Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 22, 2017 Wednesday #excuseme#compassion#routine#Wallander

Get Fit
My apologies to anyone I shamed for not exercising asap after surgery.  It is taking me longer than I thought it would to regain my strength and energy but I'm working on it.

Get Faith
Matthew 5:43-48 and Jeremiah 31:3  God reveals to us his compassion and love through the books of the old Testament.  The continuous stories of guidance, forgiveness and protection of His people comes to us in every story.  In the New Testament His Son, Jesus shows us how to give that love back to God and each other.  Forgive and love everyone, even your enemies is the repeat lesson in the Gospel.  Lent is coming - pick a practice to work on, forgiving, sharing, understanding, acceptance and unconditionally loving one another.  Be a mirror of God's love.  God is love!

On this day
2013 - We got three inches of snow overnight and it was a Friday.  I had to take Mom and Al (neighbor) to their hair appointments at noon, it was written in stone.  I stayed in the area looking in the resale store and Circare the gift shop.  I could easily spend an hour in either of those stores.  When they were done we went to the little restaurant by our house for lunch.  In good weather Al would drive them, she had memory problems but Mom assured me that she could remind her where they were going and she said Al was a good driver.  They were both in their late 80's.  Nicole and a friend shoveled the snow while we were gone and then went out to Christ Lutheran Church to prepare for the 30 Hour Famine Lock in with the youth group there.

1784 - "Empress of China", a U.S. merchant ship, left New York City for the Far East. wonder if  this is the fabled "slow boat to Chica".  Lol.

Ystad Sweden

Ystad is now famous around the world because of fictional inspector
Ystad really is as attractive as it is portrayed in the films and television series, with its
 medieval, pastel-coloured half-timbered houses on cobblestone streets and sun-dappled 
If you pay the local Tourist Information Office in Ystad a visit, and we suggest you do, they 
will be delighted to tell you about the ‘In the footsteps of Wallander tour’ and conceptual guide
 tours where you can try to solve some Wallander murder mysteries. Or they might even tell 
you about the Wallander- related smart phone apps you can download. And they might just 
tell you about the ‘Wallander package’ deals you can book through them.  I am really going to 
look into one of his books, sound interesting.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Bill Barb and Kelly!

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