Wednesday, April 3, 2019

April 3, 2019 Wednesday #Sharedfaith#Taxes#MLK#Mysticalcity

Get Fit
Isaiah chapter 49  "For the Lord has comforted his people, and will have compassion on his suffering ones."  Those of us fortunate to live in the faith feel His comfort and compassion.  It is like a warm blanket when you are cold and your grandmothers lap when you are ill.  He shares that love to us to go out and share it with those who need it.  He puts words in our mouths to share the confidence we have in our lives and resurrection.  The Lord does comfort me when I need Him and gives me the strength to move ahead and share that comfort with you.

On this day
1968  I had my taxes done at H & R Block on this day.  I have had a lot of different companies do my taxes and I have done them myself many years, but I came back to H & R Block a number of years ago and that is who did them this year.  When you think of it, it is pretty important who you trust with this, especially if you have a lot to worry about.  I don't, but, it is still important so that you don't get that letter saying you are being audited.  There is only one year that I didn't handle my own taxes and I did have trouble later on because of it.  Stick with H & R Block is my advise.

1968 - Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "mountaintop" speech just 24 hours before he was assassinated.   And, more importantly, this happened.

Dharma Yemen
In past times, the people of Dhamar were famous for bringing up horses; the city was an early center of horse-breeding in Arabia. The town is still famous in Yemen for its numerous historical mosques and schools, which are distinguished by their beautiful characteristic architecture in harmony with the colors of its volcano land.
The city of Dhamar, in the center of the Dhamar basin, is of ancient origin. It was built by the legendary Himyarite King Dhamar Ali Yahbir II, renowned for restoring the great dam of Ma’rib. Dhamar is the only town in northern Yemen, which is not surrounded by a wall or natural defensive formations; it is just a settlement on the plains. Centrally situated with good connections to the nearby governorates, the town has prospered as a Wednesday market and meeting place for tribes living nearby.
It is home to the University of Dhamar the largest university in the country.
Rosicrucians associate Dhamar with the mystical city of Damcar -- a city in Arabia described in the Fama Fraternitatis, inhabited by scholars and alchemists who studied the lost secrets of Hermes Trismegistus and Solomon, visited by Christian Rosenkreuz.  
That brings up some interesting study material!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Chris J and Ken S!

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