Tuesday, February 7, 2017

February 7, 2017 Tuesday #keephealthy!#GodisLove#busy#11th#Ystad!

Get Fit
I am thinking there is no reason more important to stay healthy than if you do encounter something you can handle it better.  The surgery I just went through, week ago today, was lung surgery for cancer.  They had been monitoring the spots in my lungs for 2 years and now they had changed and needed to be addressed.  It was a 2 hour surgery, with a bronchoscope down the throat, a larger incision down the side and across the back plus a chest tube. Major, and yet I am home a week later healing in fairly good shape.  I attribute this to my exercising and health preparation.  At 69 I am back on my feet and heading back to my healthy lifestyle. I just want you to know that you don't have to accept long term illness if you don't want to.  Fight it - exercise!!

Get Faith
Mark 12:29:31  "Jesus said" "The Lord our God is the one and only God.  And you must love him with all your heart and soul and mind and strength..You must love others as much as yourself.  No other commandments are greater than these."   We love God because He first loved us.  He is love and shows us how to love and be love to one another. AND it is not selective, everyone God says - you must love everyone.

On this day
1995 - Nicole would have been nine, and Mom took her to Karate, then picked me up from work and we took Nicole to the Dentist, went to Wendy's for dinner and then I dropped them at home and went to the PTA meeting.  With social media. I see a lot of you doing the same things, picking up kids, dropping them here and there, dinner on the run and meetings.  Life is busy.

  1795 - The 11th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. 


The 11th Amendment establishes state immunity against foreign prosecution. The amendment actually does not grant immunity but clarifies Article III Section 2 of the Constitution, which addresses the states and non-citizens.  On your own after this explanation.

Ystad Sweden
Coat of arms of Ystad
Coat of arms
Ystad is located in Skåne
  Here we are in Sweden!  

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Don M. Alex 

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