Saturday, April 6, 2019

April 6, 2019 Saturday #Proof#Saved#Veterans#politics

Get Faith
John chapter 7  "Has not the scripture said that the Messiah is descended from David and comes from Bethlehem, the village where David lived?"  It occurs to me that Jesus did not go around pointing out how he fit the bill perfectly did he?  He didn't go around saying "look I did this, and this etc." like a check list to prove himself.  The pieces fell into place but it makes me wonder - how much proof do you need that he is the Messiah?

On this day
1983  Two years later, on a Sunday and my journal says "hung over, breakfast and back to bed, I read all day".  This was not random, it was a pattern.  We laugh about it now, because we made it out of that pattern.  We (most of us) did not hurt ourselves or others, or do jail time.  Our health shows little signs of the days, if we quit, which most of us did.  I was saved by the birth of my daughter at which time I stopped smoking and binge drinking.  I always worked and kept my home up but now I had someone to work for and knew, I, couldn't carry on the lifestyle and hope to raise a child that didn't mirror my behavior.  I think God had a hand in that and I thank Him.

1983 - The U.S. Veteran's Administration announced it would give free medical care for conditions traceable to radiation exposure to more than 220,000 veterans who participated in nuclear tests from 1945 to 1962.   The bill must be huge for all the veteran's damaged by war and still happening.  At least we care now.

Yemen is a developing country[14] and the poorest country in the Middle East.[15] Under the rule of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen was described by critics as a kleptocracy.[16][17] According to the 2009 International Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency International, Yemen ranked 164 out of 182 countries surveyed.[18] In the absence of strong state institutions, elite politics in Yemen constituted a de facto form of collaborative governance, where competing tribal, regional, religious, and political interests agreed to hold themselves in check through tacit acceptance of the balance it produced.[19] The informal political settlement was held together by a power-sharing deal among three men: President Saleh, who controlled the state; major general Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, who controlled the largest share of the Republic of Yemen Armed Forces; and Abdullah ibn Husayn al-Ahmar, figurehead of the Islamist al-Islah party and Saudi Arabia's chosen broker of transnational patronage payments to various political players,[20] including tribal sheikhs.[21][22][23][24] The Saudi payments have been intended to facilitate the tribes' autonomy from the Yemeni government and to give the Saudi government a mechanism with which to weigh in on Yemen's political decision-making
This is  a true political statement at its best.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Dave, Jennifer and CHad

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