Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April 24, 2019 Wednesday #Believe#Remembrance#Religiouswarsandcruelty?

Get Faith
Luke chapter 24  "Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?"  We would all like to think that if Jesus was walking with us and talking to us we would recognize Him, but these were his disciples that just days before saw Him die on the cross.  They obviously could not wrap their minds around the fact that He had risen from the dead.  Can you?  Do you know that the Christ who is resurrected in glory is the same one who was put to death in shame?   Trust in the Lord, he died for our sins and we are saved by his death.

On this day
2004  It was a Saturday and I had a lot of housework and catching up to do because I worked.  Mom was 82 at the time so I suppose her cousin Helmut must have been close to 90.  They were the only two left of their generation.  They both came over from Germany but their lives had been very different.  Now they had the similarity of getting old and a lot of old memories.  He had spoken German in his home with his wife Johanna who he had cared for after she had a stroke and was wheelchair bound for years.  She had recently passed and he was lost without her.  So on this day he came over and they sat next to each other on the couch and held hands and talked - all afternoon.  A light of life and pleasure came over their faces as they talked and laughed and cried.  They are both gone now but it is nice to remember a day when they sat and talked about their lives and loves.

1547 - Charles V's troops defeated the Protestant League of Schmalkalden at the battle of Muhlburg.  Another religious battle - what is wrong with us?  Love thy brother.

Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Ziyad founded the Ziyadid dynasty in Tihama around 818 CE. The state stretched from Haly (in present-day Saudi Arabia) to Aden. They nominally recognized the Abbasid Caliphate, but were in fact ruling independently from their capital in Zabid.[101] The history of this dynasty is obscure. They never exercised control over the highlands and Hadramawt, and did not control more than a coastal strip of the Yemen (Tihama) bordering the Red Sea.[102] A Himyarite clan called the Yufirids established their rule over the highlands from Saada to Taiz, while Hadramawt was an Ibadi stronghold and rejected all allegiance to the Abbasids in Baghdad.[101] By virtue of its location, the Ziyadid dynasty of Zabid developed a special relationship with Abyssinia. The chief of the Dahlak islands exported slaves, as well as amber and leopard hides, to the then ruler of Yemen.[103]
Note that they exported slaves - probably from sects that did not believe what they believed or worship the same.  History shows us that not much has changed.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sandy, Brian, Dan and Skip!

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