Tuesday, April 23, 2019

April 23, 2019 Tuesday #Heisrisen#goodhumdrum#warring.

Get Faith
John Chapter 20  "Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?  Who are you looking for?"   We weep when our loved ones die, we sink into depression because they are no longer with us.  Mary was suffering the loss of her Lord Jesus Christ.  She knew He died but as yet, till this point did not know that he had risen from the dead.  At what point in your life did you realize that he rose from the dead?  You do know that right?

On this day
2002  Most of our days are humdrum, boring, same ole same ole.  This was one of those days except for Nicole was taking the Meaps tests and the boss was crabby at my work.  Thank God for those days that don't come baring bad news or sorrow, cause depression or make you ill.  Boring days means you are a little laid back with some expectation of something better coming - and it usually does.  Enjoy the days that are quiet, take time to consider how privileged you are to be enjoying the things in your life that you have set up for yourself. 

1521 - The Comuneros were crushed by royalist troops in Spain. I know you were wondering about that!

Yemen was stable during the Rashidun Caliphate. Yemeni tribes played a pivotal role in the Islamic expansion of Egypt, Iraq, Persia, the LevantAnatoliaNorth AfricaSicily, and Andalusia.[95][96][97] Yemeni tribes who settled in Syria, contributed significantly to the solidification of Umayyad rule, especially during the reign of Marwan I. Powerful Yemenite tribes such as Kindah were on his side during the Battle of Marj Rahit.[98][99]
Several emirates led by people of Yemeni descent were established in North Africa and Andalusia. Effective control over entire Yemen was not achieved by the Umayyad Caliphate. ImamAbdullah ibn Yahya Al-Kindi was elected in 745 CE to lead the Ibāḍī movement in Hadramawt and Oman. He expelled the Umayyad governor from Sana'a and captured Mecca and Medina in 746.[100] Al-Kindi, known by his nickname "Talib al-Haqq" (seeker of truth), established the first Ibadi state in the history of Islam, but was killed in Taif around 749.[100]   
What's your opinion?  Is this a more warring country than the USA history or does it seem 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Michelle and Megan

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