Tuesday, April 2, 2019

April 2, 2019 Tuesday #Saved#Staystrong#Patterns#Perspective!

Get Faith
John chapter 5  "Later Jesus found him in the  temple and said to him, "See, you have been made well!  Do not sin any more, so that nothing worse happens to you."".   Jesus had found this man by a pool with many other invalids and he had been ill for 38 years.  At first I thought maybe he had abused his health, because I don't believe people are sick because they were bad, but if they abused themselves - in alcohol or something along that line, they may have brought on their own sickness.  But then after reading the line again I think He means that his sins were forgiven and he is saved from death and the devil which would be a much worse fate.  What do you think?

Get Fit
How is your back?  I have double scoliosis  and arthritis in my lower back so mine is not so good.  I have managed to keep it under control between the chiropractor and exercising.  The back muscles must be kept strong to keep the spine strong.  I have done a lot of sit ups and Pilates which are great for strengthening the abs and core to specifically keep the back healthy.  Sometimes it flares up but mainly because I have fallen off the exercise regimen.  Take care of yourself.

On this day
2018  History does repeat itself.  Last year today was the day after Easter.  I had been sick for a week with a head cold that turned out to be a sinus infection.  I went to the doctor and got a Z pack to get rid of it.  This year I'm trying to cure it myself, I have the same thing going on.  If you kept a journal I wonder if you would find the same patterns in your life/health.  I'm OCD, I know.

1865 - Confederate President Davis and most of his Cabinet fled the Confederate capital of Richmond, VAIn putting history into perspective, this happened 100 years before I graduated high school.  I thought it was longer before that - man am I old!!

Dharma Yemen
The city of Dhamar is the capital of the governorate and is situated on the main road, which connects Sana’a with a number of other governorates. This city was one of the famous Arabic and Islamic culture and scientific centers in Yemen. Its Great Mosque was built in the period of the caliph Abi-Bakr Al-Sadeek.
As Dhamar city had a great role in the politic and trading life in Yemen. It had a very important historical role in Yemen before the Islamic age. The antique Yemeni engravings mentioned Dhamar city as being a very famous center of the Islamic studies and sciences, and many of the great scientists are attributed to this historical town.  Keeping in perspective, this city was first named just before Christ's time - and the Muslim religion was not yet founded.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Clair and Carol!!

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