic Hansa architecture (which can also be seen in churches around the Baltic Sea, for instance in HelsingborgMalmö, and Rostock) and are among the best examples in Sweden of Brick Gothic. In addition, there are areas of surviving medieval town architecture, like the Latin school (built c. 1500) and several town houses. The city is also included in the European Route of Brick Gothic. This would make a great day trip, what do you think?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Joe and Reggie!