Sunday, February 12, 2017

February 11, 2017 Saturday #tryit!#legacy#volleyball!#coal#sightseeing!

Get Fit
This Recipe Will Easily Clear Your Lungs in 3 Days, Even If You Smoke More Than 5 Years::

In keeping with the facts provided through the arena fitness agency (WHO), greater than 1 billion human beings round the sector smoke and five million people die every year due to tobacco-related illness. That’s approximately one dying in each 6 seconds.

Despite the fact that avoiding the cigarettes is the best way for every smoker to preserve lung health and prevent the development of serious diseases, most of them find this difficult, or even impossible to do. But fortunately, however, there is a natural way to prevent the occurrence of bigger damage to the lungs. In this article, we will present you the ultimate natural recipe that will cleanse your lungs in just 3 days. Moreover, this amazing home remedy also has the ability to reduce coughing and alleviate the symptoms of bronchitis in people who smoke for longer than 5 years.

1l of water
400g of brown sugar
400g of finely chopped onions
2 teaspoons of turmeric
1 small piece of ginger root (grated)

Pour the water into a larger pot, put it on fire and add the brown sugar. When it starts to boil, add the onions, ginger, and turmeric, then reduce the temperature and allow the mixture to cook for few more minutes. After that, let it cool at a room temperature, then pour it into a glass container (bottle or jar) and store it in the fridge.

It is recommended to take two tablespoons in the morning before breakfast and two tablespoons in the evening, 2 hours after your last meal.

NOTE: Non-smokers should also take this medicine! I believe anything and everything is worth a try!

Get Faith
Psalm 119:111-112  "I have inherited Your testimonies forever, for they are the joy of my heart.  I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes forever, even to the end."  God gives us a legacy and watches us to see what we do, whether we carry it on, share it or let it drop for a while.  He knows every aspect of who we are and why we do the things we do.  He loves us through all of our days, watching our every move because He loves us dearly.  He wants us to succeed, it is your legacy.  

On this day
2007  It was my niece Merri's 30th birthday but I think they did a surprise party the night before.  This is the only day I remember playing a game of volleyball at our church in the new gym.  I hope some of the new programs they start will include using the gym for what it was intended.  

1808 - Judge Jesse Fell experimented by burning anthracite coal to keep his house warm. He successfully showed how clean the coal burned and how cheaply it could be used as a heating fuel. Two hundred years ago this was a great find that heated homes and provided jobs and built an industry.  How things change in such a short period!

Ystad Sweden


The ferry terminal, and behind it, Ystad railway station
The ferry port has services to the Danish island of Bornholm and to Świnoujście (formerly Swinemünde), in Poland, forming part of the E65 road route south from Malmö.
The town is on the railway line between Malmö and Simrishamn (operated by Skåne Commuter Rail) and has direct rail services to Copenhagen via the Øresund Bridge (operated by Danish State Railways[5]).

Wouldn't it be great to take a ferry trip or train ride today and see some of the sights?  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Merri and Sue R. 

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