Thursday, February 23, 2017

February 23, 2017 Thursday #walking#Bible#PlanetDNonet#StKnuts!

Get Fit
Find out today if it is safe to do something beside walking.

Get Faith
Isaiah 53;4-5 "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows...He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."  This is a familiar reading from Holy week.  You would think to find it in the New Testament, but no, it is in Isaiah, a prediction of times to come.  Our faith is a combination of two worlds on this earth the law and the salvation.  I think you have to know both to fully appreciate God's continuous involvement and love for his people.

On this day
2014 - My friend Don and I were following a group called Planet D Nonet around town.  They played easy listening and jazz and we really enjoyed it.  They were playing at the Blue Goose close to my house and I had put dinner in the crockpot.  There are some really great ways to spend a cold winter Sunday if you look around.  If you are in my area, check them out  - you might like them too.

1660 - Charles XI became the king of Sweden. Interesting because the travel location is Sweden this month.

Ystad Sweden
The town also has a fascinating history, top-class museums and art galleries, 40 km of sandy beaches and gorgeous rolling Skåne countryside on its doorstep.  Some seaside towns have it all.
If you take one of the Wallander guided tours you get to see most of the town and its mostly historic attractions. If you don’t, the big ones are St Knut’s square, the 12th century Grey Friar’s monastery and adjacent Saint Petri church and museum. There are lots of good cafés and restaurants in Ystad and no, you don’t have to live on pizza and hamburgers, like inspector Wallander does.
Ystad is part of the beautiful region of Skåne in southern Sweden and a terrific base from which to discover its culture, traditions, historic sites and vibrant towns, cities and nature.

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