Saturday, April 27, 2019

April 27, 2019 Saturday #BeaChristian#Neighbors#BeaChristian

Get Faith
Mark chapter 16  "And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.  The one who believes and is baptized will be saved; but the one who does not believe will be condemned."  What more can you ask than forgiveness and eternal life?  I do not know what your plans are for your next life - or this life for that matter.  We have a God that requires that you spend time and worship Him, after all- once a week to spend with the Almighty Creator to thank Him and praise Him isn't a lot to ask.  Then that he has given His only Son to die for your sins so that you can spend eternity with Him - now that is a good deal.  I plead with you to consider this life for yourself.

On this day
2007  Just a normal Friday - I worked, Nicole was at Albion, her last year there, actually her last week.  She called me to say she had found a costume for the sorority party on Saturday night.  She was going as Hugh Hefner.  After work I picked up Mom, Al and her sister Elsie and went to a church for dinner, but they weren't having one - so we went to Pat O'Brien's instead.  They were Catholic and I think Elsie still didn't eat meat on Friday - but Al?  she said she was too old for that rule, and I found out that is right.  I personally like to eat fish on Friday.

1521 - Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan was killed by natives in the Philippines. I imagine that is a drawback to being an explorer.


Al Qaeda[edit]

In January 2009, the Saudi Arabian and Yemeni al-Qaeda branches merged to form Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which is based in Yemen, and many of its members were Saudi nationals who had been released from Guantanamo Bay.[237] Saleh released 176 al-Qaeda suspects on condition of good behaviour, but terrorist activities continued.
The Yemeni army launched a fresh offensive against the Shia insurgents in 2009, assisted by Saudi forces. Tens of thousands of people were displaced by the fighting. A new ceasefire was agreed upon in February 2010. However, by the end of the year, Yemen claimed that 3,000 soldiers had been killed in renewed fighting. The Shia rebels accused Saudi Arabia of providing support to salafi groups to suppress Zaidism in Yemen.[238]
Some news reports have suggested that, on orders from U.S. President Barack Obama, U.S. warplanes fired cruise missiles at what officials in Washington claimed were Al Qaeda training camps in the provinces of Sana'a and Abyan on 17 December 2009.[239] Instead of hitting Al-Qaeda operatives, it hit a village, killing 55 civilians.[240] Officials in Yemen said that the attacks claimed the lives of more than 60 civilians, 28 of them children. Another airstrike was carried out on 24 December.[241]
So I am glad I only look at this country on line, so much safer -  I wouldn't advise a trip there.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Taylor!

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