Friday, February 24, 2017

February 24, 2017 Friday #uknow#holdhand#changes#Supreme#Greyfriarsmonastery

Get Fit
Doctor told me I can resume exercising and that I would know what I can and can't do.  We are all different in our response to healing, so, if you are now recovering or will be anytime in the future you can judge for yourself when and what to do.  I'm still on meds, one more day so I will give it till Monday and then start my everyday work outs again.

Get Faith
Isaiah 42:5-6 "Thus says God the Lord, Who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it...."I, the Lord have called you in righteousness, and will hold Your hand.."  The immensity of our God is impossible for us to understand and yet the knowledge that He is with us in our life is felt by the soul. Hold your hand!  We are so blessed!

On this day
2015  Mom was in Heartland recovering from a hospital stay.  She was having a hard time at 93 bouncing back from yet another illness.  She had a bad case of dementia probably from the constant UTI she had and entertained us with some very interesting stories.  A friend from church was also there recovering from a broken leg and that gave her a big boost.  Nicole and I had settled into a routine of regular life while adjusting to the absence of Mom in the house.  We added visisting her to our everyday schedule.  Nicole had started going to Atwater Brewery for Trivia night on Tuesdays with friends.  When life changes you keep moving forward.  This year became a year of a lot of changes.

1803 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled itself to be the final interpreter of all constitutional issues. That makes sense doesn't it?  Put those we believe have the greatest knowledge of our laws in charge of being those who make that decision.  Right?  

Ystad Sweden

A beautiful place to relax

Built in 2002, the gardens of the Gråbrödraklostret (Greyfriars Monastery) in Ystad's centre are one of the town's nicest corners and a great place to relax for a while. They consist of a series of small gardens which include several patches with different kinds of herbs, ranging from lavender 

to parsley, as well as a few flowerbeds, all of which are encompassed by well-kept hedges. A few benches provide space for a short break.

Just behind the herb garden is the monastery itself. Built in 1267 in brick Gothic style, the monastery was used only until 1532 when the Franciscans were chased away in the course of the Reformation. The buildings were subsequently used as a hospital and a schnaps distillery - quite an unusual thing for a monastery -, before a granary moved in. At the beginning of the 20th century the building finally found its destiny and became the town museum. 

The main part of the monastery is Sankt Petri Kyrka (St Peter's Church), which, typical for Franciscan churches, is rather unadorned both from the outside and the inside.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Eddie and Randi!

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