Saturday, April 20, 2019

April 20, 2019 Saturday#Thegrave#movieoverdose#Islamhistory

Get Faith
John 19   "And so, because it was the Jewish day of Preparation, and the tomb was nearby, they lad Jesus there."  They were still under the law here, abiding by the Jewish customs that God had set before them.  Our Savior was dead and out of  convenience, Joseph of Arimathea let them use his brand new tomb that was close to preserve the body of our Lord.  God does not need a tomb but the body of the earthly son was left to maybe give them some peace for the time being.   It gave them that loved Jesus, closure, I am sure.  But as we know now it was totally unnecessary.   As humans we need earthly things to get through our earthly lives.  Pray today and remember His suffering and death.

On this day
2001  I never remember going to the show twice in one day - I mean, leaving the show and going back again.  Well I did this day.  Nicole and I went to the show early in the day and saw the Emporers New Groove.  We went  home and later in the day picked up Laura and went back to the show and saw Girl Interrupted.   If the show had been closer I might have dropped them off but they never seemed to mind that I was hanging around - and they were 16.  A month from now Nicole had her license and car and wouldn't need me. Oh, except to pay.  lol.

1139 - The Second Lateran Council opened in Rome. The early church setting rules.


Advent of Islam and the three dynasties[edit]

The interior of the Great Mosque of Sana'a, the oldest mosque in Yemen
Muhammed sent his cousin Ali to Sana'a and its surroundings around 630 CE. At the time, Yemen was the most advanced region in Arabia.[93] The Banu Hamdan confederation was among the first to accept Islam. Muhammed sent Muadh ibn Jabal, as well to Al-Janad, in present-day Taiz, and dispatched letters to various tribal leaders. The reason behind this was the division among the tribes and the absence of a strong central authority in Yemen during the days of the prophet.[94]
Major tribes, including Himyar, sent delegations to Medina during the "year of delegations" around 630–631 CE. Several Yemenis accepted Islam before the year 630, such as Ammar ibn YasirAl-Ala'a Al-HadramiMiqdad ibn AswadAbu Musa Ashaari, and Sharhabeel ibn Hasana. A man named 'Abhala ibn Ka'ab Al-Ansi expelled the remaining Persians and claimed he was a prophet of Rahman. He was assassinated by a Yemeni of Persian origin called Fayruz al-Daylami. Christians, who were mainly staying in Najran along with Jews, agreed to pay jizyah (Arabicجِـزْيَـة‎), although some Jews converted to Islam, such as Wahb ibn Munabbih and Ka'ab al-Ahbar.   Interesting and familiar.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Greg Dan and Karen!!!

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