Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February 28, 2017 Tuesday #move!#educate#Rocco#SSCalifornian#Zhodzina!

Get Fit
Started with my 3 lb weights to strengthen my arms and legs.  It went pretty well and was, as yesterday, my breathing that became the issue.  Better keep doing the breathing exercise.  Surprised at the quick healing from what years ago would have been weeks of bed rest.  For your continued health keep moving!!!!

Get Faith
Proverbs 4:11-13  "I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.  When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble.  Hold on to instruction, do not let it go, guard it well, for it is your life."  The Bible is one lesson after another, told in different lights, to different people for different reasons, with different outcomes.  As we are all different - ages, races, beliefs, cultures, educated, and experienced, our understanding is also different.  The Bible is the answer to everything and creates a binding sameness.  Our God knows us well.

On this day
1984 - Tom Rocco, a guy I had worked with for years had moved into my extra empty bedroom.  I think he lived here for at least a year.  He was very shy, very good looking and very amiable.  He loved the social activity of my house and my girlfriends all liked him.  On this day we had a serious snow fall and he and I rode to work together.  We didn't do this often because we led separate lives and weren't on the same time schedule.  Tom found a nice girl shortly after this, moved out and got married - my Lodge was a breeding ground.  Wish I knew how Tom is now. Lost track.

1849 - Regular steamboat service to California via Cape Horn arrived in San Francisco for the first time. The SS California had left New York Harbor on October 6, 1848. The trip took 4 months and 21 days. Wow a steamboat!  That was a long trip.  I wonder if everyone was on for the full trip or if they got off and on at different ports.  Maybe there is a book about it somewhere.  

The SS Californian was a British Leyland Line steamship that is best known for its inaction during the sinking of the RMS Titanic on April 15, 1912, despite being the closest ship in the area.[2] The United States Senate inquiry and British Wreck Commissioner's inquiry into the sinking both concluded that the Californian could have saved many or all of the lives that were lost, had a prompt response been mounted to the Titanic's distress rockets.[3] The U.S. Senate inquiry was particularly critical of the vessel's Captain, Stanley Lord, calling his inaction during the disaster "reprehensible".[4]
Californian was later sunk herself, on 9 November 1915, by the German submarine U-35, in the Eastern Mediterranean during World War I.  Here you go, it had another life, not glorious.

Ystad to Zhodzina Belarus
Today we leave Sweden so get your last minute gift buying done.  Our flight is to Belarus.
Unique Sweden T Hey I like this one!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Katelynne!

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