Monday, April 29, 2019

April 29, 2019 Monday#OurFatherCreator#Jockeyware#ShibamandAl-Jazari

Get Faith
John chapter 17  "And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."   I believe that God is the only God and that as humans have done from Abel and Cain, we separate ourselves from one another through sin.  It is our legacy.  But we and all others need to remember the Creator who put us all here and worship Him even though we can't see eye to eye on how.   Love God above all.

On this day
2010  I have started a lot of different adventures, businesses etc.  some worked out others not so much. I have had to come to the conclusion that I am not good at sales.  I had started up selling a line of clothes by Jockey.  They were really nice clothes, but out of my price range.  It is hard to sell something that you think is overpriced and that's what happened.  But on this day Kyle (who got me started on this) and I went to Daimler (where Norma worked) and set up a table at an event that they hosted every year.  Venders would set up and show their wares to the employees of Mercedes Benz.  You would think it would be profitable but it wasn't - not a bite.  It was ok, Kyle and I enjoyed the day.  Live and learn, I think Kyle did ok with it and I still have some of the pieces that I wear.

2009 - NATO expelled two Russian diplomats from NATO headquarters in Brussels over a spy scandal in Estonia. Russia's Foreign Ministry criticized the expulsions. Of course they did!


World Heritage sites[edit]

High-rise architecture at Shibam, Wadi Hadramawt
Among Yemen's natural and cultural attractions are four World Heritage sites.[362][363] The Old Walled City of Shibam in Wadi Hadhramaut, inscribed by UNESCO in 1982, two years after Yemen joined the World Heritage Committee, is nicknamed "Manhattan of the Desert" because of its "skyscrapers." Surrounded by a fortified wall made of mud and straw, the 16th-century city is one of the oldest examples of urban planning based on the principle of vertical construction.
The Old City of Sana'a, at an altitude of more than 2,100 metres (7,000 ft), has been inhabited for over two and a half millennia, and was inscribed in 1986. Sana'a became a major Islamic centre in the 7th century, and the 103 mosques, 14 hammams (traditional bathhouses), and more than 6,000 houses that survive all date from before the 11th century.
Close to the Red Sea Coast, the historic town of Zabid, inscribed in 1993, was Yemen's capital from the 13th to the 15th century, and is an archaeological and historical site. It played an important role for many centuries because of its university, which was a centre of learning for the whole Arab and Islamic world. Algebra is said to have been invented there in the early 9th century by the little-known scholar Al-Jazari.
The latest addition to Yemen's list of World Heritage Sites is the Socotra Archipelago. Mentioned by Marco Polo in the 13th century, this remote and isolated archipelago consists of four islands and two rocky islets delineating the southern limit of the Gulf of Aden. The site has a rich biodiversity. Nowhere else in the world do 37% of Socotra's 825 plants, 90% of its reptiles and 95% of its snails occur. It is home to 192 bird species, 253 species of coral, 730 species of coastal fish, and 300 species of crab and lobster, as well as a range of Aloes and the Dragon's Blood Tree (Dracaena cinnabari). The cultural heritage of Socotra includes the unique Soqotri language.
In spite of it's warring history and less than wonderful human rights situation this is a country rich in history.  Note once again a walled city that is a World heritage site.  We sometimes need walls like the ocean walls its islands with coral to protect and supply the needs of its inhabitants.Just sayin.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Sunday, April 28, 2019

April 28, 2019 Sunday #Worshiptogether#yearoftheportapotty#busyday!Theatre!

Get Faith
John chapter 14  "Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Believe in God,  believe also in me.  In my Father's house are many dwelling places.  If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?"  When I read this I think that God has different places for Catholics and Lutherans, but not just that but for Christians and Jews and I like to think he has those places for Muslims and Hindus and all others that love Him and serve Him.  I hope it is so and that we can all praise our Maker together in a great noise to Him.  What do you think?"

On this day
2008  They poured concrete on my side of the street.  This was the year they tore up my street, redid the water and sewer and repaved.  One side at a time, so we parked in the next block.  We also had a porta potty on our front lawn for the entire summer.  It came in handy when Nicole had her annual kegger in May - all the guys were using the potty.  It was also the day I had a bad toothache and left work to go to the dentist and Nicole had finals at Wayne State and the Professor asked her to be his assistant the next year.  Not sure what came of that, but it was a busy day.

2008 - India set a world record when it sent 10 satellites into orbit from a single launch. Wow!  that was a busy day!



The history of Yemeni theatre dates back at least a century, to the early 1900s. Both amateur and professional (government-sponsored) theatre troupes perform in the country's major urban centres. Many of Yemen's significant poets and authors, like Ali Ahmed Ba Kathir, Muhammad al-Sharafi, and Wajdi al-Ahdal, have written dramatic works; poems, novels, and short stories by Yemeni authors like Mohammad Abdul-Wali and Abdulaziz Al-Maqaleh have also been adapted for the stage. There have been Yemeni productions of plays by Arab authors such as Tawfiq al-Hakim and Saadallah Wannous and by Western authors, including ShakespearePirandelloBrecht, and Tennessee Williams. Historically speaking, the southern port city of Aden is the cradle of Yemeni theatre; in recent decades the capital, Sana'a, has hosted numerous theatre festivals, often in conjunction with World Theatre Day. I am trying to find something positive here.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Josh, Sarah and Julia!

Saturday, April 27, 2019

April 27, 2019 Saturday #BeaChristian#Neighbors#BeaChristian

Get Faith
Mark chapter 16  "And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.  The one who believes and is baptized will be saved; but the one who does not believe will be condemned."  What more can you ask than forgiveness and eternal life?  I do not know what your plans are for your next life - or this life for that matter.  We have a God that requires that you spend time and worship Him, after all- once a week to spend with the Almighty Creator to thank Him and praise Him isn't a lot to ask.  Then that he has given His only Son to die for your sins so that you can spend eternity with Him - now that is a good deal.  I plead with you to consider this life for yourself.

On this day
2007  Just a normal Friday - I worked, Nicole was at Albion, her last year there, actually her last week.  She called me to say she had found a costume for the sorority party on Saturday night.  She was going as Hugh Hefner.  After work I picked up Mom, Al and her sister Elsie and went to a church for dinner, but they weren't having one - so we went to Pat O'Brien's instead.  They were Catholic and I think Elsie still didn't eat meat on Friday - but Al?  she said she was too old for that rule, and I found out that is right.  I personally like to eat fish on Friday.

1521 - Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan was killed by natives in the Philippines. I imagine that is a drawback to being an explorer.


Al Qaeda[edit]

In January 2009, the Saudi Arabian and Yemeni al-Qaeda branches merged to form Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which is based in Yemen, and many of its members were Saudi nationals who had been released from Guantanamo Bay.[237] Saleh released 176 al-Qaeda suspects on condition of good behaviour, but terrorist activities continued.
The Yemeni army launched a fresh offensive against the Shia insurgents in 2009, assisted by Saudi forces. Tens of thousands of people were displaced by the fighting. A new ceasefire was agreed upon in February 2010. However, by the end of the year, Yemen claimed that 3,000 soldiers had been killed in renewed fighting. The Shia rebels accused Saudi Arabia of providing support to salafi groups to suppress Zaidism in Yemen.[238]
Some news reports have suggested that, on orders from U.S. President Barack Obama, U.S. warplanes fired cruise missiles at what officials in Washington claimed were Al Qaeda training camps in the provinces of Sana'a and Abyan on 17 December 2009.[239] Instead of hitting Al-Qaeda operatives, it hit a village, killing 55 civilians.[240] Officials in Yemen said that the attacks claimed the lives of more than 60 civilians, 28 of them children. Another airstrike was carried out on 24 December.[241]
So I am glad I only look at this country on line, so much safer -  I wouldn't advise a trip there.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Taylor!

Friday, April 26, 2019

April 26, 2019 Friday #Advocate#THesimpleslife#PhotosofYemen

Get Faith
John chapter 16  "If I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.  And when he comes, he will prove the world wrong about sin and righteousness and judgement...."  On Pentecost the Holy Spirit entered the disciples and they were awakened to what they needed to know to pass on the Gospel to everyone.  We need to be open to the Word of God to understand it - if you read it, like any novel you won't understand the underlying story of what is being said.  Jesus told us that some would "hear" and others would not, while listening to the same story.  We need to accept the Holy Spirit to us and listen and learn.

On this day
2006  My cousin Sandy lost her husband and this day was the funeral.  She married when she was 16 and they lived in a small house in Roseville and raised 4 kids, those kids married and gave her a bunch of grand children and then great grandchildren.  She is only a year or so older than I but I see her as a highly successful woman, that is still living in the little house she has lived in since the 70's.  Her whole world is her family.  She had part time jobs here and there but for the most part was happy at home waiting for Bill to get home from work and later hanging on every word from her kids and grandchildren.  She is one of the most content people I know.  I'd like to say she was a church goer but she isn't.  The simple life seems to be the way to go.  She says she believes in God and I think He believes in her and looks out for her.

1514 - Copernicus made his first observations of Saturn. Amazing!

Jibla became the capital of the dynasty. Featured is the Queen Arwa Mosque.

Al-Qahyra (Cairo) Castle's Garden in Taiz, the capital of Yemen during the Rasulid's era
Ruins of Thula fortress in 'Amran, where al-Mutahhar ibn Yahya barricaded himself against Ottoman attacks
Thought we could look at some of the buildings and terrain today.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Shelly

Thursday, April 25, 2019

April 25, 2019 Thursday #Friends#Friends#notfriends

Get Faith
John chapter 15  "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends."   The study writer here says "God in Christ has laid down his life for us to bring us to himself.  Now we are not longer strangers, but friends."    Jesus choose you to be His friend, to be with Him in this life and eternity.  Now that is a good friend.

On this day
2005  It was my friend Gerry's 60th birthday.  We had our Grace Circle meeting, a group of women that have been meeting on the 4th Monday of the week for 20+ years.  I stopped and got balloons and someone else brought a birthday cake.  It is something you do for your friends.  You celebrate life events and enjoy each others company.  We are all over 70 now and still celebrating.  Pick good friends.

1684 - A patent was granted for the thimble. I wonder how many people know what that is anymore.

The first Zaidi imam, Yahya ibn al-Husayn, arrived in Yemen in 893 CE. He was the founder of the Zaidi imamate in 897. He was a religious cleric and judge who was invited to come to Saada from Medina to arbitrate tribal disputes.[104] Imam Yahya persuaded local tribesmen to follow his teachings. The sect slowly spread across the highlands, as the tribes of Hashid and Bakil, later known as "the twin wings of the imamate," accepted his authority.[105]
Yahya established his influence in Saada and Najran. He also tried to capture Sana'a from the Yufirids in 901 CE, but failed miserably. In 904, the Qarmatians invaded Sana'a. The Yufirid emir As'ad ibn Ibrahim retreated to Al-Jawf, and between 904 and 913, Sana'a was conquered no less than 20 times by Qarmatians and Yufirids.[106] As'ad ibn Ibrahim regained Sana'a in 915. Yemen was in turmoil as Sana'a became a battlefield for the three dynasties, as well as independent tribes.
The Yufirid emir Abdullah ibn Qahtan attacked and burned Zabid in 989, severely weakening the Ziyadid dynasty.[107] The Ziyadid monarchs lost effective power after 989, or even earlier than that. Meanwhile, a succession of slaves held power in Zabid and continued to govern in the name of their masters, eventually establishing their own dynasty around 1022 or 1050 according to different sources.[108] Although they were recognized by the Abbasid Caliphate in Baghdad, they ruled no more than Zabid and four districts to its north.[109] The rise of the Ismaili Shia Sulayhid dynasty in the Yemeni highlands reduced their history to a series of intrigues.  Read your Bible about what it says about Ishmael and it might give insight to this history, not that it is much different that anywhere else in the world.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sue!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April 24, 2019 Wednesday #Believe#Remembrance#Religiouswarsandcruelty?

Get Faith
Luke chapter 24  "Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?"  We would all like to think that if Jesus was walking with us and talking to us we would recognize Him, but these were his disciples that just days before saw Him die on the cross.  They obviously could not wrap their minds around the fact that He had risen from the dead.  Can you?  Do you know that the Christ who is resurrected in glory is the same one who was put to death in shame?   Trust in the Lord, he died for our sins and we are saved by his death.

On this day
2004  It was a Saturday and I had a lot of housework and catching up to do because I worked.  Mom was 82 at the time so I suppose her cousin Helmut must have been close to 90.  They were the only two left of their generation.  They both came over from Germany but their lives had been very different.  Now they had the similarity of getting old and a lot of old memories.  He had spoken German in his home with his wife Johanna who he had cared for after she had a stroke and was wheelchair bound for years.  She had recently passed and he was lost without her.  So on this day he came over and they sat next to each other on the couch and held hands and talked - all afternoon.  A light of life and pleasure came over their faces as they talked and laughed and cried.  They are both gone now but it is nice to remember a day when they sat and talked about their lives and loves.

1547 - Charles V's troops defeated the Protestant League of Schmalkalden at the battle of Muhlburg.  Another religious battle - what is wrong with us?  Love thy brother.

Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Ziyad founded the Ziyadid dynasty in Tihama around 818 CE. The state stretched from Haly (in present-day Saudi Arabia) to Aden. They nominally recognized the Abbasid Caliphate, but were in fact ruling independently from their capital in Zabid.[101] The history of this dynasty is obscure. They never exercised control over the highlands and Hadramawt, and did not control more than a coastal strip of the Yemen (Tihama) bordering the Red Sea.[102] A Himyarite clan called the Yufirids established their rule over the highlands from Saada to Taiz, while Hadramawt was an Ibadi stronghold and rejected all allegiance to the Abbasids in Baghdad.[101] By virtue of its location, the Ziyadid dynasty of Zabid developed a special relationship with Abyssinia. The chief of the Dahlak islands exported slaves, as well as amber and leopard hides, to the then ruler of Yemen.[103]
Note that they exported slaves - probably from sects that did not believe what they believed or worship the same.  History shows us that not much has changed.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sandy, Brian, Dan and Skip!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

April 23, 2019 Tuesday #Heisrisen#goodhumdrum#warring.

Get Faith
John Chapter 20  "Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?  Who are you looking for?"   We weep when our loved ones die, we sink into depression because they are no longer with us.  Mary was suffering the loss of her Lord Jesus Christ.  She knew He died but as yet, till this point did not know that he had risen from the dead.  At what point in your life did you realize that he rose from the dead?  You do know that right?

On this day
2002  Most of our days are humdrum, boring, same ole same ole.  This was one of those days except for Nicole was taking the Meaps tests and the boss was crabby at my work.  Thank God for those days that don't come baring bad news or sorrow, cause depression or make you ill.  Boring days means you are a little laid back with some expectation of something better coming - and it usually does.  Enjoy the days that are quiet, take time to consider how privileged you are to be enjoying the things in your life that you have set up for yourself. 

1521 - The Comuneros were crushed by royalist troops in Spain. I know you were wondering about that!

Yemen was stable during the Rashidun Caliphate. Yemeni tribes played a pivotal role in the Islamic expansion of Egypt, Iraq, Persia, the LevantAnatoliaNorth AfricaSicily, and Andalusia.[95][96][97] Yemeni tribes who settled in Syria, contributed significantly to the solidification of Umayyad rule, especially during the reign of Marwan I. Powerful Yemenite tribes such as Kindah were on his side during the Battle of Marj Rahit.[98][99]
Several emirates led by people of Yemeni descent were established in North Africa and Andalusia. Effective control over entire Yemen was not achieved by the Umayyad Caliphate. ImamAbdullah ibn Yahya Al-Kindi was elected in 745 CE to lead the Ibāḍī movement in Hadramawt and Oman. He expelled the Umayyad governor from Sana'a and captured Mecca and Medina in 746.[100] Al-Kindi, known by his nickname "Talib al-Haqq" (seeker of truth), established the first Ibadi state in the history of Islam, but was killed in Taif around 749.[100]   
What's your opinion?  Is this a more warring country than the USA history or does it seem 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Michelle and Megan

Saturday, April 20, 2019

April 20, 2019 Saturday#Thegrave#movieoverdose#Islamhistory

Get Faith
John 19   "And so, because it was the Jewish day of Preparation, and the tomb was nearby, they lad Jesus there."  They were still under the law here, abiding by the Jewish customs that God had set before them.  Our Savior was dead and out of  convenience, Joseph of Arimathea let them use his brand new tomb that was close to preserve the body of our Lord.  God does not need a tomb but the body of the earthly son was left to maybe give them some peace for the time being.   It gave them that loved Jesus, closure, I am sure.  But as we know now it was totally unnecessary.   As humans we need earthly things to get through our earthly lives.  Pray today and remember His suffering and death.

On this day
2001  I never remember going to the show twice in one day - I mean, leaving the show and going back again.  Well I did this day.  Nicole and I went to the show early in the day and saw the Emporers New Groove.  We went  home and later in the day picked up Laura and went back to the show and saw Girl Interrupted.   If the show had been closer I might have dropped them off but they never seemed to mind that I was hanging around - and they were 16.  A month from now Nicole had her license and car and wouldn't need me. Oh, except to pay.  lol.

1139 - The Second Lateran Council opened in Rome. The early church setting rules.


Advent of Islam and the three dynasties[edit]

The interior of the Great Mosque of Sana'a, the oldest mosque in Yemen
Muhammed sent his cousin Ali to Sana'a and its surroundings around 630 CE. At the time, Yemen was the most advanced region in Arabia.[93] The Banu Hamdan confederation was among the first to accept Islam. Muhammed sent Muadh ibn Jabal, as well to Al-Janad, in present-day Taiz, and dispatched letters to various tribal leaders. The reason behind this was the division among the tribes and the absence of a strong central authority in Yemen during the days of the prophet.[94]
Major tribes, including Himyar, sent delegations to Medina during the "year of delegations" around 630–631 CE. Several Yemenis accepted Islam before the year 630, such as Ammar ibn YasirAl-Ala'a Al-HadramiMiqdad ibn AswadAbu Musa Ashaari, and Sharhabeel ibn Hasana. A man named 'Abhala ibn Ka'ab Al-Ansi expelled the remaining Persians and claimed he was a prophet of Rahman. He was assassinated by a Yemeni of Persian origin called Fayruz al-Daylami. Christians, who were mainly staying in Najran along with Jews, agreed to pay jizyah (Arabicجِـزْيَـة‎), although some Jews converted to Islam, such as Wahb ibn Munabbih and Ka'ab al-Ahbar.   Interesting and familiar.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Greg Dan and Karen!!!

Friday, April 19, 2019

April 20, 2019 Good Friday#SederforPassover#Oklahoma#Yemenatwar

Get Faith
John chapter 19  "And carrying the cross by himself, he went out to what is called the Place of a Skull, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha."  After being beaten within an inch of his life, he still had life to carry the cross for us to a location that He knew would cause him more excruciating pain and finally death.  Imagine how sorrowful and alone He must have felt on top of the terrible pain.  The lamb of God suffered and died for us.  The last sacrifice to save you from your sin, and by his blood we are healed.  Thank God today for the forgiveness you have received through our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

On this day
2000  After work I went over to church to help Sharon Hassig with a Seder dinner.  Seder dinners were meant for families on Passover, but we decided to do a seder dinner for the church and there were 100 people.  If you have attended a seder - it is labor intensive, with many courses and specific servings and wines to go with each one.  The table was cleared between courses.  It was a good thing to do once but to my knowledge we never did it again.  So this was a Wednesday and the dinner was served on Maunday Thursday, the next night. 

2000 - The Oklahoma City National Memorial was dedicated on the fifth anniversary of the bombing in Oklahoma that killed 168 people.  In the face of 911 we have maybe forgotten this tragedy. Or maybe we have just had so many since.

Since 2011, Yemen has been in a state of political crisis starting with street protests against poverty, unemployment, corruption, and president Saleh's plan to amend Yemen's constitution and eliminate the presidential term limit, in effect making him president for life.[26] President Saleh stepped down and the powers of the presidency were transferred to Vice President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, who was formally elected president on 21 February 2012 in a one-man election. The total absence of central government during this transitional process engendered the escalation of the several clashes on-going in the country, like the armed conflict between the Houthi rebels of Ansar Allah militia and the al-Islah forces, as well as the al-Qaeda insurgency. In September 2014, the Houthis took over Sana'a with the help of the ousted president Saleh,[27][28][29] later declaring themselves in control of the country after a coup d'état; Saleh was shot dead by a sniper in Sana'a in December 2017.[30] This resulted in a new civil war and a Saudi Arabian-led military intervention aimed at restoring Hadi's government.[31] At least 56,000 civilians and combatants have been killed in armed violence in Yemen since January 2016.[32]
We will always have war in this world as long as we look at our differences and not our common interests.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sherry, Robin and Kayla!!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

April 18, 2019 Maunday Thursday #Serve#Busyandlucky#Gretskyfinalgame#Poorestcountry

Get Faith
John chapter 13  "(Jesus got up from the table, took off his outer robe, and tied a towel around himself.  Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him."  We do this tonight at church, just hand washing - the person ahead of you washes your hands and then you turn and wash the person behind you hands.  It is a meaningful enactment of what Christ did on this day before the Crucifixion.  He came to serve us, not to be our king, but one of us - as a servant to others.  He asks that we do the same for others - serve.  Remember Him on this day in communion and service.

On this day
1999  It was a Sunday and Sunday's were always busy around here.  I was teaching Sunday School and Nicole seldom missed her Sunday School class in the youth room with Bruce.  He was the best youth director a church could ask for.  I was the Director of the board of youth at this time and had to go back later in the day for a Board of Youth meeting.  Then back home to make dinner for Nicole and I, she was almost 14 and we were living alone at this time, but we seldom were alone.  Jamie came over for dinner and probably hung around for awhile because I had to go back to church for Council meeting.  I never had to worry about Nicole and her friends.  Jamie lived in the next block and they spent a lot of time together.  He is currently married and has 4 children.  Maybe I should have worried.

1999 - Wayne Gretzky (New York Rangers) played his final game in the NHL. He retired as the NHL's all-time leading scorer and holder of 61 individual records. This  explains it - Nicole and Jamie loved hockey they were probably watching the game.

Yemen is a developing country[14] and the poorest country in the Middle East.[15] Under the rule of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen was described by critics as a kleptocracy.[16][17] According to the 2009 International Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency International, Yemen ranked 164 out of 182 countries surveyed.[18] In the absence of strong state institutions, elite politics in Yemen constituted a de facto form of collaborative governance, where competing tribal, regional, religious, and political interests agreed to hold themselves in check through tacit acceptance of the balance it produced.[19] The informal political settlement was held together by a power-sharing deal among three men: President Saleh, who controlled the state; major general Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, who controlled the largest share of the Republic of Yemen Armed Forces; and Abdullah ibn Husayn al-Ahmar, figurehead of the Islamist al-Islah party and Saudi Arabia's chosen broker of transnational patronage payments to various political players,[20] including tribal sheikhs.[21][22][23][24] The Saudi payments have been intended to facilitate the tribes' autonomy from the Yemeni government and to give the Saudi government a mechanism with which to weigh in on Yemen's political decision-making.[25]
Sounds like a country in turmoil - I guess the Muslims take care of their own?

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

April 17, 2019 Wednesday #Hediedforus#community#Ourworld

Get Faith
John chapter 13  "It is the one to whom I give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish."  This is Jesus speaking of Judas, the one who betrayed him.  It also says "After he received the piece of bread, Satan entered into him."  Before we all point fingers at Judas, the High Priests or Pontius Pilate let us remember that the reason God sent His son to die for us was for the forgiveness of OUR sin - yours and mine.  If we had not been sinners this wouldn't have happened, but we are and so the pieces of this story had to all fall in place.  It goes back to Jesus telling us "let they who have no sin cast the first stone."  Repent and be saved.

On this day
1998  Nicole and Craig were the best of friends and interchangeable with our families.  I took him places with us and on this day Nicole went to a Vipers game with them.  Remember the Vipers?  It is great to have a community raising children together.  A community that you know everyone and they have basically the same values and child raising ideas that you have.  We were blessed to share those years with great families like the Mathes, the Vandenbooms, the Nieto's and more.  It wasn't even like babysitting someone else kids because they were over so often it was more like family.  Community with church and school is imperative to raising safe, happy kids.

1524 - New York Harbor was discovered by Giovanni Verrazano.   What was he actually looking for?


Location of Yemen (red) To see where Yemen is in the world.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April 16, 2019 Tuesday#Understand#Childshare#Normans#Whosincharge?

Get Faith
John chapter 12 and Isaiah chapter 49  "And so they could not believe, because Isaiah also said, "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, so that they might not look with their eyes, and understand with their heart and turn - and I would heal them."  If you read the Bible and don't understand you must ask and study to have the scripture open up to you.  The Bible has great meaning from Genesis to Revelation but you have to have an open heart and listen to the word.  Jesus on this last week was over whelmed with sadness at those who had heard him speak and did not understand.  His life is shed for us, those of us who believe and hear Him, who see and listen.  He wants you to know our Fathers story to us, Jesus's lessons to us and what they mean for our salvation.  Read the Word - over and over until it sets in with you, so that you can be saved.

On this day
1990  It was the day after Easter and I had to work at Quality.  They had a new computer that I learned to do the billing on.  I'm sure it was better than the billing machine I used prior to this one.  Chris was on vacation in Florida and I don't recall who else was working there at the time.  I was eager to get home because Aaron was also with us all this week for spring break.  His mom Kathy, worked full time so I had Aaron anytime he was off school - Nicole loved it!

1065 - The Norman Robert Guiscard took Bari. Five centuries of Byzantine rule in southern Italy ended.Those darn Normans

Yemen was the home of the Sabaeans,[8][9][10] a trading state that flourished for over a thousand years and also included parts of modern-day Ethiopia and Eritrea. In 275 CE, the region came under the rule of the later Jewish-influenced Himyarite Kingdom.[11] Christianity arrived in the fourth century. Islam spread quickly in the seventh century and Yemenite troops were crucial in the expansion of the early Islamic conquests.[12]Administration of Yemen has long been notoriously difficult.[13] Several dynasties emerged from the ninth to 16th centuries, the Rasulid dynastybeing the strongest and most prosperous. The country was divided between the Ottoman and British empires in the early twentieth century. The Zaydi Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen was established after World War I in North Yemen before the creation of the Yemen Arab Republic in 1962. South Yemen remained a British protectorate known as the Aden Protectorate until 1967 when it became an independent state and later, a Marxist-Leninist state. The two Yemeni states united to form the modern republic of Yemen in 1990.
wow!!  this was a much divided and conquered state!!!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Ron, Rebecca, Ann and Charna!