Wednesday, February 8, 2017

February 8, 2017 Wednesday #homecures#goodfriends#Sprinkles&glue#banjoclock#Wallander

Get Fit
Natural Cold Remedies: What Works, What Doesn't Found this link that might come in handy this time of year.  Take a look

Get Faith
1 Samuel 20 35-42  David and Jonathon were good friends in this book of the Bible.  Unfortunately, King Saul, Jonathon's father, wanted to kill David because he was going to be the next King of Israel.  It made for a difficult friendship.  In this reading they pledged their friendship to each other - knowing the end result would not be good.  Good friends are a blessing, treasure them and don't forget your best friend - Jesus.

On this day
1998  I loved teaching Sunday School and doing art projects.  I think I was still doing the 3 year olds at this time and it was Valentines lesson and craft project.  So much to build on with this lesson, the love the sharing with others and God's love for them.  I remember their faces at that age when you tell them that their God in heaven loves them so much and fills their hearts with love.  The crafts were always sticky, sparkley and in general, messy, but filled with all the excitement a 3 year old can muster.  A couple of the kids left without taking theirs so I spent a little time after church delivering them so they would have them for Valentine's day.  Joy!  Cards for friends.

1802 - Simon Willard patented the banjo clock. ?  I got nothing.
1908 Waterbury Willard #6 Weight Driven Gold Front Presentation Banjo Clock MINT$ 1, 675.00 on ebay

Ystad Sweden

Ystad [1] is a small but charming city in Scania, or Skåne, part of southern Sweden. It is situated on the south coast of Scania with good beaches west and east of the town, and as a harbour is a meeting place of ship, train and bus connections. It has a new marina and makes a great base for exploring the area, as well as Skåne.
The area was first settled in the 12th century, and the town has an attractive medieval centre, and its coastal position, facing Germany across the Baltic, means that it was closely associated with the Hanseatic League, which it joined in the 14th century. It has a medieval church and many half-timbered houses and pleasant pedestrian streets.
Ystad hosts a number of festivals and has a decent art museum, plus a number of other museums and attractions. It is known internationally as the setting for many of the novels of Henning Mankell, featuring fictional Ystad police inspector Kurt Wallander. There are regular Wallander tours in several languages, and even free showings of films in the main square (Stortorget). THis sounds great!!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Christine D

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